Page 650 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 650

Pro Star                                          Draglite
           Cold forged aluminum wheels have                   A lightweight,
          superior strength and much lighter weight.        cold-forged alu-
          Brilliantly polished, the Pro Star is one of the   minum wheel with
          truest high performance wheels money can          minimal runout
          buy. Wheels are engineered for street and         intended for street
          drag racing. Sizes 15" x 3.5", 15" x 4", 15"      or drag racing.
          x 14" and 15" x 15" are for drag racing only.     Choose from wheels with polished or black painted finish. 15” x
          Center cap is included.                           3.5”, 15” x 4”, 15” x 14” and 15” x 15” are for drag racing only.
              Part No.     Size     Bolt Circle   Back Spacing   Center cap is included.
            WEL96-54200  15" x 3.5"  5 x 4.5"     1.375"        Black     Polished            Bolt     Back
            WEL96-54270  15" x 3.5"  5 x 4.75"    1.375"        Part No.   Part No.  Size    Circle   Spacing
            WEL96-54202  15" x 4"    5 x 4.5"     1.875"      WEL90B-54030  WEL90-54030  15” x 3.5”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  1.375”
            WEL96-54272  15" x 4"    5 x 4.75"    1.875"      WEL90B-54340  WEL90-54340  15” x 3.5”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  1.375”
            WEL96-55206  15" x 5"    5 x 4.5"      3.5"       WEL90B-54032  WEL90-54032  15” x 4”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  1.875”
            WEL96-55276  15" x 5"    5 x 4.75"     3.5"       WEL90B-54342  WEL90-54342  15” x 4”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  1.875”
            WEL96-56206  15" x 6"    5 x 4.5"      3.5"          —       WEL90-55036  15” x 5”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  3.5”
            WEL96-56276  15" x 6"    5 x 4.75"     3.5"       WEL90B-55346  WEL90-55346  15” x 5”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-57208  15" x 7"    5 x 4.5"      4.5"       WEL90B-56346  WEL90-56346  15” x 6”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-57276  15" x 7"    5 x 4.75"     3.5"          —       WEL90-56416  15” x 6”  5 x 5”  3.5”
            WEL96-57278  15" x 7"    5 x 4.75"     4.5"          —       WEL90-57036  15” x 7”  4 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-58206  15" x 8"    5 x 4.5"      3.5"       WEL90B-57038  WEL90-57038  15” x 7”  4 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-58208  15" x 8"    5 x 4.5"      4.5"       WEL90B-57346  WEL90-57346  15” x 7”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-58210  15" x 8"    5 x 4.5"      5.5"       WEL90B-57348  WEL90-57348  15” x 7”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-58276  15" x 8"    5 x 4.75"     3.5"       WEL90B-57350  WEL90-57350  15” x 7”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-58278  15" x 8"    5 x 4.75"     4.5"          —       WEL90-59350  15” x 9”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-58280  15" x 8"    5 x 4.75"     5.5"          —       WEL90-58038  15” x 8”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  4.5”
            WEL96-510206  15" x 10"  5 x 4.5"      3.5"       WEL90B-58040  WEL90-58040  15” x 8”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  5.5”
            WEL96-510208  15" x 10"  5 x 4.5"      4.5"       WEL90B-58346  WEL90-58346  15” x 8”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-510210  15" x 10"  5 x 4.5"      5.5"       WEL90B-58348  WEL90-58348  15” x 8”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-510212  15" x 10"  5 x 4.5"      6.5"       WEL90B-58350  WEL90-58350  15” x 8”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-510276  15" x 10"  5 x 4.75"     3.5"          —       WEL90-510040  15” x 10”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  5.5”
            WEL96-510278  15" x 10"  5 x 4.75"     4.5"          —       WEL90-510042  15” x 10”  4 x 4.25”, 4.5”  6.5”
            WEL96-510280  15" x 10"  5 x 4.75"     5.5"      WEL90B-510042  WEL90-510042  15” x 10”  4 x 4.25”, 4.50”  6.5”
            WEL96-510282  15" x 10"  5 x 4.75"     6.5"      WEL90B-510346  WEL90-510346  15” x 10”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-510284  15" x 10"  5 x 4.75"     7.5"      WEL90B-510348  WEL90-510348  15” x 10”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-512208  15" x 12"  5 x 4.5"      4.5"      WEL90B-510350  WEL90-510350  15” x 10”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-512212  15" x 12"  5 x 4.5"      6.5"      WEL90B-510352  WEL90-510352  15” x 10”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  6.5”
            WEL96-512276  15" x 12"  5 x 4.75"     3.5"      WEL90B-510354  WEL90-510354  15” x 10”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  7.5”
            WEL96-512280  15" x 12"  5 x 4.75"     5.5"      WEL90B-512346  WEL90-512346  15” x 12”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-512282  15" x 12"  5 x 4.75"     6.5"          —       WEL90-512348  15” x 12”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-514206  15" x 14"  5 x 4.5"      3.5"      WEL90B-512350  WEL90-512350  15” x 12”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-514208  15" x 14"  5 x 4.5"      4.5"      WEL90B-512352  WEL90-512352  15” x 12”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  6.5”
            WEL96-514210  15" x 14"  5 x 4.5"      5.5"      WEL90B-512354  WEL90-512354  15” x 12”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  7.5”
            WEL96-514212  15" x 14"  5 x 4.5"      6.5"      WEL90B-514346  WEL90-514346  15” x 14”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  3.5”
            WEL96-514214  15" x 14"  5 x 4.5"      7.5"      WEL90B-514348  WEL90-514348  15” x 14”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-514276  15" x 14"  5 x 4.75"     3.5"          —       WEL90-514350  15” x 14”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-514278  15" x 14"  5 x 4.75"     4.5"          —       WEL90-514352  15” x 14”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  6.5”
            WEL96-514280  15" x 14"  5 x 4.75"     5.5"          —       WEL90-514354  15” x 14”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  7.5”
            WEL96-514282  15" x 14"  5 x 4.75"     6.5"      WEL90B-515348  WEL90-515348  15” x 15”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  4.5”
            WEL96-514284  15" x 14"  5 x 4.75"     7.5"      WEL90B-515350  WEL90-515350  15” x 15”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  5.5”
            WEL96-515208  15" x 15"  5 x 4.5"      4.5"          —       WEL90-515352  15” x 15”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  6.5”
            WEL96-515210  15" x 15"  5 x 4.5"      5.5"          —       WEL90-515354  15” x 15”  5 x 4.5”, 4.75”  7.5”
            WEL96-515278  15" x 15"  5 x 4.75"     4.5"
            WEL96-515280  15" x 15"  5 x 4.75"     5.5"     Center Caps
            WEL96-515282  15" x 15"  5 x 4.75"     6.5"
            WEL96-515284  15" x 15"  5 x 4.75"     7.5"       Push through
                                                            center caps are
                                                            available to fit all
                                                            Pro Star, Draglite
                                                            and RT Series Weld-  WELP605-5073  WELP605-5073B  WELP605-5083
                                                            star wheels. Offered
                                                            in polished or black finish
                                                                                           Polished   Black
                                                                       Description         Part No.  Part No.
                                                                 RT Series Cap, 3.16” OD x 2.20” Tall  WELP605-5073 WELP605-5073B
                                                              Draglite/Pro Star Cap, 3.175” OD, 5-Lug Wheels  WELP605-5083 WELP605-5083B
                                                              Draglite/Pro Star Cap, 2.93” OD, 4-Lug Wheels  WELP605-5093  —

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