Page 576 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 576

Performance Forged Pistons                        Professional Piston And Ring Kits
           SRP pistons are specificly designed forgings that eliminate   Revolutionary piston kits combine
          several phases of the manufacturing process, saving time and   lightweight, modern racing pistons
          cutting costs with high volume production. Most pistons are made   and low friction metric ring sets with
          of 4032 high silicon aluminum, a material that withstands the   SRP quality and affordability. Profes-
          tight clearances in street/strip engines. All pistons are machined   sional series kits include lightweight
          to accept 1/16" top, 1/16" second and 3/16" oil rings. Sold in sets   forged side relief (FSR) pistons with
          of eight, with wrist pins and double Spiro Locks.  CNC-machined ring grooves and
                                                            skirts, dry filmed coated skirts, high
                     Bore         Rod   Dish/Dome   Comp.  Comp.
            Part No.  Size  Stroke  Length  Volume  Height  Ratio  quality, reduced length wrist pins
          Small Block Chevy                                 with carbon steel wire locks, and JE
          Flat Top Pistons                                  Pro Seal premium piston ring set, complete with 1.2mm premium
            SRP138081  4.030"  3.480"  5.700"  -5cc  1.560"  10.3:1
            SRP138082  4.040"  3.480"  5.700"  -5cc  1.560"  10.3:1  steel top rings, 1.5mm Napier second rings and 3.0mm standard
            SRP138086  4.040"  3.480"  6.000"  -5cc  1.260"  10.3:1  tension oil rings. Kits are suited to normally aspirated or moderate
            SRP138087  4.060"  3.480"  6.000"  -5cc  1.260"  10.4:1  forced induction/nitrous applications.
            SRP138095  4.060"  3.500"  6.125"  -5cc  1.125"  11.9:1    Bore          Rod  Dish / Dome  Comp.  Comp.
            SRP138089  4.030"  3.750"  5.700"  -5cc  1.425"  11.0:1  Part No.  Size  Stroke  Length  Volume  Height  Ratio
           SRP138093*  4.030"  3.750"  6.000"  -5cc  1.125"  11.0:1
           SRP138094*  4.040"  3.750"  6.000"  -5cc  1.125"  11.0:1  Small Block Chevy
            SRP138097  4.155"  3.750"  5.700"  -5cc  1.425"  11.6:1  Flat Top Pistons
            SRP138100  4.155"  3.750"  6.000"  -5cc  1.125"  11.6:1  SRP271057  4.030"  3.480"  5.700"  -5cc  1.560"  10.3:1
          High Compression Domed Pistons                      SRP271056  4.030"  3.480"  6.000"  -5cc  1.260"  10.3:1
            SRP140675  4.040"  3.480"  5.700"  11cc  1.560"  12.8:1
            SRP140679  4.040"  3.480"  6.000"  11cc  1.260"  13.0:1  SRP271055  4.030"  3.750"  5.700"  -5cc  1.425"  11.1:1
            SRP140680  4.060"  3.480"  6.000"  11cc  1.260"  13.0:1  SRP268830  4.030"  3.750"  6.000"  -5cc  1.125"  11.1:1
            SRP142034  4.155"  3.480"  6.000"  12cc  1.260"  13.0:1  SRP271065  4.155"  3.750"  6.000"  -5cc  1.125"  11.6:1
            SRP142035  4.165"  3.480"  6.000"  9cc  1.260"  13.0:1
            SRP140348  4.030"  3.750"  6.000"  7cc  1.125"  12.9:1  SRP271064  4.155"  3.875"  6.000"  -5cc  1.062"  12.0:1
            SRP140349  4.040"  3.750"  6.000"  7cc  1.125"  12.9:1  SRP271063  4.155"  4.000"  6.000"  -5cc  1.000"  12.3:1
           SRP140350*  4.060"  3.750"  6.000"  7cc  1.125"  13.0:1  High Compression Domed Pistons
            SRP142024  4.155"  3.750"  6.000"  4cc  1.125"  12.9:1  SRP271059  4.030"  3.480"  6.000"  11cc  1.260"  12.7:1
            SRP142025  4.165"  3.750"  6.000"  4cc  1.125"  13.0:1
          Dished Pistons                                      SRP271058  4.030"  3.750"  6.000"  7cc  1.125"  12.9:1
            SRP139632  4.030"  3.480"  5.700"  -24cc  1.560"  8.5:1  SRP279483  4.040"  3.750"  6.000"  7cc  1.125"  12.9:1
            SRP138103  4.030"  3.750"  6.000"  -16cc  1.125"  9.8:1  SRP271066  4.155"  3.750"  6.000"  4cc  1.125"  13.0:1
            SRP139628  4.030"  3.750"  5.700"  -16cc  1.425"  9.8:1
          Big Block Chevrolet                                Inverted Dome Pistons
          Flat Top Pistons                                    SRP271069  4.155"  3.750"  6.000"  -16cc  1.125"  10.3:1
            SRP139477  4.280"  4.000"  6.135"  -3cc  1.645"  8.2:1  SRP271068  4.155"  3.875"  6.000"  -16cc  1.062"  10.6:1
           SRP142980*  4.310"  4.250"  6.385"  -3cc  1.270"  8.7:1  SRP271067  4.155"  4.000"  6.000"  -16cc  1.000"  10.9:1
           SRP139482**  4.500"  4.000"  6.135"  -3cc  1.645"  8.9:1
           SRP142984*  4.500"  4.250"  6.385"  -3cc  1.270"  9.4:1  Small Block Ford
           SRP139483**  4.530"  4.000"  6.135"  -3cc  1.645"  9.0:1  Flat Top Pistons
          High Compression Domed Pistons                      SRP271099  4.030"  3.400"  5.400"  -5cc  1.100"  10.1:1
            SRP212133  4.280"  3.760"  6.135"  30cc  1.765"  10.0:1
           SRP212135**  4.280"  4.000"  6.135"  23cc  1.645"  9.9:1  Ford Modular 4.6L 2V
            SRP139530  4.280"  4.000"  6.135"  48cc  1.645"  12.8:1  Flat Top Pistons
            SRP212142  4.280"  4.000"  6.385"  26cc  1.395"  10.2:1  SRP271106  3.572"  3.543"  5.933"  -3cc  1.220"  11.4:1
           SRP212156*  4.280"  4.250"  6.385"  18cc  1.270"  10.2:1  Spherical Dish Pistons
            SRP139831  4.280"  4.250"  6.385"  43cc  1.270"  12.7:1
           SRP212136**  4.310"  4.000"  6.135"  23cc  1.645"  10.1:1  SRP271108  3.572"  3.543"  5.933"  -17cc  1.220"  9.3:1
           SRP139531**  4.310"  4.000"  6.135"  48cc  1.645"  12.9:1  Notes: Compression ratios are based on the following combustion cham-
           SRP139832**  4.310"  4.250"  6.385"  43cc  1.270"  12.7:1  bers: SB Chevy: 64cc, SB Ford: 64cc
            SRP212157  4.310"  4.250"  6.385"  18cc  1.270"  10.1:1
            SRP212161  4.500"  4.250"  6.385"  10cc  1.270"  10.3:1
          Small Block Ford
          Flat Top Pistons
            SRP138734  4.030"  2.870"  5.155"  -5cc  1.600"  8.8:1
            SRP138730  4.030"  3.500"  5.956"  -5cc  1.774"  11.1:1
          Low Compression Pistons
           SRP151868*  4.030"  3.400"  5.400"  -12.5cc  1.100"  9.5:1
          Small Block Chrysler
          Flat Top Pistons
            SRP142068  4.070"  3.313"  6.125"  -5cc  1.804"  9.8:1
            SRP142069  4.030"  3.580"  6.125"  -5cc  1.670"  10.5:1
          Big Block Chrysler 400/440
          Flat Top Pistons
            SRP213455  4.350"  3.750"  6.768"  -3cc  2.062"  10.8:1
            SRP213456  4.360"  3.750"  6.768"  -6cc  2.062"  10.5:1
          Flat Top Pistons
            SRP149721  4.185"  4.210"  6.625"  -5cc  1.480"  11.5:1
          Notes: Compression ratios based on the following combustion chambers:
          SB Chevy: 64cc, BB Chevy: 118cc, SB Ford: 64cc, SB Chrysler: 65cc,
          BB Chrysler: 80cc.
          * Oil rail supports included. ** Fits tall deck when used with .400" long rods.  MIKE AUSTIN       MATT HAUCH
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