Page 209 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 209

Valve Spring Seat Cups And Locators                Valve Spring Height Micrometers
                  Comp Cams’ spring seat cups and                    Measure valve spring installed height easily
                 locators can withstand the ex treme                and quickly. Accurate instrument fits in place of
                 spring pressures and high RPM gener-               valve spring and can be expanded until the valve,
                 ated by modern race engines. Hardened              spring, locks and retainer are firmly seated.
                 alloy seats protect the head and shim.              Part No.         Description
                 They also locate and hold the spring in place. Sold in sets of 16.  COM4929  1.600"-2.200" Range Height Micrometer
                                                   Fits Spring  Fits Spring   COM4930  1.600"-2.200" Range Height Micrometer,
                   Part No.  Description  Thk.  ID  OD  OD   ID                     For Beehive Springs
                  COM4690-16  Spring Locator  .120"  .780" 1.253"  N/A  .878"
                 COM4693-16 1  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.300"  N/A  .800"  Valve Spring Seat, Cup
                 COM4694-16 2  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.450"  N/A  1.000"
                  COM4695-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .520" 1.300"  N/A  .640"  Valve Guide Cutters And Arbors
                  COM4696-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.510"  —  .970"  Handy tools help engine builders machine
                  COM4700-16 Spring Seat Cup  .060"  .640" 1.680"  1.550"  —  cylinder heads for larger-than-stock valve springs
                  COM4702-16 Spring Seat Cup  .060"  .640" 1.740"  1.650"  —
                  COM4704-16 Spring Seat Cup  .060"  .640" 1.580"  1.475"  —  or PTFE valve seals. Arbor/pilots are available in
                  COM4705-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.300"  —  .875"  three sizes and must be used with each cutting
                  COM4708-16 Spring Seat Cup  .060"  .640" 1.780"  1.690"  —  tool. Arbor/pilots will also work with valve guide
                  COM4770-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .585" 1.500"  —  .690"  cutters used for shortening the valve guide when
                  COM4771-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .690"  installing a high lift cam.
                  COM4772-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .750"
                  COM4773-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .630" 1.550"  —  .750"  Part No.  Description  Cuts Guide
                  COM4774-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.625"  —  .765"  COM4715  Valve Guide Cutter  .500"
                  COM4776-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .790"  COM4718  1.440" Spring Seat Cutter  .630"
                  COM4777-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .630" 1.550"  —  .790"  COM4719  1.550" Spring Seat Cutter  .630"
                  COM4778-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .730"  COM4720  1.580" Spring Cup Cutter  .630"
                  COM4780-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .630" 1.550"  —  .730"  COM4722  1.680" Spring Cup Cutter  .630"
                  COM4781-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .715"  COM4724  1.740" Spring Cup Cutter  .630"
                  COM4782-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .630" 1.550"  —  .715"  COM4725  .485" Valve Guide Cutter  .485"
                  COM4783-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .630" 1.550"  —  .690"  COM4726  .530" Valve Guide Cutter  .530"
                  COM4784-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  —  .735"  COM4729  Rocker Stud Boss Cutter  N/A
                  COM4785-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.550"  N/A  .810"  COM4730  5/16" Arbor/Pilot  N/A
                  COM4786-16  Spring Locator  .060"  .570" 1.635"  —  .870"  COM4732  11/32" Arbor/Pilot  N/A
                 1: Designed for COM26981 beehive springs.          COM4733  1.440" Spring Seat Cutter  .560"
                                                                                3/8" Arbor/Pilot
                 2: Designed for COM26986 or COM26995 beehive springs.
                 Valve Spring Shims                                 BB Chevy Valve Seat Spacer Kit
                  Comp Cams spring shims are man u-
                 fac tured from the highest quality shim            COM4779-8
                 stock and are heat treated to withstand the punish-  Kit is designed to eliminate  rotat-
                 ment from modern race engines. Shims must be used   ing retainers located on the exhaust
                 to equal ize the installed height of the valve spring when setting.   valves of late model big block Chevys.
                 Sold in sets of 16.                                Eliminates the stacking of over .300" of
                                                                    shims under the valve spring. Spac-
                    Part No.  Thickness  OD        ID     Quantity
                  COM4736-16  .015"     1.250"    .814"     16      ers properly locate the spring in the seat and
                  COM4737-16  .015"     1.437"    .645"     16      prevent it from “walking”.
                  COM4738-16  .015"     1.480"    .765"     16
                  COM4739-16  .015"     1.500"    .645"     16
                  COM4740-16  .015"     1.640"    .635"     16
                  COM4742-16  .030"     1.250"    .814"     16
                  COM4743-16  .030"     1.437"    .645"     16
                  COM4744-16  .030"     1.480"    .765"     16      Valve Train Assembly Spray COM106
                  COM4745-16  .030"     1.500"    .645"     16
                  COM4746-16  .030"     1.640"    .635"     16       Lubricant clings to components to protect
                  COM4750-16  .060"     1.480"    .765"     16      valve springs, rocker arms and pushrods at
                  COM4751-16  .060"     1.500"    .645"     16      initial start-up.
                  COM4752-16  .060"     1.640"    .650"     16                                      Ground
                 Valve Spring Shim Variety Packs                                                     Only
                  Part No.    Thickness       OD        Quantity
                  COM4753   .015", .030", .060"  1.250"  16 Each Size
                  COM4754   .015", .030", .060"  1.437"  16 Each Size
                  COM4755   .015", .030", .060"  1.480"  16 Each Size
                  COM4756   .015", .030", .060"  1.640"  16 Each Size
                  COM4757   .015", .030", .060"  1.500"  16 Each Size

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