Page 51 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 51


                 Flush Head                                         Mounting Brackets
                 Self-Ejecting                                      For 1" And 1-3/8" Springs
                 Allen Buttons                                      (.0625" Thick)
                               10-Pack  50-Pack
                 5/16"                                                                                       ALL19360
                  .500" Long, Steel  ALL19130  ALL19131
                  .550" Long, Steel   ALL19132  ALL19133
                  .500" Long, Steel  ALL19136  ALL19137              ALL19384                      ALL19380
                  .550" Long, Steel   ALL19138  ALL19139
                 Winged Head
                 Self-Ejecting Buttons
                               10-Pack  50-Pack
                 5/16"                                               ALL19394                      ALL19390
                  .400" Long, Steel  ALL19040  ALL19042
                  .450" Long, Steel  ALL19046  ALL19048                         Description         10-Pack  50-Pack
                  .500" Long, Steel  ALL19050  ALL19052                Weld-on, Lightweight (For 1-3/8" Spring Only)   ALL19360  ALL19362
                  .550" Long, Steel  ALL19056  ALL19058                  Weld-on, Lightweight w/.375" Spring  ALL19361  ALL19363
                  .650" Long, Steel  ALL19060  ALL19062                         Weld-on LH          ALL19380  ALL19382
                 7/16"                                                          Weld-on RH          ALL19384  ALL19386
                  .500" Long, Steel   ALL19064  ALL19066                        Rivet-on LH         ALL19390  ALL19392
                  .650" Long, Steel  ALL19068  ALL19070                         Rivet-on RH         ALL19394  ALL19396

                 Body Reinforcing Plates
                  Plates help protect fi berglass and
                 aluminum panels from cracking when                 Springs                            ALL19320
                 using 7/16" quick turn fasteners. Stainless steel plates are preci-      10-Pack         50-Pack
                 sion stamped with a strengthening border, attach with 1/8" rivets   1-3/8" (.090" Wire Diameter)
                 and measure 2" wide x 1" tall.                          .325" Reach      ALL19320        ALL19322
                    Part No.    Description                              .375" Reach      ALL19330        ALL19332
                   ALL18985      10-Pack                                 .425" Reach      ALL19336        ALL19338
                  ALL18985-50    50-Pack                            1" (.080" Wire Diameter)
                                                                         .250" Reach      ALL19300        ALL19302
                 Mounting Brackets                                       .325" Reach      ALL19310        ALL19312
                 For 1" Springs (.0625" Thick)                      3/4" (.062" Wire Diameter)  ALL19296  ALL19298
                                                                         .200" Reach

                                                                    Quick Turn Fastener Insert Plates
                                                                     Insert plate directly replaces
                                                                    the quick turn spring allow-
                                     ALL19364           ALL19340
                                                                    ing panels to be bolted
                             Description          10-Pack  50-Pack  together or used as a
                           Weld-on, Lightweight   ALL19364  ALL19366  blind nut on a panel
                       Weld-on Lightweight w/.250" Spring  ALL19365  ALL19367  with limited access.
                              Weld-on             ALL19340  ALL19342  Inserts have 1/4"-20
                         Weld-on w/ALL19300 Spring  ALL19350  ALL19352
                                                                    threads and are typically riveted to the backside of a panel or
                                                                    bracket with 1/8" rivets.
                 Quick Turn Wrench ALL19400
                                                                      Part No.     Description
                  The Allstar quick turn fastener wrench fi ts slot    ALL19420     1", 2-Pack
                 head fasteners and reduces the risk of              ALL19420-10   1", 10-Pack
                 body panel or fastener damage when                   ALL19422    1-3/8", 2-Pack
                 using screwdrivers for loosening or                 ALL19422-10  1-3/8", 10-Pack
                 tightening. Features a non-slip handle.

                 BERNIE VANDERPLOEG                           MATT HAUCH  RON BOHN                               MATT HAUCH
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