P. 58

On  October  3,  1960  Letters  Temporary  was  issued
        authorizing  Kernersville  Chapter  No.  205,  The  Order  of
        the Eastern Star at Kernersville,  North  Carolina to  insti-
       tute  an  assembly  under  the  dispensation  of  the  Interna-
       tional  Order  of the  Rainbow  for  Girl,s.  The  Kernersville
       Assembly  was  instituted  on  Thursday  evening,  October
       27,  1960  by  the  Winston-Salem  Rainbow  Assembly  No.
       37  in  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina.  Immediately  fol-
       lowing  the  institution,  25  girls  were  initiated.  Sunday,
        October  30,  1960  in  the  Moravian  Church  Fellowship                        Order  of  the  Rainbow  for  Girls:  1st  row,  L  to  R:  Lynn  Jordan,  Sherry
                                                                                     Simmons,  Worthy  Advisor,  Myra  Simmons,  Vikki  Watson,  Mrs.  Eleene  Jar-
       Hall  the  officers  of  Kernersville  LT  were  installed  by                rel,  Mother  Advisor.  2nd  row,  L  to  R:  Lin  Nelson,  Kitty  Shields,  Ronda
                                                                                     Stephens,  Pam Pierce,  Susan  Brown.
       members  of  the  Greensboro  Assembly  No.  23.
             Barbara  Lynn  Berry  was  the  first  Worthy  Advisor
       and Mrs.  Betty Berry the first  Mother Advisor.  Miss  Sue
       Wohlford  is  the  present  Worthy  Advisor  and  will  hold
       this  office  through  May  1971.  The  following  girls  have
       represented  the  Kernersville  Assembly  as  Grand  Officers
       at  Grand  Assembly  held  each  year  in  June:  Barbara
       Lynn  Berry,  Donna  Jan  Willard,  Alice  Jane  Lingerfelt,
       and Lin Nelson. At Grand Assembly in Asheville, N.  C. in
       June  1970  the  Kernersville  Assembly  was  awarded  the
       Silver Cup as  the "Assembly of the Year". This represents
       the  most outstanding assembly of 49  assemblies  over the
       state  with  a  combined  membership  of  approximately
                                                                                              Youngblood  Truck,  located  on  Pineview  Street  in  Kerners-
       3500  girls.                                                                      ville  for  fourteen  years,  operates  as  regular  common  carrier  from  North
             Kernersville Assembly No.  52,  the Order of Rainbow                        Carolina,  South  Carolina  and  Georgia  to  points  in  the  middlewest.
                                                                                         Youngblood  offers  direct  regular  scheduled  service  on  L TL  and  TL
       for  Girls  is  an  affiliate  of  Kernersville  Chapter  No.  205,               shipments  to  Kentucky,  Ohio,  Indiana  and  Illinois  and  good  interline
                                                                                         service to all  points in  western  states.
       Order  of  the  Eastern  Star  and  Kernersville  Masonic
       Lodge  No.  669  AF  and  AM.

           Hutchins  Furniture  Company  opened  June  1,  1952  as  an  appliance
       and  T.V.  Store  with  1,250  square  feet  of  floor  space.  Carpet  and  furniture
       was  added  later  and  due  to  increase  in  business  we  have  expanded  three
       times.  Plans  have  been  made  to  expand  again,  making  our  floor  space
       10,000  square  feet.  Pictured  are:  Thomas  Bodenhamer,  Gary  Hutchins,  Marie
       Hutchins,  Margaret  Hutchins,  Garland  Hutchins,  and  Bess  Winfree.
                                                                                               The  Town  Shop  opened  in  May  1969.  It  is  owned  by  Dawn  Winfree,
                                                                                         and  is  located  at  134  West  Mountain  Street.  Pictured  are  Dawn  Winfree,
                                                                                         Wanda Champney,  Helen  Malone  and Linda Redman.

                  Vestal-Pontiac-Buick  was  purchased  bv  James  Williard  Vestal  October
              15,  1966.  Prior  to  this  time  he  was  a  used  car  dealer  for  twenty  years  in
              Asheboro,  N.  C.  The  Kernersville  dealership  had  been  held  formerly  by
              John  Hastings  and  Tom  Joyce  since  1946.   ·

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