Page 201 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 201

GM LS Series                                       Engine Break-In Oil
                 Retro-Fit Trunion Kit                               Lubricant provides engine protection during
                 COM13702-KIT                                       break-in. ZDDP (zinc and phosphorous), molybde-
                  Specialized kit converts                          num and detergent additives protect and improve
                 stock LS series rocker arms                        surface mating of rotating assembly, piston rings,
                                                                    camshaft, lifters, rocker arms, etc. One quart
                 into a captured roller trun-                       bottles are available individually or in cases of 12.
                 ion, increasing stability and
                                                                                                            1 Case
                                                                                                  1 Qt.
                 stiffness, while making it suitable for racing applications. Sold   Description  Bottle  (12) 1 Qt. Bottles
                 complete with trunions, needle roller bearings and retaining rings.
                                                                            Engine Break-In Oil  COM1590  COM1590-12
                                                                       Muscle Car And Street Rod Oil, 10W-30  COM1594  COM1594-12
                 Ford Hydraulic Roller Retro-Fit Kit                   Muscle Car And Street Rod Oil, 15W-50  COM1595  COM1595-12
                 COM31-1000                                         Engine Break-In Oil Additive
                  Designed for 302, 351W, 351C,                      Provides additives previously not in off-the-shelf motor
                 351M or 400 Ford engines that                      oils. Compatible with petroleum, blended or synthetic
                 originally used a flat tappet                       motor oils. Protects during engine break-in and against
                 camshaft, kit includes all of the                  premature camshaft, lifter and valvetrain failure.
                 components necessary to install                                              1 Case
                 a hydraulic roller camshaft. Sold                                   12 Oz.  (12) 12 Oz.
                 complete with all hardware and                         Description  Bottle   Bottles
                 complete instructions.                              Engine Break-In Additive  COM159  COM159-12
                 Note: A small base circle retro-fit camshaft is required for non-roller
                 engine blocks. Kit must be used with COM851-16 or COM877-16 lifters.  Pro Cam Lube
                                                                     Top quality, protects cam and lifters during
                 GM LS Engine Plug Kit                              break-in.
                 COM251                                              Part No.       Description
                  Kit includes all of the hard-to-                   COM103    Pro Cam Lube, 5/8 oz. Package
                 find plugs to seal the water and oil                 COM152     Pro Cam Lube, 4 oz. Bottle
                                                                                Pro Cam Lube, 8 oz. Bottle
                 galleries of a GM LS series engine.
                 Plugs are manufactured from brass or galvanized steel to resist   Engine Assembly Lube
                 corrosion and provide an extended life.
                                                                     Lubricant uses high viscosity, extreme pressure
                 Engine Finishing Kits                              additives not found in conventional oils to protect
                  Each kit features many of the                     engine during assembly and initial start-up.
                 hard-to-find smaller components                     4 or 8 oz. jar.                Ground
                 required during engine assembly                     Part No.  Engine Assembly Lube, 4 Oz. Jar  Shipment
                 including woodruff keys, cam bolts                  COM104  Engine Assembly Lube, 8 Oz. Jar  Only
                 and dowel pins.
                   Part No.     Description
                   COM233     SB Chevy 265-400
                   COM234     BB Chevy 396-454                      Fender Cover COMC603
                   COM235     SB Ford 289-351W                       Protect the car’s finish while per-
                   COM241  SB Chrysler 273-360, 1964-05             forming underhood maintenance
                                                                    or repairs. Heavy duty, padded
                 Pro Head CC Kit                                    vinyl fender cover has a non-
                  Kit includes all of the necessary com-            skid backing to prevent slipping.
                 ponents to determine the CC volume of              Emblazoned with the Comp Cams
                 cylinder head combustion chambers, intake          logo, cover is resistant to grease,
                 or exhaust runners, intake manifolds               oils and solvents.
                 or cylinders. Kit includes 100cc x .2cc
                 glass buret, stand and clamp assembly, flat         Door Slammers:
                 plexiglass plate and instructions.
                                                                    The Chassis Book
                  Part No.       Description
                  COM4974       Pro Head CC Kit    COM4974          COM158
                  COM4991  Replacement 100cc x .2cc Glass Buret      A virtual bible of chassis build-
                                                                    ing and tuning, book includes
                 Vacuum Canister                                    a wealth of information and
                  Spun aluminum canister continuously stores        knowledge. Written by reknowned
                 vacuum and is ideal for street-driven vehicles     chassis expert Dave Morgan,
                 with big cams, power brakes and 14" or less        book features hundreds of technical drawings and photos to
                 vacuum. Available in polished zinc and black       explain the many technical aspects of door car drag racing.
                 powder coated finishes.
                  Part No.       Description
                  COM5200  Vacuum Canister, Black Powder Coated
                  COM5201  Vacuum Canister, Zinc Plated, Polished

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