Page 47 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 47


                 SB Chevy Gaskets                                   Engine Covers
                                                                     Covers protect engines during storage or
                                                                    transport. 1/8" thick polycarbonate mate-
                                 ALL87210                 ALL87212
                                                                    rial is formed to fi t most small block Chevy
                                                                    applications. Short block cover fastens
                                                                    over cylinder head alignment dowels.
                                 ALL87214                 ALL87216                                     ALL96530
                                                                    Manifold cover is designed to replace
                                                                    manifolds with stock port locations and
                                                                    bolt pattern.
                                                                      Part No.    Description
                                ALL87220                             ALL96530   Short Block Cover
                                               ALL87230    ALL87232  ALL96532   Manifold Valley Cover
                   Part No.    Description
                  ALL87210  Valve Cover, 5/16" Thick                                                         ALL96532
                                (Cork), Pair
                  ALL87212  Valve Cover, 5/16" Thick With
                             Steel Core (Cork), Pair
                  ALL87214  Valve Cover, 5/16" Thick With   ALL87236
                          Steel Core, (Black Coated), Pair          Motor Plates
                  ALL87216  Valve Cover, 3/16" Thick With            Motor plates are used
                           Steel Core  Vortec Centerbolt            to replace the front                     ALL38120
                             (Black Coated), Pair                   motor mounts allowing relocation of the engine in the chassis,
                  ALL87220   Oil Pan Set, 1955-85*
                                                    ALL87238        including lowering or when moving the engine back in the chassis.
                  ALL87230  Water Pump To Block Set                 Plates prevent engine movement and reinforce the front suspension
                 ALL87230-10 Water Pump To Block, 10-Pack           for better handling and increased reaction times. Fabricated from
                  ALL87231   Thermostat Housing  ALL87240
                 ALL87231-10  Thermostat Housing, 10-Pack           1/4" thick 6061-T6 aluminum, motor plates are often trimmed to fi t
                  ALL87232  Thermostat Housing - With Steel         the chassis or frame mounts. Plates are machined for a perfect fi t
                                Core (Cork)                         to mount between the water pump and engine block.
                 ALL87232-10 Thermostat Housing - With Steel          Part No.    Description
                             Core (Cork), 10-Pack                    ALL38120   SB Chevy 10" x 36"
                  ALL87236      Fuel Pump                            ALL38124   BB Chevy 12" x 36"
                 ALL87236-10  Fuel Pump, 10-Pack
                  ALL87238    Fuel Pump Plate                       Universal Engine Mid-Plates
                 ALL87238-10  Fuel Pump Plate, 10-Pack               Universal plates are posi-
                  ALL87240   Front Of Engine Set
                                                     ALL87250       tioned between the engine
                  ALL87250    Distributor Gasket                    and transmission to provide
                 ALL87250-10  Distributor Gasket, 10-Pack
                                                                    a mid-engine mounting
                 *This set fits 1955-85 engines. Includes gaskets to work with LH or RH   location and help stiffen the
                 dipstick, and front pan seals (both thick and thin).
                                                                    chassis. These mid-plates
                 Carburetor Gaskets                                 are great for drag racing and
                                                                    street applications, allow-
                                                                    ing easier engine or transmission removal and installation into
                                                                    almost any chassis. Plates fi t most Chevy V-8’s and measure 15”
                                                                    H. x 29” W.
                                                                      Part No.    Description
                                                   ALL87206          ALL38121     Steel (.090”)
                                                                     ALL38122    Aluminum (.250”)
                    ALL87202       ALL87200
                   Part No.     Description
                  ALL87200       4150 Open                          Bellhousing Dowel Pins
                  ALL87202      4150 4-Hole                          Steel dowel pins are approximately
                  ALL87204     4412 2-Hole, 2BBL   ALL87204         1/2" longer than stock pins and are re-
                  ALL87206    4500 Open, Dominator
                                                                    quired when running an engine mid-plate,
                 SB Chevy Header Gaskets           ALL87262         rear motor mounts or an aftermarket bellhous-  ALL38152
                  Durable reinforced steel core and                 ing. These extended length pins also help with alignment when
                 graphite composite gaskets                         installing an engine. Pins fi t most GM blocks and are sold in pairs.
                 remain soft and pliable                              Part No.    Description
                                                                                   Solid Pins
                 to conform to header and                            ALL38150     Hollow Pins
                 head surfaces providing an excel-  ALL87264
                 lent, long lasting seal. Sold each.
                   Part No.      Description
                  ALL87260   1-5/8" Square Port (Stock)
                  ALL87262    1-3/4" D-Port (Standard)
                  ALL87264  Spread Port (Staggered Bolt Pattern)
                  ALL87266  Crate Engines (Non LS / Fast Burn)
                  ALL87268  LS Series Engines (Excluding LS7)
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