Page 459 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 459

Quick Fas ten ers                                  Fastener Springs
                  Cadmium-plated fas ten ers join body               For use with both flat and oval head fasteners. Refer to chart for
                 pan els, doors, front ends, fi ber glass-           proper ap pli ca tion. 1" or 1-3/8" hole spac ing. Ten per card.
                 to-metal, metal-to-met al, etc. Avail-                                     Material Thick ness
                 able in three lengths and two head styles. Use with MOR71400,   Spring Part No.  Range  Fasteners A*  Fasteners B*
                 71410, 71420, 71425 or 71430 fas ten er spring. Ten per package.  MOR71400  Minimum  .100"  .150"
                   Part No.          Description                                   Maximum       .155"       .205"
                  MOR71290    Flush Head Fastener .450" Short Body     MOR71410    Minimum       .160"       .210"
                  MOR71300   Flush Head Fastener .500" Medium Body                 Minimum       .220"       .270"
                  MOR71310    Flush Head Fastener .550" Long Body      MOR71420    Maximum       .280"       .330"
                  MOR71340  Oval Head Fastener, 5/16" x .400" Short Body
                  MOR71341*    Oval Head Fastener, 5/16" x .300"       MOR71425    Minimum       .265"       .315"
                  MOR71350   Oval Head Fastener .500" Medium Body                  Minimum       .199"       .349"
                  MOR71360    Oval Head Fastener .550" Long Body       MOR71430    Maximum       .232"       .382"
                 * Use with fastener spring MOR71425 or MOR71430.
                                                                    * Compatible fasteners, A: MOR71300, MOR71350 or MOR71370
                                                                                   B: MOR71310, MOR71360 or MOR71375
                 Large Head Self-Eject ing Fas ten ers
                  In de mand by racing’s finest chassis build ers,
                 large head self-ejecting fasteners are used on
                 steel, alu mi num, and fi ber glass body and in te-
                 ri or pan els. Load force is more evenly distributed
                 for less pull-through. Ten per package. Use Fastener        1-3/8"                     1"
                 Springs MOR71400, 71410, 71420, 71425 or 71430.     MOR71400, MOR71410, MOR71420  MOR71425, MOR71430
                   Part No.          Description
                  MOR71370  Large Head Self-Ejecting Fasteners .500" Body  Quick Fastener Reinforcement Plates  MOR71495
                  MOR71375  Large Head Self-Ejecting Fasteners .550" Body
                                                                     Plates provide a secure     MOR71490
                 Self-Ejecting Fas ten ers                          metal backing to prevent
                                                                    fastener body rivets from
                  Spring-loaded but tons release quickly.           pulling out of fiberglass body
                 Spring also holds the but ton cap tive, a prac-    components and fastener spring brackets from cutting into body
                 tical ne ces si ty for quick pit work sit u a tions.   panels. Sold ten per package in standard and large sizes.
                 Use MOR71430 as a re place ment spring.             Part No.       Description
                 Ten per card. Springs in clud ed.
                                                                     MOR71490  Quick Fastener Reinf. Plates
                   Part No.          Description                     MOR71495  Large Dia. Quick Fastener Reinf. Plates
                  MOR71440   0.400" Body, .098" To .133" Grip Range
                  MOR71450   0.450" Body, .148" To .183" Grip Range  Quick Fastener Washers
                  MOR71500   0.500" Body, .198" To .233" Grip Range
                  MOR71530   0.650" Body, .348" To .383" Grip Range  MOR71610
                                                                     PTFE washers fit all quick fasteners,
                 Butterfly                                           prevent paint damage. 25 per pack.
                 Self-Eject ing Fasteners
                  “Butterfly” grip on head sets these fasten-        Hood Pin Sets
                 ers apart from others and makes fasten-             Choice of lightweight aluminum or chrome plated steel hood
                 ing and unfastening quick and easy. Use            pins. Each set includes two 3/8" diameter hood pins and instal-
                 MOR71430 as a re place ment spring.                lation hardware. Steel hood pin kits include a pair of vinyl-coated
                 Pack aged ten to a card. Springs included.         stainless steel lanyards. Moroso recommends using six pins per
                   Part No.          Description
                  MOR71510    0.500" Body, .198" To .233" Grip Range  Part No.      Description
                  MOR71540    0.650" Body, .348" To .383" Grip Range  MOR39000   Aluminum Hood Pin Set
                                                                     MOR39015   Steel Hood Pin Set, 3" Long
                                                                     MOR39016   Steel Hood Pin Set, 4" Long
                 Quick Fastener Mounting Brack ets
                  Brack ets can be fastened to any mem ber of the car to pro vide a   Quick-Release Pins
                 convenient mount for quick fastener springs.
                                                                     The ultimate in quick-release fas ten ing. T-handle equipped pins
                                                                    are available in popular sizes. Packaged two per card.
                                                                      Part No.    Description
                                                                     MOR90380   1/4" Dia. x 1" Long
                                                                     MOR90390  1/4" Dia. x 1-1/2" Long
                                                                     MOR90395   1/4" Dia. x 2" Long
                        MOR71550  MOR71551   MOR71552    MOR71555
                                                                     MOR90400   5/16" Dia. x 1" Long
                   Part No.           De scrip tion                  MOR90402   5/16" Dia. x 2" Long
                  MOR71550 Use With MOR71425 Or MOR71430 Springs, 10-Pk. Steel  MOR90404  5/16" Dia. x 3" Long
                  MOR71551          Flat, 10-Pk. Steel               MOR90410   3/8" Dia. x 1" Long
                  MOR71552         90° Angle, 10-Pk. Steel           MOR90415  3/8" Dia. x 1-1/2" Long
                  MOR71553   Lightweight 45°, Accepts 1" Springs, 10-Pk.  MOR90420  3/8" Dia. x 2" Long
                  MOR71555   Hood, Panel Or Accessory Mount, 2-Pk. Steel  MOR90430  3/8" Dia. x 3" Long
                  MOR71556   Same As MOR71555 Except Aluminum, 2-Pk.  MOR90440  1/2" Dia. x 2-1/2" Long
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