Page 562 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 562
Powerglide Super Hydra 400 Transmission Case
Transmission Case RERSH400-DRAG
Unbreakable, SFI-approved case All new, Super Hydra 400 eliminates the
uses stock Powerglide compo- inherent weaknesses of OEM GM Turbo-
nents. Casting has 1/4" NPT Hydramatic transmission cases.
ports, large oil passages, Heavy duty, 360° internal lugs
adjustable trans-brake re- are used for improved
lease and heli-coil threads. center support reten-
One-piece cases mount tion. Drag/street case
directly to Chevrolet en- is massively strong,
gines; two-piece cases RERPG2000 constructed from
may be used with the proper ductile aluminum with a
bellhousing to bolt to Chevrolet, wall thickness sufficient
Ford or Chrysler engines. Two-piece cases have 360° mounting to pass SFI 4.1 specifications, thereby eliminating the need for
flanges. Bellhousings meet SFI 30.1 specs; cases meet 4.1 specs internal or external shields. All bellhousing and oil pump threads
with internal liner, which is included. Cases with rear bushing, or are heli-coiled to eliminate stripped threads. Two-piece design
rear roller bearing are available for additional durability. Tailhous- case, which is 100% interchangeable with all existing GM TH-400
ing and internal components are not included. components, requires the proper bolt-on bellhousing, tailhous-
ing and necessary internal parts. Sold complete with billet steel
Part No. Description
intermediate pressure plate and oversize retaining snap ring.
RERPG1500 One-Piece Transmission Case, Chevrolet
RERPG1500R One-Piece Transmission Case, Chevrolet, Rear Roller Bearing Note: Bellhousing must be purchased separately.
RERPG2000* Two-Piece Transmission Case
RERPG2000R* Two-Piece Transmission Case, Rear Roller Bearing Turbo 400 Tailhousing
* Bellhousing must be purchased separately. Significantly stronger than the
stock TH-400 tailhousing, unit is
manufactured from aircraft grade
Powerglide Racing Oil Pump aluminum, includes thicker walls
All new, fully re-designed Power- and added gusseting. Improved oil
glide oil pump, constructed from high passage enhances lubrication to the
strength cast iron, adds the benefits of yoke and bushing/bearing. Fits all GM
larger pump gears, high strength stator TH-400, Reid Racing Super Hydra 400 and
support and improved fluid circuitry. ATI T-400 SuperCase. Offered in standard, or RERSH400HB
Factory machined to accept roller special Powerglide length with bushing or bearing.
thrust bearing.
Part No. Description
Part No. Description RERSH400HB Turbo 400 Tailhousing, With Bushing
RERPGP1 Powerglide Racing Oil Pump
RERSH400HR † Turbo 400 Tailhousing, With Bearing
RERPGPIK Oil Pump Installation Kit, Includes Gasket, O-Ring, Bearing And Shims
RERSH400HRS* Turbo 400 Tailhousing, Powerglide Length With Bushing
Powerglide Tailhousing * Shorter tailhousing makes a TH-400 the same length as a Powerglide,
allowing the same driveshaft to be retained. The TH-400 uses a larger,
Tailhousing is five times stronger than the 32-spline yoke than the Powerglide, which requires a 27-spline yoke.
OEM housing. Housing is a direct, † Tailhousings with bearing require special hardened yoke.
bolt-in replacement
and is offered fitted Bellhousings
with a OEM-style Engineered exclusively for use with
bushing or a needle Reid Racing two-piece Powerglide or
bearing for in- Super Hydra 400 transmission cases,
creased durability. bellhousings are manufactured from
Part No. Description high strength, heat treated aluminum.
RERPGH1B Powerglide Tailhousing, With Bushing Bellhousings meet stringent SFI 30.1
RERPGH1R* Powerglide Tailhousing, With Bearing
specifications, eliminating the need
* A hardened steel slip yoke (such as MWE39035) is required for compat- for a flexplate shield. The reduced
ibility with the needle bearing. diameter provides added floorboard
clearance, while the open bottom
allows easier converter access. No
special flexplate is required.
Part No. Description
RERBH001* Chevrolet
RERBH010 SB Ford 289-351W
RERBH020 BB Ford 429-460
RERBH040 BB Chrysler “B”/“RB” 383-440
RERBH050 Ford Modular 4.6/5.0/5.4L
RERBH060 SB Chrysler “A” 273-360
* Fits Chevrolet only; Buick/Olds/Pontiac bellhousing (RERBH030) available
by special order.