P. 64


                                                                                                       UC- ATING

                                                                                              Vanhoy  Plumbing  and  Heating  Company  owned  and  operated
                                                                                          by  H.  Eugene  Vanhoy.  Located  at  302  Bodenhamer  Street.

         Kernersville  Volunteer  Fire  Department,  organized  1923.  Ned  Stuart,
     Fire  Chief,  Wade  Parrish,  Assistant.  Jesse  Bowers,  Bern  Stafford,  Wilson
     Ballard,  D.  Phipps,  Herb  Staffoi-d,  Warner  Jesse,  Arthur  Ballard,  Johnny
     Nelson,  Clyde  Lewis,  Sam  F.  Vance,  Sr.,  Vern  Harrison,  June  Woollen,
     Ned  Stuart,  Geoi-ge  Perry,  Charlie  Dillon,  Bryant  Ballard,  Wade  Parrish,

                                                                                         Tri-City  Pharmacy
                                                                                       has  been  in  business
                                                                                       for  about  15  years  but
                FIRES  AND  THE  FIRE  DEPARTMENT                                      was  sold  to  Homer
                                                                                       and  Claudine  Pulliam
                                                                                       August  1,  1970.  We
                                                                                       have  made  many  new
         Through  the  years  terrible  and  costly  fires  struck  the  town          friends  in  our  short
                                                                                       stav   in  Kernersville
     of  Kernersville  many  times.  Everyone  in  town  went  to  the  fires,         and  we  invite  you  to
     but  there  was  no  fire  fighting  equipment  and  only  volunteers  to         come  in  and  get  ac-
     form  an  ineffective  bucket  brigade  till  the  wells  went  dry.  Over
     and  over  helpless  factory  and  home  owners  watched  all  they  had
     go  up  in  flames  although  the  original  fire  had  been  small  and
     could  have  been  contained  quickly  with  enough  water.  Notable
    fires  over  the  years  were:  the  J.  W.  Meredith  home  fire  around
     1905,  the  public  school  house  on  West  Mountain  Street  in  1906,
    the  Woolen  Mill  in  1909,  Kerner  Brothers  Factory  (formerly
     Beard  &  Roberts  Factory)  in  1910,  Mr.  Israel  Kerner's  home  and
    store  in  1912,  the  L.  F.  Davis  home  (also  used  ~s  a  hotel)  in
     1918,  the  J.  R.  Stuart  Hardware  Store  (in  the  Davis  building)  in
                                                                                         The  Men's  Shop,  on
    1919  and  on  the  same  night  the  store  building  on  the  adjacent           the  corner  of  North
                                                                                       Main  Street  and
    corner  of  North  Main  and  Armfield  Street  burned  also,  the  Arch           Church   Lane,   was
    Stockton  barn  fire  when  Mr.  Stockton's  little  daughter,  Elizabeth          established  in  194 7
                                                                                       and  is the oldest men's
     burned  to  death.                                                                shop  in  Kernersville.
                                                                                       It  is  owned  by  Mr.
         At  one  period  the  town  did  purchase  some  hand  fire  equip-           David  C.  Brown  who
     ment  which  was  kept  in  a  small  building  where  Dr.  ·walker's             has  been  with  the
                                                                                       store  since  its  begin-
     office  now  stands.  Unfortunately,  this  equipment  did  not  serve            ning.
     for  very  long  as  it  was  accidently  ignited  and  burned  up  (ask
     any  of  the  old  timers  for  details).  As  a  result  of  these  and  other
    disastrous  fires  and  at  the  urging  of  concerned  citizens,  Ned  R.
     Stuart  organized  the  Kernersville  Volunteer  Fire  Department  in
     November,  1923  with  10  charter  members.  The  town  purchased
     the  first  fire  truck,  a  1923  La  France,  for  $6,500.  The  truck  was
     housed  in  Ned  Stuart's  garage  until  the  white  frame  building  on
    East  Mountain  Street  was  completed  in  1928.
         Meetings of the Volunteer Fire Department were held month-
    ly.  These  included  training  new  firemen  and  practicing  with  the
    truck  around  town.  The  fire  siren  was  located  atop  the  town
    water  tank.  Upkeep  of  the  truck  was  delegated  to  Ned  Stuart,
    Fire  Chief  and  Wade  Parrish,  Assistant  Fire  Chief  and  driver.
    The  firemen  bought  their  own  fire  fighting  apparel  and  gave  un-
    stintingly  of  their  time  in  protecting  the  town  and  surrounding

                                                                                        The  Shoe  Center  was  purchased  in  November,  1952  by  Gilbert  Swaim,
                                                                                    who  has  enlarged  his  facilities  twice,  once  in  1954  and  again  in  1968,  to
                                                                                    provide  better  service  for  his  customers.  The  Shoe  Center's  owners  and
                                                                                    employees  are happy to be  a  part of Kernersville.

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