P. 61

Aubrey L.  Morris,  Account-
                                                                                       ant,  located  at  101  B  South
                                                                                       Main  Street  in  Kernersville,
                                                                                       North  Carolina,  has  been  in
                                                                                       business  since  1953.

             Kernersville  Chamber  of  Commerce  "Where  Big  City  Conveniences
         come  in  a  Small  Town  Environment."

              In  1968,  Vann  H.  Johnson,  President  of  the  Ker-
         nersville  Merchant's  Association,  appointed  a  Steering
         Committee  to  investigate  the  possibility  of  forming  a
         Chamber  of  Commerce.  On  June  10,  1968,  at  a  mem-
         bership  meeting  of  the  Kernersville  Merchant's  Asso-
         ciation,  the  recommendation  of  the  Steering  Committee
         was  approved,  and  the  Kernersville  Chamber  of  Com-
         merce  had  its  inception,  replacing  the  Merchant's  As-
              On July  25,  1968,  in  the  Town  Hall  of  Kernersville,
         the  first  meeting  of  the  members  of  the  Chamber  of
         Commerce  was  held.  Vann  H.  Johnson  was  elected  the
         first  President.  September 4,  1968,  the  organization  was
                                                                                          S  &  R  Motor  Company,  Inc.  opened  for  business  July  1,  1934.  It  is
         officially  incorporated  under  the  laws  of  the  State  of               Kemersville's  and  Forsyth  County's  oldest  new  car  dealership  doing  business
                                                                                      in  the  same  location.  This  business  was  founded  by  Grady  P.  Swisher,
         Nortn  Carolina  and  became  known  as  the  Kernersville                   present  president  of  the  corporation,  and  by  the  late  J.  C.  Ragland  and  A.
                                                                                      Clay  Smith.  Na mes  listed  on  page  96
         Chamber  of  Commerce.  Mrs.  Irene  Mahood  is  Execu-
         tive  Secretary  and  Harmon  Linville  is  Executive  Di-
         rector.  In  the  first  year  of  its  operation  the  Chamber
         grew  from  an  original  membership  of  59  to  approxi-
         mately  115.  The  offices  are  in  a  building  previously
         occupied  by  the  Bank  of  Kernersville  located  on  the
         square. The Chamber of Commerce has already obtained
         a  license  bureau to  be located  in  Kernersville  and pub-
         lished  a  brochure  for  newcomers.
              Raymond  D.  Thomas  was  elected  President  for  the
        year  1970.  Under  his  administration,  a  Civic  Club
         Council  was  organized  to  encourage  better  relationship
        between  the  civic  organizations  in  the  community.  The
         Rev0r,...nd  Amis  Daniel  was  recently  elected  President                     Taylor  Insurance  Associated,  Inc.  is  a  general  insurance  agency.
                                                                                     Founded  and  built  by  the  late  T.  W.  Taylor  in  April  1945  and  is  parent
         for  1971.                                                                   company  of  Winston-Salem  branch.  Office  in  renovated  Linville  Building,
                                                                                      118  W est  Mountain  Street.  Staff  includes  Mrs.  Fay  W.  Long,  Bob  L.
                                                                                      T aylor  and  Clyde  C.  Gobble,  Tr.
            The  J.  G.  Smith  Barber  Shop,  formerly  known  as  the  Vereen  &  Smith
        Barber  Shop,  had  its  beginning  in  February,  1923  at  110  N.  Main  Street.
        In  September,  1923,  the  business  was  moved  to  105  W.  Mountain  Street   The  A  &  S  Tool  and  Die  Co.,  Inc.  was  organized  in  Winston-Salem
        where  it  remained  until  July,  1925  when  it  moved  to  its  present  location  at   in  1959,  moving  to  Kernersville  in  1964.  Company  manufactures  dies,
        111  N.  Main  Street.  It  is  one  of  the  oldest  businesses  in  Kernersville  under   special  machinery,  and  parts  for  the  textile  industry.  A.  C.  Auman,  Presi-
        the  original  management.                                                    dent  and Mrs.  A.  C.  Auman,  Secretary.

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