P. 65

Grinnell  Industrial  Piping  Company,  Inc.  P.  0.  Box  566,  Kernersville,
          North  Carolina.

                                                                                                     Ned  Stuart  and  Wade  Parrish  getting  citation  for  40  years  service
                                                                                                     with  Volunteer Fire Department.
                                                         Seth  is  a  native  of
                                                       the  Kernersville  area.
                                                       Since   his   discharge
                                                       from  service  in  1946,
                                                       he  has  been  a  plumb-
                                                       er.  H e  now  owns  and               After  the  Volunteer  Fire  Department  was  organized  fhes
                                                       operates  the  Seth  Lin-          causing  major  damage  in  Kernersville  were  largely  eliminated.
                                                       ville  Plumbing  Com-
                                                       pany.  He  resides  at             However,  two  fires  in  the  20's  are  still  remembered.  In  1924
                                                       116  Oakland  Avenue
                                                       with  his  wife,  Rena,            W.  S.  Linville's  barn  burned  with  the  loss  of  a  number  of  head
                                                       and  his  son,  Eddie.             of  livestock.  Of  course  the  most  significant  fire  of  all  was  the
                                                                                          famous  New Year's  Eve fire  of  1925 when the  Kernersville  Graded
                                                                                          and  High  School  on  East  Mountain  Street  burned  to  the  ground.
                                                                                              In  1948  a  second  fire  truck  was  purchased  by  the  town.  In
                                                                                         1957  the  town  fathers  requested  a  special  committee  to  make  a
                                                                                         study  of  fire  department  needs.  At  this  time  a  new  fire  truck,
                                                                                         including  two-way  communications  equipment,  was  purchased
                                                                                         for  approximately  $25,000.  Plans  were  laid  for  paid  personnel  to
                                                                                         be  on  duty  at  all  times.
                                                                                              In  1963  Mr.  Stuart  and  Mr.  Parrish  were  recognized  for  40
                                                                                         years  service.  Ollie  Clark  became  Fire  Chief.  By  this  time  fire-
                                                       . . Kernersville  A u t  o        men  were  paid  for  each  call  they  answered.
                                                       Parts  was  established                Today the  town  has  a  full  time  Fire Chief,  W.  P.  Porter,  and
                                                       in  1961  by  its  owner,
                                                       Raymond  E.  Huggins.             two  full  time  firemen,  D.  W.  Whicker  and  T.  S.  Peddycord,  em-
                                                       Complete  lines  of  au-
                                                       tomotive   parts   and            ployed  by  the  town.  The  department  lists  18  volunteer  firemen.
                                                       accessories  are  stocked         The  present  fire  station  is  a  two  story  block  structure  behind
                                                       - retail  and  wholesale.
                                                                                         Town  Hall,  housing  the  two  fire  trucks  and  various  other  town

                                                                                                  Kernersville  Fire  Department  1971.  Robert  Dean,  Marion
                                                                                              Martin,  Pete  Simmons,  Wayne  Porter,  Dennis  Whicker,  David
                                                                                              Linville,  Don  Berrier,  Frank  Clark,  Jackie  Berrier.   ·

                                                                      I   'I

             The  Manuel  Sheet  Metal  Works,  located  at  400  Bodenhamer  Street,
         was  started  in  August  1950.  The  owners  are  William  A.  Manuel  and
         Fair  Wea vii.  Among  services  offered  are  furnace  installation  and  repairs
         and  also  general  sheet  metal  work.

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