Page 170 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 170

CP Pistons
           CP Pistons manufactures a complete line of top quality, high performance forged pistons. Recognized as an industry leader in the
          fi eld, CP Pistons include many features that are typically optional from competitor’s units, including contact reduction grooves, accumu-
          lator grooves, double pin oilers, X-forging construction, radius domes, and a unique cam and barrel design.

          Small Block Chevy 18° Dome Top Pistons            Small Block Chevy 13° Dome Top Pistons
           Forged, dome top pistons are fully CNC-            High compression forged pistons, designed
          machined and accept 1.5mm compression             for use with 13° cylinder heads, are fully
          and 3.0mm oil rings. Gas porting improves         CNC-machined and accept 1.5mm compres-
          combustion sealing. Sold in balanced sets of      sion and 3.0mm oil rings. Gas porting im-
          eight, complete with .927" x 2.750" chrome        proves combustion sealing. Sold in balanced
          moly wrist pins, wire locks and oil rail supports.  sets of eight, complete with .927" x 2.750"
                                          Comp.  Dish/  Cubic  chrome moly wrist pins and wire locks.
               Part No.   Bore  Stroke  Rod  Height  Dome  Inch                               Comp.  Dish/  Cubic
              CPPS2151-8  4.130" 3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  +2.5cc  415  Part No.  Bore  Stroke  Rod  Height  Dome  Inch
              CPPS2153-8  4.145" 3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  +2.5cc  418  CPPS2411-8  4.130"  3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  -2.2cc  415
              CPPS2154-8  4.155" 3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  +2.5cc  420  CPPS2412-8  4.135"  3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  -2.2cc  416
              CPPS2155-8  4.165" 3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  +2.5cc  422
                                                                CPPS2414-8  4.145"  3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  -2.2cc  418
                                                                CPPS2415-8  4.155"  3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  -2.2cc  420
          Small Block Chevy 13° Flat Top Pistons                CPPS2416-8  4.165"  3.875"  6.000"  1.062"  -2.2cc  422
           Fully CNC-machined, forged fl at top pistons          CPPS2421-8  4.130"  3.800"  6.000"  1.100"  -2.2cc  407
          are gas ported for improved combustion                CPPS2422-8  4.135"  3.800"  6.000"  1.100"  -2.2cc  408
          sealing. Pistons accept .043" compression             CPPS2424-8  4.145"  3.800"  6.000"  1.100"  -2.2cc  410
          and 3.0mm oil rings. Sold in balanced sets of         CPPS2425-8  4.155"  3.800"  6.000"  1.100"  -2.2cc  412
          eight, complete with .927" x 2.750" chrome
          moly wrist pins and wire locks.
                                            Comp.  Dish/  Cubic
               Part No.    Bore  Stroke  Rod  Height  Dome  Inch
              CPPS2401-8  4.130"  4.000"  6.000"  1.000"  -8.8cc  429
              CPPS2402-8  4.135"  4.000"  6.000"  1.000"  -8.8cc  430
              CPPS2405-8  4.165"  4.000"  6.000"  1.000"  -8.8cc  436

                                                            Multi US 7002 7-Amp Battery Charger
                                                              Recognized as the smallest
          MUS 4.3 Test And Charge CTE56-959                 12-volt battery charger in the
           The ultimate in bat-                             world, the CTEK Multi US 7002
          tery charging, testing and                        is recommended by Optima for
                                                            their Yellow Top battery. Unit
          maintenance, the MUS 4.3                          uses a thorough 7-step main-
          includes the ability to not                       tenance and charging process.
          only charge and maintain                          Special, “recon” mode reconditions a drained battery after deep
          batteries, but test them along                    discharging, allowing the battery to recover better and last longer.
          with alternators as well.                         Compatible with most lead-acid batteries including fl ooded,
          Advanced, microprocessor                          maintenance-free, gel and AGM. Covered by a 5-year warranty, it
          controlled charger is easy to use and includes three modes to test   includes lead and color-coded clamps.
          battery voltage, start power and alternator performance. Covered
          by a 5-year warranty.
                                                            Comfort Indicator
          Super Small “Smart” Charger For 16V                 The Comfort Indicator simplifi es battery
          CTE56-830                                         charging by indicating when battery status
                                                            decreases or when the battery needs to be
           Compact “Smart” Charger                          charged. Easy-to-use unit helps prolong
          offers settings for 12 and 16                     battery life and prevent harmful stratifi ca-
          volt wet or AGM batteries. Char-                  tion. Comfort Indicators are offered in three   CTE56-380
          ger is spark proof, short proof                   versions; eyelet, clamp-on and panel styles.
          and reverse polarity protected.                   Panel mount version is ideal for race cars,
          Unit uses a seven step charging                   trailers, RV’s, etc.
          curve. May be connected for                          Part No.               Description
          months at a time, plug it in and forget it.         CTE56-380       Comfort Indicator Panel, Permanent Mount
                                                              CTE56-382  Comfort Indicator Eyelet, Small Batteries Including Cycles, Etc.
                                                              CTE56-384        Comfort Indicator Clamp-On, Multi-Use

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