P. 55

Mr.  Bern  Stafford  takes  a  hand  at  the  shovel  during  the  ground  break-  The  Kernersville  Lumber  Company  was  organized  in  1943  with  W.  A.
         ing  ceremony  for  the  Masonic  Temple.  He  gave  the  land  for  the  Temple.   Copeland  as  its  first  manager.  In  1948  John  W.  Lain  and  J.  S.  Hedgecock
                                                                                      took  over  operations.  In  1956  Mr.  Lain  became  sole  manager  and  later
                                                                                      purchased  all  company  stock.  The  busines~  has  grown  from  a  one  truck
                                                                                      delivery  operation  to  eight  and  from  three  employees  to  twenty.

              September  30,  1931,  a  meeting  was  held  for  the
         purpose  of instituting  a  local  lodge  of the  Ancient  Free
         and Accepted -~,1 asons  in  Kernersville.  The  officers  were
         appointed  by  the  Grand  Lodge  of  A.  F.  and  A.  M.  of
         North  Carolina,  and  Kernersville  Lodge  No.  669  was
         chartered January  22,  1932  with  approximately  70  char-
         ter  members.  Brother  James  J.  Griffith  was  Master.
              For 25  years  the  meetings  were  held  on  the  second
         floor  of  the  building  which  formerly  housed  Snow  Bro-
         thers  Mercantile  business  and  which  presently  adjoins                      Masonic  Lodge members  about  1950 taken  in  old  Junior Order Hall.
                                                                                                             Names  listed  on  page  96
         Charlie  Snow's  restaurant.
              In  September of  1957,  the  cornerstone  was  laid  for
         the  Masonic  Temple  on  South  Main  Street.  Brother
         Bern  C.  Stafford,  a  charter  member  of  the  local  lodge,
         gave  the  land  for  the  Temple.
              The  Kernersville  Lodge now has  approximately  one                      Kernersville's  first  photo  pro-
                                                                                      cessing  plant  started  operating
         hundred  and  forty  members.  The  present  Master  is                      in  1961,  located  on  Pineview
                                                                                      Drive,  and  moved  to  our  down-
         Brother  Fred  L.  Elliott.  The  Order of  the  Eastern  Star,              town  location  in  October,  1969.
                                                                                      Colorcraft  of  the  Piedmont,  Inc.
         along with the Order of the Rainbow for  Girls  also  hold                   services  approximately  a   sixty
                                                                                      mile  radius  of  its  home  base,
         their meetings at the Temple.                                                delivering  quality  photofinishing
                                                                                      and  photographic  merchandise.

                                                                                          Varco-Pruden,  Inc.  (Dean  Grant,  General  Manager)  came  about  as  the
                                                                                      result  of  a  merger  between  Varco-Carolina  plant  1967,  (town  office  opened
             Dillon  and  Hastings  Real  Estate,  Inc.  was  incorporated  in  1951  by   in  April,  1966)  and  Pruden  Products  (1968).  It  is  now  a  wholly  owned
         D.  E.  Dillon,  the  late  John  Hastings  and  Gilmer  Dillon.  Roger  Hastings   subsidiary  of  Dominion  Bridge  Ltd.  of  Lachine,  Montreal,  Canada.  Home
         joined  the  firm  in  1956.  The  company  also  provides  services  in  construc-  office  in  Pine  Bluff,  Arkansas  with  other  plants  in  Evansville,  Wisc.  and
         tion,  insulation,  insurance  and  other  subsidiaries.  Coy  Matthews  heads  con-  Turlock,  Calif.  Company  manufactures  custom  designed  metal  buildings
         struction;  Larry  Barrow,  insulation;  and  Johnnie  Duggins,  Office  Manager.   serving  entire  East coast.

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