P. 91

Jessie  Kerner,  herself  talented,  helped  organize
                                                            musicales  and  dramatic  productions  in  the  com-
                                                            munity.  Picture  made in  1900.

           Tilla  Harmon  taught  music  at  home  for  many                                                    Anne  Greenfield  organized  and  directed  the  com-
         years.  Her  whole  life  was  given  to  educating  chil-                                           munity  glee  club  in  the  early  part  of  the  century
         dren  musically  and  children  the  town  over  got  their                                          and  used  her  musical  talents  for  the  community  in
         start  in  music  appreciation  from  her.  She  gave                                                many  ways  over  the  years  as  music  teacher  and
         three  lessons  a  week  to  each  child  and  these  prob-                                          choir  director.
         ably  never  cost  more  than  25c  per  lesson.  She  was
         pianist  and  organist  at  the  Moravian  church  and
         got  up  the  special  Christmas  and  Easter  entertain-

               Musical talent  also  abounded  in Kernersville.  In the
         early  1900's  a  community  glee  club,  made  up  of  the
         young  people,  was  directed  by  Miss  Anne  Greenfield.
         Home  talent  groups  were  led  by  Miss  Tilla  Harmon,
         Miss  Jessie  Kerner  and others.  In more  recent years  the
         Kernersville  High  Sc~ool  and  later,  East  Forsyth  High
         School  glee  clubs  and  other  musical  groups,  under  the                        Kathleen   Korner,   1891-
                                                                                            1970:  teacher,  librarian, news
         inspired  direction  of  Mrs.  Maxine  Blackwell,  have  re-                       reporter,  religious  leader.
         ceived  local,  state  and  even  international  acclaim.
              Another  much  beloved  singing  group  today  are  the
         Kernersville  Christmas  carollers.  This  group  had its  be-
         ginnings  many  years  ago  in  the  Negro  community  and
         their  early  Christmas  morning  singing  has  become  an
         anticipated  tradition.  Many  citizens  throughout  Ker-
         nersville are awakened each  December 25th to the sound
         of carols sung in a way that brings with it a special sense                  Kernersville  Christmas  Carollers  1971.  Names  listed  on  page  96
         of  blessing  and  joy.
              Instrumental  music  was  important  in  the  village.
         One  of  the  best  loved  and  remembered  musical  groups
         was  Mr.  Elias  Huff's  band.  Mr.  Huff  was  a  craftsman
         of  many  skills  whose  handiwork  may  be  seen  today  in
         his  home  on  South  Main  Street  and  in  Korner's  Folly.
         As  a  gifted musician he organized  two bands at different
         periods of his life.  These bands not only furnished music
         in  the  community  on  many  occasions,  but  also  made
         tours  to  Hillsboro,  Burlington,  Oak  Ridge  and  other
         towns in this part of the state.  The first band also played
         for  the  Sunrise  Service  at  the  Kernersville  Moravian
         Church  before  the  church  band  was  organized.

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