Page 648 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 648
Air Ram LS Series Stealth Intake Manifolds
Intake Manifold The Stealth series represents
High flow, cast aluminum manifold, a totally new generation of 180
which features a idle-6,500 RPM degree, dual plane intake mani-
power range, includes thick mate- folds, engineered to produce the
rial walls for modifications, while high RPM power of a single plane
allowing machining for NOS provi- manifold while providing sharp
sions. Removable underside panel eases throttle response and versatility.
porting. Fits all 1997-2004 GM LS Gen. III series engines. Choose Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
from natural satin or polished finish. Small Block Chevy
Part No. Description WEI7540* Stealth EFI Idle-6500 RPM
WEI300-111 Air Ram LS Series Intake Manifold, Satin Finish Big Block Chevy
WEI300-111P Air Ram LS Series Intake Manifold, Polished Finish WEI8018 Stealth, Rect. Port Idle-6800 RPM
WEI9001P EGR Block-Off Plate, Polished Finish
Note: For applications not equipped with EGR. EGR block-off plate WEI8019 Stealth, Oval Port Idle-6800 RPM
(WEI9001P) must be purchased separately. Small Block Chrysler 318 (Late), 340, 360
WEI8022 Stealth Idle-6800 RPM
Small Block Ford 221, 260, 289, 302
Street Warrior WEI8020 Stealth Idle-6800 RPM
Intake Manifolds Small Block Ford 351W
Designed with Computational WEI8023 Stealth Idle-6800 RPM
Fluid Dynamics software, aluminum Big Block Ford 429, 460
Street Warrior low rise, dual plane WEI8012 Stealth Idle-6800 RPM
intakes increase horsepower and WEI8021 Stealth, Fits CJ, SCJ Heads Idle-6800 RPM
torque. Manifolds have universal, dual pattern carb flanges and * Accepts stock TPI, Holley 112-503 or 112-507 throttle bodies.
accept spread bore or square bore carburetors.
Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
Small Block Chevy X-CELerator
WEI8125 Street Warrior Idle-5500 RPM Intake Manifolds
WEI8126 Street Warrior, 1987-Up Iron Heads Idle-5500 RPM
WEI8150 Street Warrior 1500-6700 RPM X-CELerator 360 degree, single
WEI8170 Street Warrior, 1987-Up Iron Heads 1500-6700 RPM plane style intakes are ideal for
Big Block Chevy street or drag use. They operate
WEI8122 Street Warrior, Peanut Port Idle-5500 RPM well in 2000 to 6500 RPM range
WEI8123 Street Warrior, Oval Port Idle-5500 RPM and should be used with higher
compression ratios, aftermarket
Action Plus camshafts, headers, standard transmissions or high stall con-
Intake Manifolds verter equipped automatic transmissions.
Weiand’s Action Plus is a dual Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
plane, 180 degree Intake that re- Small Block Chevy
places the stock manifold and will WEI7547-1 X-CELerator 2000-6500 RPM
increase power and torque from Small Block Ford 351C
idle to 6000 RPM. WEI7516 X-CELerator, 2V Heads 1500-7000 RPM
Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
Small Block Chevy Team “G”
WEI8120 Action Plus, Square Flange Only Idle-5500 RPM
WEI8121 Action Plus, 1996-Up Vortec Iron Heads Idle-5500 RPM Intake Manifolds
Chrysler 318, 340, 360 Team “G” single 4V 360° single
WEI8007 Action Plus Idle-6000 RPM plane intake manifolds make great
Chrysler 361, 383, 400
WEI8008 Action Plus Idle-6000 RPM power from 2000-7800 RPM. Port
Small Block Ford 221, 260, 289, 302 matching the manifold to the cyl-
WEI8124 Action Plus, Low Rise Idle-5500 RPM inder heads can raise the effective
Ford 351M, 400 range by 200-800 RPM.
WEI8010 Action Plus, 2V Heads Idle-6000 RPM
Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
Small Block Chevy
Stealth Air Strike WEI7530 Power Ram 2800-7200 RPM
Intake Manifolds WEI7532 Track Ram 2800-7800 RPM
3000-8200 RPM
Track Ram
The traditional Stealth Intake with Chrysler 361, 383, 400
isolated runners added to reduce WEI7533 Track Ram 2700-7800 RPM
intake charge temperatures for
increased horsepower.
Part No. Description Recommended RPM Range
Small Block Chevy
WEI8501 Stealth Air Strike 1500-6700 RPM
WEI8502 Stealth Air Strike, 1996-Up Vortec Iron Heads 1500-6700 RPM