P. 90

One  of  Kernersville's  sport-        Polly  Alice  Masten
                                                    ing  young  men  in  1930.             Korner  (Mrs.  J.  Gil-
                                                    George   Fontaine,   then   a          mer  Korner)  seated  at
                                                    member  of  the  Highway  Pa-          her  desk  in  her  bed-
                                                    trol,  later  a  Deputy  Sheriff       room  in  Korner's  Fol-
                                                    of  Forsyth  County from  1935-        ly  1908.

                                                                                              Amateur  and  professional  theatricals  were  enjoyed
                                                                                        over the years.  Mrs.  Jule  Komer organized the Juvenile
                                                                                        Lyceum  for  the  children  of  the  community  and  later
                                                                                        adults  performed  also.  Mr.  Jule  turned  t~e  top  floor  of
                                                                                        Korner's  Folly  into  a  theatre  in  1897.  Kernersville  is
                                                                                        proud  to  claim  this  as  the  first  Little  Theatre  group  in
                                                                                        the  United  States.  The  Komer's  daughter,  Mrs.  Lan
                                                                                        Donnell  recalled,  "The  idea  of  having  a  Little  Theatre
                                                                                        did  not  come  to  my  mother  full  blown.  It came  as  a
                                                                                        result  of  a  desire  to  give  hospitality  to  talent  and  a
                                                                                        chance  of  expression  in  a  small  Southen1  town.  .  .  How
                                                                                        my  mother  developed  the  pioneer  ideas  of  home  stage-
                                                                                        craft,  with original plays,  local  casts,  dancing,  orchestra-
                                                                                        tion,  home-painted  scenery  and  homemade  costumes,  I
                                                                                        do  not  know.  I  doubt if  she  herself  could  have  defined
             The  ladies  of  the  family  take   Mr.  Frank  Kerner,  age  91  is,  as  far  as
           on  a  dangerous  job.  Boyd  Staf-  can  be  learned,  the  oldest  living  Kerner   her urge toward such  things."
           ford  and  Lizzie  Lowery  are  hiv-  bearing  the  name.  He  represents  the
           ing  bees.                          fourth  generation  from  Joseoh  Kerner.     The  famous  lyceum  and  Chatauqua  groups  came
                                               His  father  wa  Richard  P.  Kerner,  his
                                               grandfather  was  John  Frederick  Kerner   to  Kernersville  on  several  occasions  and  would  stay  for
                                               and  his  great-grandfather  was  Joseph.
                                               This  picture  was  made  in  1900.
                                                                                        three  or  four  days,  giving  performances  in  a  tent  or  in
                                                                                        the  schoolhouse.  Over  the  years  womanless  weddings
                                                                                        and  numerous  other  dramatic  performances  took  place
                                                                                        also.  It is  recalled  that  during  a  memorable  production
                                                                                        of East  Lynne at least one member of the  audience  had
                                                                                        to  be  led  from  the  auditorium  in  hysterics.  The  villain
                                                                                        had  proved  too  much  for  her!

               This  house  on  South  Main  Street  was  built  in  the  1880.'s  by  Elias
           Kerner  Huff,  who  was  named  for  Dr.  Elias  Kerner.  Mr.  Huff  worked  for
           the  Reubin  Rink  Decorating  Company  doing  decorative  work.  Much  of
           the  house  has  the  same  decor  as  Korner's  Folly.  Shown  beside  the  house
           is  the  band  office.  Mr.  Huff  organized  the  first  band  in  Kernersville.  Mrs.
           Cary  Ragland,  a  daughter  83  years  of  agl',  was  born  in  this  house  and
           resides  there  now.  A  son,  Mr.  Charlie  Huff,  86  years  of  age  lives  on
           Salisbury  Street.
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