Page 451 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 451

Aluminum Fuel Line                                Intake Manifold Bolt Kits
                  Large diameter, light weight thin-wall             Gold iridite finished, grade 8 fasteners
                 alu mi num tub ing replaces small er di-          have 3/8" 12-point heads for reduced
                 am e ter fuel lines, flows more gas and            wrenching during intake manifold instal-
                 elim i nates fuel star va tion. Legal in all      lation or removal. Close tolerance wash-
                 class es. Not rec om mend ed for high-            ers are included.
                 pres sure fuel in jec tion sys tems.                 Part No.               Description
                    Part No.       Description                       MOR38400  SB Chevy/SB Chrysler, Single Plane Manifold, Twelve 3/8"-16 x 1-1/8"
                   MOR65330       25' Coil, 3/8" OD                  MOR38410    BB Chevy, Dual Plane Manifold, Sixteen 3/8"-16 x 1-1/4"
                   MOR65340       25' Coil, 1/2" OD                  MOR38420          BB Chevy, Single Plane Manifold,
                                                                                  Twelve 3/8"-16 x 1-1/4" And Four 3/8"-16 x 1-3/4"
                 Fuel Hose Fittings
                  Hard to find brass fittings have many uses.        Offset Cylinder Head Dowels
                                                                     Offset Dowels reposition the cylinder
                    Part No.               Description
                   MOR65130      90° Fitting, 3/8" NPT To 1/2" Hose, One Per Pkg.  heads upward to move the valves away
                   MOR65140      90° Fitting, 3/8" NPT to 3/8" Hose, One Per Pkg.  from the cylinder wall for improved intake
                   MOR65375     Straight Fitting, 1/4" NPT to 3/8" Hose, One Per Pkg.  flow. Four dowels per kit.
                   MOR65380     Straight Fitting, 3/8" NPT to 3/8" Hose, Two Per Pkg.  Part No.  Description
                   MOR65390     Straight Fitting, 3/8" NPT to 1/2" Hose, Two Per Pkg.
                                                                     MOR37900   BB Chevy/BB Chrysler, .030" Offset
                                                                     MOR37920   SB Chevy/SB Chrysler, .015" Offset
                 In-line Fuel Pressure Gauge Fittings                MOR37930   SB Chevy/SB Chrysler, .030" Offset
                  Easily plumb 1/8" NPT fuel pressure gauge   MOR65310
                 lines with these black anodized aluminum          Chevy Timing Cover Bolts
                 fittings.                                          MOR38590
                    Part No.       Description                       Fasteners have a serrated washer face
                   MOR65310  3/8" NPT Female To 3/8" NPT Male      to prevent loosening. Cadmium plated
                   MOR65315    3/8" NPT Male To -6AN Male          grade 8, 1/4"-20 bolts fit small and big
                   MOR65360    3/8" Line With Hose Fittings
                                                                   block Chevys. Pack of ten.
                 Fuel Pressure Gauge MOR65370
                  Heavy duty, 0-15 PSI American-made gauge         Oil Pan Stud Kits                       MOR38350
                 is marked in 1/4 lb. increments and accurate        Stud kits ease oil pan installa-
                 to within 1%. Compact, 1-1/2" diameter gauge,     tion and help insure a leak-free
                 which includes an 1/8" NPT male fitting, may be    seal. Each kit includes grade
                 directly mounted to fuel pressure regulator, fuel   8 heat treated studs and lock
                 blocks, etc.                                      nuts with attached washers and
                                                                   serrated faces for positive retention.
                 Fuel Pump Block-Off Plates                           Part No.         Description
                                                                               Oil Pan Stud Kit, SB Chevy/Olds, 18 Pcs.
                  Block the fuel pump boss when mechanical           MOR38350  Oil Pan Stud Kit, BB Chevy/Pontiac, 20 Pcs.
                 fuel pump is not used. Available in blue anodized   MOR38361  Oil Pan Stud Kit, BB Chevy Race Pans, 18 Pcs.
                 aluminum, chrome plated steel and black anodized
                 billet aluminum.                                  Oil Pan Bolt Kits
                                  Blue Anodized   Chrome   Black Anodized   Cadmium plated, grade 8 oil pan bolts have
                      Description  Aluminum  Plated Steel  Billet Aluminum  serrated washer faces to prevent loosening.
                    Small Block Chevy  MOR65391  MOR65394  MOR65395
                  Big Block Chevy, Chrysler,                          Part No.               Description
                 Ford (Exc. 351C, 351M-400)  MOR65392  —  MOR65396   MOR38550    SB Chevy/Oldsmobile, Use With One-Piece Gasket, 18 Pcs.
                                                                     MOR38555    SB Chevy/Oldsmobile, Use With Multi-Piece Gasket, 18 Pcs.
                                                                     MOR38560             BB Chevy/Pontiac, 22 Pcs.
                 Chevy Cam Buttons                     MOR60460
                  Buttons prevent camshaft “walk”,                 Header Bolts MOR38710
                 eliminating end play, erratic ignition              Black oxide finished, grade 8 quality
                 timing and excessive timing chain wear.           header bolts feature small, 7/16" hex heads
                 Camshaft retaining plate and bolts are included.
                                                                   for eased header installation or removal.
                    Part No.         Description                   Bolts are 3/8"-16 x 3/4" long and fit most
                   MOR60460    SB Chevy, Early/Ribbed Timing Cover  small and big block Chevy, and small block
                   MOR60461     SB Chevy, Late/Flat Timing Cover
                   MOR60462           BB Chevy                     Ford. Pack of 16.
                   MOR60464     Camshaft Bolts and Retainer Only
                                                                   Flywheel/Flexplate Bolts
                 Small Block Chevy Balancer Bolt                     High quality grade 8 bolts include washers,
                 MOR38770                                          are heat treated and black oxide coated.  MOR38755
                  Grade 8, gold iridite plated balancer bolt is 7/16"-20 x 2-1/4"   Part No.  Description
                 long with an extra thick hex head for increased socket engage-  MOR38755*  Chevy Flywheel Bolts, 12-Point 7/16"-20 x 1", 6 Bolts And Washers
                 ment and easier engine rotation.                    MOR38760   Chevy Flexplate Bolts, 7/16"-20 x 3/4", 6 Bolts And Washers
                                                                   * Designed for use on flywheels with a countersunk crankshaft flange.

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