Page 30 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 30


          Primary Wire                                      Terminal Connectors
           Single conductor stranded copper wire with         Crimp style connectors work great when building custom wire
          polyvinyl insulation which remains flexible        harnesses or making repairs to existing wiring. Tin plated copper
          and is abrasion resistant. Stranded copper is     terminals are available in a variety of types and sizes.
          the wire of choice for many projects when
          building custom wire harnesses or adding

          20AWG                                               Non-insulated terminals are designed to be crimped but may
           Used for low voltage sensors, indicator lights,   also be soldered for a more secure complete connection. Often
          instrument panel or dash lighting.                used with separate heat shrink that is applied after connection is
                Color           50' Coil       100' Spool   made. Package of 20.
                 Red           ALL76500        ALL76510         Non-Insulated Terminals  22-18  16-14  12-10
                 Black         ALL76501        ALL76511      Butt Connectors       ALL76000  ALL76010  ALL76020
                White          ALL76502        ALL76512       Ring Terminals  #6 Hole  ALL76001  ALL76011  ALL76021
                Green          ALL76503        ALL76513
                Yellow         ALL76504        ALL76514                   #8 Hole  ALL76002  ALL76012  ALL76022
                Brown          ALL76505        ALL76515                   #10 Hole  ALL76003  ALL76013  ALL76023
                 Blue          ALL76506        ALL76516                   1/4" Hole  ALL76004  ALL76014  ALL76024
                                                                          5/16" Hole  ALL76005  ALL76015  ALL76025
          14AWG                                                           3/8" Hole  ALL76006  ALL76016  ALL76026
           Most popular when fabricating harnesses for general use   Blade Terminals  Male .250"  ALL76007  ALL76017  ALL76027
          including lighting of headlights, taillights and brake lights, ignition   Female .250"  ALL76008  ALL76018  ALL76028
          systems and interior accessories such as radios, interior fans and
          gauge panels.
                Color          20' Coil        100' Spool
                Red            ALL76540        ALL76550
                Black          ALL76541        ALL76551       Vinyl-insulated terminals are the most popular crimp terminal
                White          ALL76542        ALL76552
                Green          ALL76543        ALL76553     used in a variety of applications. PVC insulated sleeve is securely
                Yellow         ALL76544        ALL76554     attached to terminal and has a flared end for easy installation.
                Brown          ALL76545        ALL76555     Package of 20.
                Blue           ALL76546        ALL76556         Vinyl Insulated Terminals  22-18  16-14  12-10
                                                             Butt Connectors       ALL76030  ALL76040  ALL76050
          12AWG                                               Ring Terminals  #6 Hole  ALL76031  ALL76041  ALL76051
           Wire can be used to supply power to ignition boxes, cooling
                                                                           #8 Hole
          fans, fuel pumps and other higher amperage accessories includ-  #10 Hole  ALL76032  ALL76042  ALL76052
          ing power to electric trailer brakes.                           1/4" Hole  ALL76034  ALL76044  ALL76054
                Color           12' Coil       100' Spool                 5/16" Hole  ALL76035  ALL76045  ALL76055
                 Red           ALL76560        ALL76565                   3/8" Hole  ALL76036  ALL76046  ALL76056
                Black          ALL76561        ALL76566       Blade Terminals  Male .250"  ALL76037  ALL76047  ALL76057
                White          ALL76562        ALL76567                  Female .250"  ALL76038  ALL76048  ALL76058
                 Blue          ALL76563        ALL76568
           Commonly used for higher amperage applications including
          alternator charging wire and supplying power to trailer for interior
          lighting or charging trailer batteries when utilizing tow vehicle   Heat shrink terminals protect connections from corrosion.
          charging system.                                  Terminals with attached shrink tube are adhesive lined to grip
                Color          10' Coil        75' Spool    wire insulation and conform to crimp when heated, sealing out
                 Red           ALL76570        ALL76575     moisture. Package of 10.
                Black          ALL76571        ALL76576         Heat Shrink Terminals  22-18  16-14   12-10
                White          ALL76572        ALL76577
                                                             Butt Connectors       ALL76060  ALL76070  ALL76080
          Heat Sleeve                   ALL34284              Ring Terminals  #6 Hole  ALL76061  ALL76071  ALL76081
                                                                          #8 Hole
           High temperature silicone coated fiber-                         #10 Hole  ALL76062  ALL76072  ALL76082
          glass sleeving is non-flammable and re-                          1/4" Hole  ALL76064  ALL76074  ALL76084
          sists temperatures up to 500°F. An excellent choice            5/16" Hole  ALL76065  ALL76075  ALL76085
          for protection of fuel lines, wiring, cables and various similar   3/8" Hole  ALL76066  ALL76076  ALL76086
          uses. Sleeving is resistant to gasoline and many other chemicals.   Blade Terminals  Male .250"  ALL76067  ALL76077  ALL76087
          Sold in 3ft. lengths. Size referenced is sleeve I.D. or O.D. of hose   Female .250"  ALL76068  ALL76078  ALL76088
          to be covered.
            Part No.  Description  Part No.  Description
            ALL34280  1/4" Red  ALL34290  1/4" Black
            ALL34282  1/2" Red  ALL34292  1/2" Black
            ALL34284  3/4" Red  ALL34294  3/4" Black
            ALL34285  7/8" Red  ALL34295  7/8" Black
            ALL34286  1" Red    ALL34296  1" Black

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