Page 22 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Engine Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 22
Ford Small Block 289-302-Boss 302 (Cont.)
Forged Steel Crankshafts - Cont.
K1 Technologies 4340 Forged
Features: Premium 4340 steel, core nitride hardened, stress-relieved, gun-drilled rod and mains, properly placed counter-
weights, large fillet radii for use with narrowed bearings, straight hole rod oiling, magnafluxed and micro-polished.
Min. Rod Rod Rear Target Approx.
Part No. Description Stroke Length Pin Main Main Seal Balance Bobweight Grams Weight Lbs.
K1T011DAI340 Standard Weight 3.400" 5.400" 2.100" 2.250" 1-Pc. Int. 1750 47
Standard Features: 4340 forged steel, heat-treated, nitride hardened, large fillet radii on all journals, lightened holes rod
journals, straight shot & chamfered oil holes, precision ground and micro-polished. Lightweight - Same as standard,
reduced rotating weight weight design with aero-wing counterweights.
Min. Rod Rod Rear Target Approx.
Part No. Description Stroke Length Pin Main Main Seal Balance Bobweight Grams Weight Lbs.
SCA4-302-3000-5090-2123 28 Oz. Balance 3.000" 5.090" 2.123" 2.249" 1-Pc. Ext.
SCA4-302-3000-5090-2123 28 Oz. Balance 3.250" 5.400" 2.123" 2.249" 1-Pc. Ext.
SCA4-302-3400-5400-2123 28 Oz. Balance 3.400" 5.400" 2.123" 2.249" 1-Pc. Ext.
SCA4-302-3400-54-2123-I Internal Balance 3.400" 5.400" 2.123" 2.249" 1-Pc. Int.
SCA4-302-3400-54-2123-2 28 Oz. Balance 3.400" 5.400" 2.123" 2.249" 1-Pc. Ext.
Ford Small Block 351W
Cast Steel Crankshaft
“ESP” Features: .092" radius on rod and main journals, rear seal and snout, compatibility with standard OEM style bearings.
Min. Rod Rod Rear Target Approx.
Part No. Description Stroke Length Pin Main Main Seal Balance Bobweight Grams Weight Lbs.
EAG103513850 28 Oz. Balance 3.850" 5.956" 2.310" 3.000" 1-Pc. Ext. 1900 53-57
EAG103514000 28 Oz. Balance 4.000" 6.200" 2.100" 3.000" 1-Pc. Ext. 1920 57
Scat Series
Pro Stock Features: 9000 cast steel, precision-ground, micro-polished, factory balanced, 5.700" or longer rod, WISSOTA
Approved. Pro Comp Features: 9000 cast steel, precision ground, knife-edged counterweights, factory balanced, straight
shot oil holes, micro-polished, IMCA and Racersaver approved.
Min. Rod Rod Rear Target Approx.
Part No. Description Stroke Length Pin Main Main Seal Balance Bobweight Grams Weight Lbs.
Pro Stock, 28
SCA9-351-3500-5955-2311 3.500" 5.955" 2.311" 3.000" 1-Pc. Ext.
Oz. Balance
Pro Comp, 28
SCA9-351-385-5955-2311W 3.850" 5.955" 2.311" 3.000" 1-Pc. Ext. 60
Oz. Balance
Pro Comp, 28
SCA9-351-400-6000-2100W 4.000" 6.000" 2.100" 3.000" 1-Pc. Ext. 52
Oz. Balance
Forged Steel Crankshafts
“ESP” Features: SAE 4340 steel non-twist forging, multi-stage heat-treated, stress-relieved, .125" radii for use with nar-
rowed bearings, chamfered oil holes, cross-drilled oiling, shot-peened, nitride hardened, X-rayed, magnafluxed, and sonic
tested. 3.00" = 351W mains, 2.750" = 351C mains. Recommended for use up to 1500 HP.
Min. Rod Rod Rear Target Approx.
Part No. Description Stroke Length Pin Main Main Seal Balance Bobweight Grams Weight Lbs.
EAG435235006200 Standard Weight 3.500" 6.200" 2.100" 2.750" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 55-60
EAG435140006200 Standard Weight 4.000" 6.200" 2.100" 3.000" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 55-60
EAG435240006200 Standard Weight 4.000" 6.200" 2.100" 2.750" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 55-60
EAG435141706200 Standard Weight 4.170" 6.200" 2.100" 3.000" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 59
EAG435241706200 Standard Weight 4.170" 6.200" 2.100" 2.750" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 58
EAG435142506250 Standard Weight 4.250" 6.250" 2.100" 3.000" 1-Pc. Int. 1900 55-60