Page 557 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 557

5-Pt. Latch And Link Harness Sets                  5-Pt. Jr. Dragster Harness Sets
                  Latch and Link harness assemblies are made         Jr. Dragster harness sets combine pre-
                 with premium nylon webbing and are fi tted          mium 2" wide polyester webbing, drop
                 with drop-forged steel hardware. Utilizing         forged steel hardware and choice of
                 wrap around or bolt-in mounting, double ad-        Latch and Link or Camlock retention.
                 justable harnesses include 3” shoulder and         Individual shoulder sets are designed
                 lap belts, and 2” wide submarine belt. Head and neck restraint   for wrap-around or bolt-in mounting.
                 compatible sets are also offered, which use tapered 3” to 2”   Meet SFI 16.1 specifi cations.
                 shoulder belts. All harnesses listed meet SFI 16.1 specifi cations.  Description  Black  Red  Blue
                      Description   Black   Red     Blue  Platinum      Latch And Link Harness Set  RQP709009  RQP709019  RQP709029
                  Ind. Shoulder Harness Set,  RQP711001 RQP711011 RQP711021  RQP711061  Camlock Harness Set  RQP739009  RQP739019  RQP739029
                     Pull Down Lap
                  Ind. Shoulder Harness Set,  RQP717007 RQP717017 RQP717027  —  Harness Mounting Hardware
                  Pull Down Lap, HNR/Hans
                                                                      Part No.         Description
                 5- And 6-Pt. Camlock Harness Sets                   RQP700040      3" Snap Hook Belt End
                  Camlock harness sets feature lightweight           RQP700060  Long Eye Bolt, 7/16"-20, 1-7/8" Shank
                 aluminum alloy buckle, heavy duty drop-forged
                 steel hardware and 3” wide premium polyester       Harness Pads RQP767001
                 webbing. Choose from individual shoulder or         Designed to add comfort when using 3" wide
                 dragster U-style harness sets in 5- or 6-point     belts, harness pads are made from fl ame re-
                 mounting. Harnesses are also available with        tardant foam padding that includes a Pyrovatex
                 with tapered 3” to 2” shoulder belts to allow      FRC cover with hook and loop closure. Sold in
                 compatibility with most head and neck restaints.   pairs. Black only.
                 All harnesses meet SFI 16.1 specifi cations.
                                                                    Arm Restraints
                           Description        Black   Red    Blue
                    5-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Down Lap  RQP741001 RQP741011 RQP741021  RQP391002
                 5-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Down Lap, HNR/Hans RQP745005 RQP745015  —  Designed for open
                     5-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Up Lap  RQP742002  —  —  cockpit race cars, arm
                  5-Pt. Dragster U-Style Shoulder Set, Pull Up Lap RQP748008  —  —  restraints are manufactured from premium polypropylene web-
                    6-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Down Lap  RQP751001  —  —
                 6-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Down Lap, HNR/Hans RQP746006 RQP746016  —  bing and high grade steel hardware. Adjustable from 7"-15". Sold
                  6-Pt. Ind. Shoulder Set, Pull Up Lap, HNR/Hans RQP747007 RQP747017  —  in pairs. Black only.

                                                                     Trak-Jax get low slung cars high
                                                                    enough to fi t a standard fl oor jack un-
                 Race Ramps                                         der the car. Sold in pairs, Trak-Jax are
                  Lightweight and durable, Race Ramps eliminate the need for   30.1" long x 3" high x 12" wide. Weigh just 5 lbs. each.
                                                                       Part No.
                 boards or heavy steel ramps when loading low slung cars into   RMPRR-TJ  Description
                 trailers. Race Ramps will not slide across the garage fl oor or dig   RMPRR-TJ-S  Trak-Jax, With 1.5" Stop
                 into an asphalt drive.
                                                                    Trailer Side Kick RMPRR-TR-SK-1
                 Trailer Ramps                                       Trailer Side Kick eases trailer tire
                  Lightweight and durable, specially                changes on dual or triple axle trailers.
                 designed Trailer Ramps allow load-                 Simply drive the good tire onto the ramp
                 ing low slung race cars into trailers without the worry of damag-  and the fl at tire will be lifted off the ground. May also be used
                 ing noses, oil pans, headers, etc. Simply place the trailer door on   to aid trailer loading by placing ramp on it’s side in front of the
                 the notch of the ramps, which decrease the angle of approach by   trailer’s wheel wells and inserting the included marker fl ag into
                 as little as 4° and load car. Sold in pairs.       place prior to driving vehicle into trailer. Trailer Side Kick, which is
                     Part No.               Description             12" W. x 31" L. x 7.5" H.,  can support up to 8,000 lbs., yet weighs
                    RMPRR-TR-4      46" Long x 4" High x 14" Wide, 5.5° Incline   just 8 lbs.
                    RMPRR-TR-5      67" Long x 5" High x 14" Wide, 4° Incline
                    RMPRR-TR-6      45" Long x 6" High x 14" Wide, 7.8° Incline  Pro-Stop
                    RMPRR-TR-7      74" Long x 7" High x 14" Wide, 5.2° Incline
                                                                     Pro-Stop eases the placement of cars in trailers
                                       74" Long x 7" High x 14" Wide,
                   RMPRR-TR-7-FLP                                   or garages. Manufactured from recycled semi
                                  Flap Cutout To Accommodate Door Flap, 5.5° Incline
                    RMPRR-TR-8     54.75" Long x 8" High x 16" Wide, 8.4° Incline  tires, Pro-Stop will not skid on any surface and may be perma-
                                                                    nently mounted to fl oor using the pre-drilled holes.
                                                                          Part No.
                 Wheel Chocks RMPRR-WC-2                                  RMPRR-PS         Pro-Stop, Each
                  All-rubber Wheel Chocks help secure trailer,           RMPRR-PS-2        Pro-Stop, Pair
                 preventing movement when trailer is discon-             RMPRR-PS-4       Pro-Stop, Four Pcs.
                 nected from tow vehicle. Sold per pair.
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