Page 456 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 456
Sealed Battery Box Remote Bat tery Jumper Ter mi nals MOR74140
MOR74051 Place the battery anywhere in the
Lightweight, black polyeth- car and it will still be ac ces si-
ylene battery box, ideal for ble between races for charg ing
locating the battery to the with remote jumper terminals.
trunk, is completely sealed Terminals can be po si tioned in the most
to prevent spills or gases con ve nient spot, inside or out side of the
from entering the driver car, and connected to the battery with a high amper-
compartment. Box will age cable such as the Moroso MOR74005. Universal for 6-36 Volt
secure a Series 24 battery systems. Two per pack age.
and is 10-1/2" deep,
13" wide and 9-1/2" tall. In- Thru Panel Battery Connector
cludes mounting hardware. Used wherever a battery cable, or other large
Battery cable not included. diameter, high amperage cable, passes through
a firewall or similar panel. Fits through 1-1/4"
hole and is held solidly by included spanner kit. Use MOR74170
Battery Cable Kit Battery Cable Remote Fitting End Kit to complete installation.
MOR74005 Part No. Description
Battery cable kit will with stand MOR74144 Red Thru Panel Battery Connector
the high am per age needed to start MOR74145 Black Thru Panel Battery Connector
high per for mance racing en gines.
Includes 20' of 2 gauge copper Starter Heat Shields
cable with four ter mi nal ends. Excessive heat not only cuts
short the life of a start er, but also
reduces the start er’s crank ing
power. Start er heat shields provide
Battery Cable Remote pro tec tion from heat on race cars
Fitting End Kit MOR74170 and tow ve hi cles. Made of high
Quality, screw-together bat tery cable tem per a ture in su lat ing ma te ri al sand wiched be tween two sheets
ends for side post batteries are ideal for of aluminum.
splicing in battery dis con nects, remote Part No. Description
jumper terminals or junction blocks. Two MOR74299 Fits SBC/BBC With Tilton Starter
per package. MOR74300 Fits SBC/BBC With Delco Starter
Battery Dis con nect Switches
Battery Post Boots MOR74114 A battery disconnect switch is one
Molded plastic boots prevent of the most critical safety devices in a
accidental shorts and fit over most race car. Turning the non-slip handle
non-disconnect top terminals. cuts power to all electrical devices
Compatible with 4 gauge and including ig ni tion.
smaller cable. Boots may be Part No. Description
folded back for battery post MOR74100 For Cars Without Alternator
access when charging, etc. Includes (1) red and (1) black boot. MOR74101 For Cars With Alternator
MOR74110 Protective Boots For Terminals, (1) Red And (1) Black
Battery Post Super-Duty Battery Disconnect Switch
Terminal End Kit MOR74175 MOR74102
Same as MOR74170 ex cept for top Super-duty switch includes two pairs
post batteries. Two per package. of copper studs for shutting down the
entire electrical system. Useful when
Battery Quick Connect Plugs race car is fitted with an alternator.
Quickly connect Rated at 2,000 amps intermittent and
vehicle’s electrical 300 amps continuous. Includes face
system to a battery plate and on/off decal.
charger, generator,
etc. Tough polycar- Push/Pull Battery Disconnect Mounting Kit
bonate plugs have MOR74105
spring-loaded copper contacts. Mount to the roll cage
Part No. Description to actuate the battery
MOR74200 Battery Quick Connect Plug disconnect switch. 18"
MOR74201 Battery Mini Quick Connect Plug
long black anodized link, equipped with a T-handle, passes thru
the rear panel to engage switch. Includes brackets, linkage, bush-
ings, link and fasteners. Use with MOR74100 or 74101 Battery
Disconnect Switches.