Page 574 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 574
Supercharger Gaskets Dyno-Pak
Part No. Description Bulk Gasket Sets
SCE329020 6-71 Base Gasket Packaged for the engine builder. Set includes ten gaskets.
SCE329030 8-71 Base Gasket
SCE329040 14-71 Base Gasket, 10-Bolt Part No. Description
SCE329041 14-71 Base/Kobelco Gasket Small Block Chevy 265-400
Distributor Gaskets
SCE329100 6-71/8-71 Inlet Gasket SCE1100-10 Timing Cover Gaskets
SCE329120 6-71/8-71 Inlet Gasket With Screen SCE1101-10 Water Pump Gaskets
SCE329140 14-71 Inlet Gasket SCE1102-10 Timing Cover Seals
SCE1105-10 Rear Main Seals, 2-Pc. Silicone
AccuSeal Intake Gaskets SCE1106-10 2-Bolt Fuel Pump Gaskets
AccuSeal gaskets SCE1107-10 4-Bolt Fuel Pump Plate Gaskets
Thermostat Housing Gaskets
deliver precise fi t and SCE11090-10 Oil Pan Gasket, 1975-85 LH Dipstick, Thick Ft. Seal
exceptional durability. SCE11092-10 Oil Pan Gasket, 1986-Up RH Dipstick, 1-Pc. Rear Main
Feature a silicone-bead- Big Block Chevy 396-454
ed leak-proof seal. SCE202 Distributor Gaskets
SCE1300-10 Timing Cover, Water Pump And Fuel Pump Gaskets
Part No. Description
SCE111128 SB Chevy Large Port, 1.300” x 2.240”, .062” Tick SCE1301-10 Water Pump Gaskets
Timing Cover Seal
SCE113104 BB Chevy Dart Big M Head, Rect. Port, 1.72” x 2.750”, .062”
SCE1305-10 Rear Main Seal, 2-Pc., DRCE And World Merlin
SCE13090-10 Oil Pan Gaskets, 1965-90 Mk. IV
SCE21305-10 Rear Main Seal, 1965-89, 2 Pc., Viton
SCE21355-10 Rear Main Seal, 1990-Up, 1 Pc., Viton
X4 Power Flash Programmer A-Pillar Pod Mounts For
Superior to previous tuning Ford Mustang
devices, the X4 is fully pre-loaded The cleanest, most convenient method of
with dyno-proven tune fi les for mounting the Livewire TS+. Pod mounts
increased horsepower and torque. simply slide over the OEM A-pillar and
Unit features an extra large, full provide an easy access point without
color LCD screen that can display a obstructing the driver’s fi eld of
wide array of information. Program- vision. Sold complete with pod
ming is as easy as 1-2-3. Simply mount adapter. May be painted
plug the OBDII connector into the to match vehicle’s interior color,
OBDII port, select the pre-loaded tune fi le using the menu and if desired.
within minutes, the X4 has re-programmed the vehicle. Program- Part No. Application
mer also incorporates high speed datalogging/monitoring, dual SCT31307 2005-09 Ford Mustang
analog inputs, USB interface cable, built-in Wifi for easy updates, SCT31308 2010-14 Ford Mustang
storage for up to 10 custom tunes, the ability to read/clear DTC SCT31309 2015-Up Ford Mustang
trouble codes and easy restoration back to stock. SCT30604 Livewire TS+ Pod Mount Adapter
Part No. Description Note: Pod mounts will not fit convertible models.
SCT7015 X4 Ford Programmer, All 1996-2017 Ford, Gas Or Diesel
SCT7215 X4 Chrysler/Dodge Programmer, All 2010-14 Chrysler/Dodge, Gas Only
SCT7416 X4 GM Programmer, All 1999-2016 Chevy/GMC, Gas Or Diesel Big Air Ford Mass Air Meters
SCT’s Big Air Mass Air Meters are
Livewire TS+ Performance ideal for modifi ed or custom tuned
Programmer And Monitor Ford applications where the OEM unit
Fully redesigned programmer limits increased air fl ow. MAF meters
features a 4” color touch screen are engineered to offer OEM quality
calibration for superior performance
that displays dyno-proven custom and reliability. Suitable for blow or
tunes for increased horsepower draw through applications. The Big
and torque. The Livewire TS+ delivers Air BA5000 is engineered as a direct
increased throttle response, fi rmer shifts SCT5015P replacement for 2005-up Mustang.
and improved fuel mileage. Unit additionally
includes rear view camera input, built-in performance calculator, Part No. Description
high speed data logging/monitoring, user adjustable tune options, SCTBA-2600 Big Air Mass Air Meter, Ford 90mm, Supports Up To 625 Centrifugal/700
Roots RWHP
user adjustable warnings/alerts, windshield mount, built-in Wifi Big Air Mass Air Meter, Ford 90mm, Supports Up To 725 Centrifugal/825
for easy updates, storage for up to 10 custom tunes, switch on- SCTBA-3000 Roots RWHP
the-fl y, and the ability to read and clear trouble DTC codes. Big Air Mass Air Meter, Ford Slot Style, Supports Up To 725
Part No. Application Centrifugal/825 Roots RWHP
SCT5015P All 1996-2017 Ford (Gas Or Diesel) * 2005-up Ford Mustang replacement.
SCT5416P All 2005-16 Chevy/GMC (Gas Or Diesel)