Page 59 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 59
Coated Braided Steel Lines
Black coated braided steel lines have black aluminum ends. Choose #2, #3 or #4 line in straight/
straight or straight/ 90° configurations. Lengths stated are overall, end to end.
#2 Line #3 Line #4 Line
Length Two -3 Straight Two -3 Straight -3 90° and -3 Straight Two -4 Straight Ends -4 90° And -4 Straight
6" ALL48385* ALL48387* ALL48413* ALL48349* ALL48398*
9" ALL48386* ALL48388* ALL48414* ALL48350* ALL48399*
12" ALL48371 ALL48361 ALL48415 ALL48351 ALL48400
15" ALL48372 ALL48362 ALL48416 ALL48352 ALL48401
18" ALL48373 ALL48363 ALL48417 ALL48353 ALL48402
21" ALL48374 ALL48364 ALL48418 ALL48354 ALL48403
24" ALL48375 ALL48365 ALL48419 ALL48355 ALL48404
30" ALL48376 ALL48366 ALL48420 ALL48356 ALL48405
36" ALL48378 ALL48368 ALL48422 ALL48358 ALL48407
48" ALL48379* ALL48369* ALL48423* ALL48359* ALL48408*
60" ALL48380 ALL48370 ALL48424 ALL48360 ALL48409
73" ALL48383 ALL48382 ALL48425* ALL48381 ALL48410*
* NEW!
90 Degree Swivel Fitting Brake Hose Kits
Black anodized aluminum fitting swivels a full 360 Kits include everything nec-
degrees for convenient hose connection. 1/8"NPT essary to complete the connec-
fitting is commonly used in aftermarket calipers, tion between a 3/16" steel brake
gauge panels or anywhere a swivel connection line and the brake caliper including
would be useful. two 15" steel braided hoses. Designed
to fit calipers with 10mm x 1.50 threads
Part No. Description
ALL50108 1/8"NPT to -3AN (ALL42083/ALL42084) or 7/16" x -20 threads
ALL50109 1/8"NPT to -4AN (ALL42081/ALL42082).
Kit Components:
• Two 15" Hoses With -3AN Ends
AN Union Fittings • Two Banjo Bolts
Black anodized aluminum flare union adapter • Four Crush Washers
fittings are commonly used to connect two hoses with • Two Brake Line Clips
female AN ends. • Two -3AN To 3/16" Steel Brake Line Adapters
• Two -3AN Banjo Fittings• Two Brake Line Tabs
Part No. Description
ALL50090 -3AN to -3AN Part No. Description
ALL50091 -4AN to -4AN ALL42025 GM Metric Kit With 10mm-1.50" Fittings
ALL42027 Big GM Kit With 7/16"-20 Fittings
Bulkhead Fittings D.O.T. Legal
Black anodized aluminum bulkhead ALL50092 Brake Hose Kits
adapter fittings are perfect when plumbing ALL50093 Kits include two 16" long
needs to pass through a firewall, interior #3 stainless steel braided
panel or a mounting bracket. lines with banjo fittings
Part No. Description attached, banjo bolts, crush wash-
ALL50092 Straight -3AN to -3AN ers, frame adapter fittings, frame tabs and
ALL50093 Straight -4AN to -4AN holding clips.
ALL50094 90 Degree -3AN to -3AN ALL50094
ALL50095 90 Degree 4AN to -4AN ALL50095 Part No. Description
ALL50096 Tee (Run) -3AN (3x) ALL42032 GM Metric Kit With 10mm-1.50 Bolts
ALL50097 Tee (Run) -4AN (3x) ALL50096 ALL42033 Big GM Kit With 7/16"-20 Bolts
ALL50098 -3AN Bulkhead Nut ALL50097 Clutch Line Kits
ALL50099 -4AN Bulkhead Nut
Designed to connect clutch master
cylinder to hydraulic throw-out
Bulkhead Mounting Tab ALL60093 bearing or directly to transmis-
One-piece steel mounting tab with 7/16" sions with internal clutches.
hole can be bolted to the chassis or rear end Pre-assembled braided steel hose
to hold bulkhead fittings in place. assemblies have #3 lines and are
Bracket is 5/64" thick. fitted with one -3AN straight end and
one 3/16" inverted flare 90 degree hard
1" Square 1"
line end. Also includes one 1/8" male to -3AN fitting (ALL50000).
Part No. Description
Mounting Tab shown ALL46100-24 Kit With 24" Line
with ALL50093 ALL46100-36 Kit With 36" Line
-4 Straight Bulkhead 1-11/16" ALL46100-48 Kit With 48" Line
Fitting and ALL50099
Bulkhead Nut.