Page 592 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 592
The Driver Wind Gloves
One-Piece Driving Suit Designed exclusively
Lightweight and economical, the Driver is a for drag racing, Wind
single-layer version of the Jade 2 driving suit. gloves delivers the perfect
Driving suit is sewn from treated FPF cotton combination of safety,
for exceptional durability and fi re protection. comfort, performance and style.
Suit meets stringent SFI 3.2A/1 specifi cations Gloves have a TPP (Thermal Pro-
and is well suited to drivers, pit crew person- tection Perfomance) rating of 100
nel or offi cials. Offered in black only. for superior fi re protection and meet
SFI 3.3A/20 specifi cations. Offered in
Size Black
X-Small SCO001051D0XSNR black only.
Small SCO001051D1SNR Part No. Size
Medium SCO001051D2MNR SCO001353NP10NRSFI Medium
Large SCO001051D3LNR SCO001353NP11NRSFI Large
X-Large SCO001051D4XLNR SCO001353NP12NRSFI X-Large
XX-Large SCO001051D5XLNR
XXX-Large SCO001051D6XLNR
SFI 20 Drag Shoe
“One” One-Piece Driving Suit Lightweight, comfortable and offering superior fi re protection
Single-layer, one-piece fi re resistant makes the SFI 20 the ultimate drag racing shoe. Made from high
suit guarantees improved fl ame protec- quality suede and leather, the SFI 20 Drag Shoe features ultra-
tion compared to other single-layer suits. thin, oil resistant soles for greater pedal sensitivity. Meets SFI
Meets SFI 3.2A/1 specifi cations. Offered 3.2A/20 specifi cations. Black only.
in black only. Part No. Size
SCO00125841NR 8
Part No. Size
SCO001052NR2M Medium SCO00125842NR 10
SCO001052NR3L Large
SCO001052NR4XL X-Large SCO00125844NR 10-1/2
SCO001052NR5XXL XX-Large SCO00125845NR 11
SCO00125846NR 12
SCO00125847NR 13
Jade 2 Driving Suits SCO00125848NR 14
New and improved Jade 2 is engi- Race Driving Shoes
neered to be a quality, cost-effective Shoe's wider toe box, additional comfort cell in the ball of the
driving suit. Three-layer suits are sewn foot and extra cushioning in the sole reduce shock and vibrations
from durable FPF fabric and meet for more comfort.
stringent SFI 3.2A/5 specifi cations.
Part No.
Lightweight suits feature tone-on-tone Size SCO00127009N
stitching and boot cuffs to combine 9-1/2 SCO00127095N
style and comfort. Single-tone Jade 2 10 SCO00127010N
are offered in one- or two-piece (jacket 10-1/2 SCO00127105N
and pants) versions in black only. 11 SCO00127011N
11-1/2 SCO00127115N
One-Piece Driving Suits
Part No. Size
SCO001058J2MNR Medium
SCO001058J3LNR Large
SCO001058J4XLNR X-Large
SCO001058J5XLNR XX-Large
Two-Piece Driving Suits
Part No. Size
SCO001058JJ2MNR Medium
SCO001058JJ3LNR Large
SCO001058JJ4XLNR X-Large
SCO001058JJ5XLNR XX-Large
SCO001058JP2MNR Medium
SCO001058JP3LNR Large
SCO001058JP4XLNR X-Large
SCO001058JP5XLNR XX-Large
SCO001058JP6XLNR XXX-Large