Page 19 - Demo
P. 19
For me I was in first year
I matched with this really cool girl/guy on tinder, and our first date was watching his/her favorite sci fi movie, Armageddon
I love this movie and all the space scenes
And I said, well actually,
it’s extremely inaccurate because there’s no
way that an asteroid of that mass would have anywhere near enough gravitational force to keep anything static, let alone their wildly exaggerated rovers. That was our last date.
Welcome to the program where friends ask us to hang out and we say, “We have work to do!”
Whenever we are asked ‘bout a time we overcame stress we will say
“I took E.S.P.!”
Whenever we hear Give It Up we will stand up and go “Shoulder Shoulder hip hip ass turn clap”
Profs will always ask are these concepts clear, And we’ll say “No!”
who we’re always meant to be
Data driven minds, nerds that cannot spell
When talking about science you begin to irritate
You’ll always have a hard time tryna get a second date
I’m working on an assignment due in two minutes, deriving a last minute equation, my friend says,
When you wear your Eng jacket you will look like a tool
Dude use wolfram alpha No man I really wanna derive by hand-
Force and mass and pascal,
And the right hand rule
Use wolfram alpha man!
I wanna solve this double integral BY HAND!!
And that’s when I realized
This is who I am, an Engineer, I am an Engineer.
I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer!
We are nerds, taking a nerdy program, studying nerdy things
And we watch ourselves become,
Barely passed first year, but still an Engineer! I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer!
Nerds, enrolled in a
nerdy program, watching ourselves becoming Bigger nerds, bigger nerds, bigger nerds!
I was 2 years graduated, and maid of honour at my sister’s wedding, in charge of the sewating plan.
I wanted it to be perfect for her so I made a weighted decision matrix to optimize the arrangement.
But Stacy hates Kim, Jeff wants to be near the bar and grandpa needs to be near the bathrooms.
By the time I entered
all the constraints and parameters I had the perfect seating plan. I just wasn’t in it.
I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer.
I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer!
Barely passed first year, but still an Engineer! I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer!
I’m an Engineer, I am an Engineer.
I’m an Engineer!
Engineering is, Not just our degree
But a way of growing into
A little bit annoying and we fucking love excel! The problem sets and purple dye and stress will fade away
It becomes more than a program and shitty GPA It’s the skills and thought to change the world every single day
So we stand tall and proud when we say,
I’m an Engineer!