Page 54 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 54


          Rod Ends
           Two-piece spherical rod
          ends have a pivoting steel
          ball and are sold each.
             Bore x Thread  RH Male  LH Male  RH Female  Strength  High Misalignment
          Standard Series Steel                             Reducer Spacers
            1/4" x 1/4"-28  ALL58004  ALL58014*  ALL58034  2,835 Lbs
           5/16" x 5/16"-24  ALL58005  ALL58015*  ALL58035  4,517 Lbs  Dual purpose spacers reduce fastener size   A
            3/8" x 3/8"-24  ALL58006  ALL58016  ALL58036  6,323 Lbs  mounting hole and allow the rod end to rotate
            1/2" x 1/2"-20  ALL58008  ALL58018  ALL58038  10,046 Lbs  more than 30 degrees in each direction which is   B
            5/8" x 5/8"-18  ALL58010  ALL58020  ALL58040  15,488 Lbs  25% more than most standard spacers. Stainless
            3/4" x 3/4"-16  ALL58012  ALL58022  ALL58042  15,894 Lbs  steel spacers resist rust and corrosion. Sold in pairs.
            3/4" x 3/4"-16*  ALL58013 †  —   —     15,894 Lbs  Rod End Size  I.D.  O.D. “A”  Length “B”  Part No.
          Pro Series Steel (Moly) – Black                         5/8"     1/2"   .750"    .465"     ALL18785
            1/2" x 1/2"-20  ALL58058  ALL58068  —  17,000 Lbs     3/4"     1/2"   .890"    .475"     ALL18786
            1/2" x 5/8"-18   ALL58059  ALL58069  —  19,300 Lbs    3/4"     5/8"   .890"    .475"     ALL18787
            5/8" x 5/8"-18  ALL58060  ALL58070  —  18,000 Lbs
            3/4" x 3/4"-16  ALL58062  ALL58072  —  25,000 Lbs
          Pro Series Steel (Moly) – Black (PTFE Lined)      5/8" Rod End Reducer Spacers
            1/2" x 5/8"-18   ALL58079  ALL58084  —  17,650 Lbs  Reducer spacers fi t into 5/8" rod
            5/8" x 5/8"-18  ALL58080  ALL58085  —  15,200 Lbs  ends, reducing the hole size for
            3/4" x 3/4"-16  ALL58082  ALL58086  —  21,400 Lbs  1/2" hardware while also spacing
          Aluminum – Black                                  the rod end away from chassis
            1/2" x 1/2"-20  ALL58088  ALL58098  —  7,700 Lbs  brackets. Standard spacers are
            1/2" x 5/8"-18  ALL58089  ALL58099  —  15,000 Lbs                            ALL18615     ALL18612
                                                            3/4" O.D. and fl anged spacers have 1"
          *  NEW!                                           O.D. fl anges to help support rod end. Size referenced indicates the
          † ALL58013 has an oversized hole and is for use with steering shaft tubing.  amount of space between rod end pivot ball and chassis bracket.
                                                            Package of 2.
          Heavy Duty 3/4"                                   Standard Spacers
          Chrome Moly Rod Ends                                 Part No.  Description
           Heavy duty or often referred to as “Aircraft        ALL18615  Aluminum, 1/2"
          Style”, these 4130 chrome moly rod ends              ALL18617  Aluminum, 1"
          have larger bodies which make them thirty         Flanged Spacers
          percent stronger than standard 3/4" rod
                                                               Part No.
          ends. These rod ends are commonly used               ALL18611  Aluminum, 1/4"
          on panhard bars and lower strut rods.  ALL99314  ALL99315
                                                               ALL18613  Aluminum, 1/2"
                 Part No.         Description                  ALL18610   Steel, 1/4"
                ALL99314       RH Male, 3/4" x 3/4"-16         ALL18612   Steel, 1/2"
                ALL99315      RH Female, 3/4" x 3/4"-16
          3/4" Solid Rod End ALL58112                       Aluminum Flat Spacers
           Solid rod ends are built using 1045 steel and are   Flat spacers are great for shimming and adding
          then chrome plated for added wear resistance. End   additional clearance to brackets for brake calipers,
          has a body width of .875" to match the width of   power steering, alternators, dry sump pumps or
          standard rod ends.                                just about anything to help with alignment issues. Package of 2.
                                                              Thickness   3/8" I.D. (11/16" O.D.)  1/2" I.D. (1" O.D.)
                                                                1/8"         ALL18740            ALL18760
                                                                1/4"         ALL18742            ALL18762
          Rod End                                               3/8"         ALL18744            ALL18764
          Reducer Bushings                                      1/2"         ALL18746            ALL18766
           Steel bushings reduce the rod end pivot ball
          I.D. to accept a smaller bolt size.
              O.D. To I.D.     2-Pack          10-Pack      Aluminum Washers
              1/2" To 3/8"     ALL18565       ALL18565-10                                   ALL18660  ALL18638
                                                               Washer O.D. x I.D.  Finish  10-Pack  50-Pack
              5/8" To 1/2"     ALL18566       ALL18566-10
                                                             Countersunk Aluminum Washers
              3/4" To 1/2"     ALL18567       ALL18567-10         1" x #10    Clear   ALL18660    ALL18660-50
              3/4" To 5/8"     ALL18568       ALL18568-10
                                                                  1" x 1/4"   Clear   ALL18662    ALL18662-50
                                                                  1" x 1/4"   Black   ALL18663    ALL18663-50
                                                                 1-1/4" x 1/4"  Clear  ALL18664   ALL18664-50
                                                                 1-1/4" x 1/4"  Black  ALL18665   ALL18665-50
                                                             Flat Aluminum Backer Washers
                                                                  1" x #10    Clear   ALL18638       —
                                                                  1" x 1/4"   Clear   ALL18639       —

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