Page 436 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 436

Driving Suit Care                                 Helmet Care
          Refresher                                         Cleaner And Polish
           Spray-on Refresher keeps race suits clean and fresh.   Safe and easy to use, product sprays on and wipes
          Product eliminates odors on technical fabrics including   off, keeping helmets and visors clean and shiny.
          Nomex, CarbonX, FR Cotton and other fabrics.      Suitable for use on gloss, flat or matte finishes. Will
            4 Oz.    16 Oz.    1 Case      1 Case           not scratch surfaces.
            Bottle   Bottle  (12/4 Oz. Bottles)  (6/16 Oz. Bottles)  4 Oz.  1 Case
          MOLMLRE041 MOLMLRE161  MOLMLRE-4-12  MOLMLRE-16-6     Bottle   12/4 Oz. Bottles
                                                              MOLMLHCP41  MOLMLHCP-4-12
           Wash allows the cleaning of driving suits and related   Fabric Refresher
          undergarments in standard washing machines. Prod-   Spray-on Fabric Refresher keeps helmet
          uct removes contaminants and odor causing bacteria   liners clean and odor-free. Fresh scented,
          and allows cleaning technical fabrics including Nomex,   skin-friendly cosmetic grade product elimi-
          CarbonX and FR Cotton.                            nates odor causing bacteria.
             4 Oz.   16 Oz.    1 Case      1 Case               4 Oz.       1 Case
             Bottle  Bottle  (12/4 Oz. Bottles)  (6/16 Oz. Bottles)  Bottle  12/4 Oz. Bottles
                                                            Rain Repel
          Protector                                           Rain Repel sprays on helmet visors, goggles or
           Effective and easy-to-use, spray-on Protector helps   windshields, improving visibility in wet weather. Prod-
          repel grease, oils, fuels and other flammable stains   uct increases the surface tension of water, allowing it
          from driving suits. Formula bonds to Nomex, providing   to quickly shed from visors.
          protection and shielding UV rays, while maintaining   4 Oz.        1 Case
          breathability.                                        Bottle    12/4 Oz. Bottles
                                                              MOLMLHRR41  MOLMLHRR-4-12
                     1 Case
            16 Oz.  (6/16 Oz.   1 Gallon  1 Case
            Bottle   Bottles)  Container  (4/1 Gallon Containers)
          MOLMLPR161 MOLMLPR-16-6 MOLMLPR011  MOLMLPR-1G-4
          Spot Cleaner                                      Anti-Fog
                                                              Anti-Fog simply applies to the inside surface or vi-
          Designed for use in conjunction with Molecule Wash,   sors or goggles, preventing condensation and fogging,
          Spot Cleaner penetrates deeply into technical fabrics   increasing visibility. May also be used on windshields
          including Nomex, suspending and dissolving embedded   and mirrors.
                                                                4 Oz.     1 Case
             4 Oz.   16 Oz.    1 Case     1 Case                Bottle  12/4 Oz. Bottles
            Bottle   Bottle  (12/4 Oz. Bottles) (6/16 Oz. Bottles)
                                                            Helmet Care Kit

          Wash Kit
           An economically-priced, bundled kit that includes
          both Molecule Wash and Spot Cleaner. Kit helps
          maximize cleaning efficiency.
             4 Oz.            1 Case    1 Case
             Kit    16 Oz. Kit  (6/4 Oz. Kits)  (3/16 Oz. Kits)
          MOLMLWK442 MOLMLWK162 MOLMLWK-44-6 MOLMLWK-1616-3
                                                              All-in-one, economically-priced kit includes Anti-Fog, Cleaner
                                                            And Polish, Fabric Freshener and Rain Repel.
          Complete Care Kit                                    4/4 Oz.  12/4/4 Oz. Bottles
                                                                           1 Case
           An all-in-one kit designed to                     MOLMLHCK44  MOLMLHCK-4-4
          clean, protect and refresh driving
          suits. Complete Care Kit includes
          16 oz. Refresher, 16 oz. Wash,
          16 oz. Protector and 4 oz. Spot
            Complete  1 Case
              Kit     (4 Kits)
           MOLMLCK164  MOLMLCK-4

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