Page 467 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 467

Carburetor Base Gaskets                            Phenolic Thermal Insulating
                  Made from durable, heat resistant                 Carburetor Spacer Kits
                 nitrile rubber compound and die                     Spacers insulate and reduce heat fl ow
                 cut for a perfect fi t. Gaskets are                 to the carburetor for a cooler, denser
                 offered in 1/16" and 1/4" thick-  MRG54  MRG55  MRG758  air charge. Made of advanced phenolic
                 nesses as bulk or skin packaged.                   thermoset plastic to withstand extreme
                                          Bulk Pkg.  Skin Pkg.  Skin Pkg.  heat. Spacers are 1" thick and pack-
                         Description     1/16" Thick 1/16" Thick  1/4" Thick  aged with studs, nuts and washers.  MRG3404
                   Holley 4BBL/Carter AFB, Open Center  MRG54  —  —
                   Holley 4BBL 4-Hole, 1-11/16" Bores  MRG55  MRG55C  MRG758  Part No.      Description
                     Rochester Quadrajet, 4-Hole  MRG56  MRG56C  —   MRG3404       4-Hole Carb Spacer, Fits Standard Holley/Carter
                    Rochester Quadrajet, Open Center  MRG56A  —  —   MRG3405     Open Center Carb Spacer, Fits Standard Holley/Carter
                      Carter AFB, 1-7/16" Bores  MRG57  —   —        MRG3406       4-Hole Carb Spacer, Fits Rochester Quadrajet
                      Carter Thermoquad, 4-Hole  MRG57A  —  —
                     Holley 4500 Dominator, 4-Hole  MRG58B  —  —    Carburetor Heat Dissipator MRG97
                   Holley 4500 Dominator, Open Center  MRG58C  —  —  Heat dissipator, a 1/4" thick plate manu-
                  Holley 4BBL Spread Bore, Open Center  MRG58E  —  —  factured from gasket material that is sepa-
                 Air Cleaner Base Gasket For Dominator              rated by layers of aluminum, installs between
                                                                    the carburetor and intake manifold, and helps
                 MRG6186                                            prevent horsepower-robbing heat transfer.
                  Precision die cut, 1/16" thick cellulose/nitrile com-
                 posite gasket fi ts all Dominator style carburetors.  Carburetor Heat Shield MRG3710
                                                                     Prevents vapor lock and fuel boiling
                 Fuel Bowl And Metering Block Gaskets               caused by heat transfer from intake mani-
                  Popular gaskets are offered for a variety of Holley   fold. Fits all Holley (exc. Dominator) and AFB
                 carburetors.                                       style carburetors.
                   Part No.       Description
                            Fuel Bowl & Metering Block Gaskets,     Carburetor
                             Model 2300/4150/4160, (1) Each
                            Fuel Bowl & Metering Block Gaskets,     Bushing Kits
                             Model 2300/4150/4160/4500, (5)          Reduces 1/2" throttle shaft
                                                                    linkage holes to 1/4" or may      MRG1512
                 Blower Base Gaskets                                be used to replace the stock rubber bushing.
                  Precision cut from 1/16” thick cellulose/          Part No.               Description
                 nitrile composite material, gaskets are designed to   MRG1512  Carburetor Bushing/Pivot Kit, Reduces 1/2" Hole To Accept 1/4" Dia.
                 deliver a superior fi t and seal.                                          Throttle Rod/Cable
                                                                     MRG6026      Carburetor Bushing Kit, Reduces 1/2" Hole To 1/4"
                   Part No.        Description
                  MRG3052MP  14-71 Blower Base Gasket, 5-Pack
                  MRG3052S   14-71 Blower Base Gasket, Each         High Performance Electric Cooling Fans
                                                                     High torque, low amperage draw electric
                 Non-Marring Gasket Scraper                         fans fl ow maximum air for effi cient cooling.
                 MRG33270G                                          Replace the belt-driven fan with an electric
                  Heavy duty scraper, consisting of a               unit and free up some usable horsepower.
                 carbon steel body fi tted with non-mar-             Fans have reversible blades and motors.
                 ring plastic blades, removes stubborn              May be mounted in front of, or behind the
                 gasket material with ease. Scraper, which          radiator. Thin profi le fans work very well in
                 is 9” long overall, is sold complete with (10) non-  tight areas.
                 marring double edge plastic blades and (10) single-edge razor               Overall             Amp
                 blades.                                             Part No.  Description  Dimensions       CFM Draw
                                                                    MRG1986  12" Dia.  3.0" Deep x 13.2" High x 12.6" Wide  1400 10.2
                                                                    MRG1987  14" Dia.  3.4" Deep x 14.6" High x 14" Wide  1800 10.3
                 Carburetor Adapter MRG1932                         MRG1988  16" Dia.  3.4" Deep x 16.5" High x 16" Wide  2000 11.4
                  Mount any 4bbl. carburetor to any 4bbl. manifold.
                 Typically used to install a square bore carburetor on   Electric Water Pump Drive Kit
                 a spread bore manifold or vice versa. Die cast alumi-  MRG4333
                 num adapter includes gaskets and hardware.          Diminishes horsepower loss
                                                                    common with conventional
                 Aluminum Carburetor Spacer Kits                    pulley drive pumps. Heavy duty,
                  Install a carburetor spacer and increase          1500 RPM electric motor has
                 rear wheel horsepower. Die cast aluminum           more than enough power to
                 spacers are packaged with studs, nuts              handle cooling needs without
                 and washers. Spacers fi t standard square           draining horsepower from the
                 fl ange bolt pattern.           MRG6005             engine. Fits all Chevy V-8 and
                   Part No.               Description               V-6, Buick 231 V-6 and 350, Olds 260-455, Pontiac 326-455, small
                  MRG4945       1" Open Center Carb Spacer With 3/8" PCV tube  and big block Chrysler, small and big block Ford.
                  MRG6005            1" Open Center Carb Spacer
                  MRG6006              1" 4-Hole Carb Spacer
                  MRG6007            2" Open Center Carb Spacer

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