Page 152 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 152

Dual Carburetor Plumbing Kits                     Dual Carb Adapters
           Kits simplify the plumbing of dual, sideways       Made from cast or billet aluminum,
          mount carburetor applications and provide a       adapters mount dual carburetors on top of
          professional appearance. Pre-formed fuel lines    a 671-1071 superchargers.
          are constructed from 3/8" seamless, polished stainless steel tub-  Part No.   Description
          ing and include top quality -6AN fittings. Designed for sideways   BDSCA-9024  671-871 Cast Dual 4150 Carb Adapter, Satin
          mount carburetors typically installed on a tunnel ram manifold.  BDSCA-9025  671-871 Billet 4150 Dual Carb, Polished
                                                              BDSCA-9026  671-871 Cast Dual 4500 Dominator, Satin
             Part No.         Description
            BDSPL-9712  Dual Holley Double Pumper Carbs, Sideway  BDSCA-9027  671-871 Billet Dual 4500 Dominator, Polished
            BDSPL-9713    Dual Demon Carbs, Sideway         Upper Blower Pulleys
            BDSPL-9714  Dual Holley Dominator Carbs, Sideway
                                                              Pulleys are CNC-machined from aluminum alloy. Two styles are
          Blower Kits                                       available a 1/2” pitch and 8mm drives. Polished finish.
                                                               Part No.
           BDS blower kits use the high-                      BDSBP-6334  34T x 3.50” Diameter, 1/2” Pitch
          est quality components to provide                   BDSBP-6845  45T x 3.50” Dia. 8mm HTD
          outstanding performance and a                       BDSBP-6848  48T x 3.50” Dia. 8mm HTD
          long, trouble-free service life. Fully              BDSBP-6856  56T x 3.50” Dia. 8mm HTD
          polished kits listed below include                  BDSBP-6860  60T x 3.50” Dia. 8mm HTD
          all of the required components to                 Steel Crank Hubs/V-Groove Accessory Pulleys
          complete a blower installation. Includes carb adapter, Stage 1 671
          or 871 blower, blower manifold, 1/2" pitch drive kit with neces-  Mount on the crank snout for blower and accessory driven
          sary pulleys and a single V-groove accessory pulley, drive belt,   pulleys. Made from premium steel alloy. Includes degree tape.
          gaskets and all hardware.                         Optional crank hub timing degree ring available.
                                                               Part No.        Description
             Part No.         Description
           BDSBK-3021   SB Chevy 265-350 671 Blower Kit      Steel Crank Hub
           BDSBK-3051     BB Chevy 454 871 Blower Kit        BDSCH-3001  SB Chevy 265-350, Steel Crank Hub
          Blower Gaskets                                     BDSCH-3005   BB Chevy 427, Steel Crank Hub
                                                             BDSCH-3006   BB Chevy 454, Steel Crank Hub
             Part No.          Description                   BDSCH-3199   Crank Hub Timing Degree Ring
           BDSGK-9305  Blower Inlet Safety Screen Gasket, 671 And 871  V-Groove Accessory Pulleys
           BDSGK-9316  Universal Blower Base Gasket, 871 Thru 1271  BDSVP-3512  SB Chevy, Aluminum Single V-Groove Pulley
                                                             BDSVP-3513  BB Chevy, Aluminum Single V-Groove Pulley
          Blower Intake Manifolds
           Cast with high solid sides for added             Blower Oil Level Sight Gauge BDSBA-9616
          strength and rigidity. Tent floor has                Allows checking visual oil level within the blower
          improved airflow and accepts up to                 unit. Requires drilling into the blower housing.
          a 1071 supercharger with a set-back               Blower Belts
          plate. Requires offset distributor for
          1071 and larger blowers. Includes a                   Part No.      Description
          back-fire valve, 180 degree thermostat,             BDSBB-15208M75  8mm HTD, 190T, 59.84” x 3”
          water neck and intake to head gaskets              BDSBB-16008M75  8mm HTD, 200T, 62.99” x 3”
                                                                          8mm HTD, 212T, 66.71” x 3”
             Part No.          Description                   BDSBB-540H300  1/2” Pitch, 54” x 3”
           BDSBM3006P        SB Chevy, Polished              BDSBB-570H300  1/2” Pitch, 57” x 3”
           BDSBM3026P        BB Chevy, Polished              BDSBB-585H300  1/2” Pitch, 117T, 57” x 3”
           BDSBM3027S         BB Chevy, Satin                BDSBB-600H300  1/2” Pitch, 120T, 57” x 3”
           BDSBM3027T      BB Chevy, Tall Deck, Satin
           BDSBM3027TP    BB Chevy, Tall Deck, Polished     SFI Burst Panel Kit BDSMA-9110
                                                              Bursts under pressure from an explo-
          Blower Drive Kits                                 sion, preventing damage to the intake
           BDS blower drive kits include upper              manifold, blower rotors or housing. For
          and lower 1/2” pitch polished blower              all competition superchargers. SFI 23-1
          pulleys, 3” wide blower belt, 3” polished         rated.
          idler pulley, idler mounting assembly,
          polished snout assembly, gear coupler,            Vinyl Scoop Cover BDSSC-9009
          steel crank hub, accessory v-groove                 Protects against debris from entering
          pulley(s), drive spacers and hardware.
                                                            the scoop of your BDS Supercharger.
             Part No.     Description
           BDSDK-3121  SB Chevy, w/3” x 1/2” Drive          Elastic bound black vinyl cover with
           BDSDK-3151  BB Chevy, w/3” x 1/2” Drive          white BDS logo.

                                                                       Part No.   Application  Rod Length Wrist Pin Dia.
                                                                      BME302300 SB Chevy-Large Journal  6.000"  .927"
          Aluminum Connecting Rods                                    BME396250   BB Chevy    6.385"   .990"
           Provides up to a 15% improvement in tensile and yield      BME396400   BB Chevy    6.535"   .990"
          strength over 7075-T6 aluminum rods. The entire line of     BME396565   BB Chevy    6.700"   .990"
          BME rods is available in this aerospace quality alloy.      BME396665   BB Chevy    6.800"   .990"

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