Page 32 - technical user manual5
P. 32
In this section you will have the possibility to go to a report giving a report or information
about the lateness of the product or the customer's return, selecting the product code
for greater accessibility and important description of it. In this way, the system will allow
you to do the following:
1 click on search to make sure there are no records included in the database.
2 through the search you can click on the modify button in any field, except in the
product code and finally save it.
3 you can click on delete the report process whenever you want whenever it is not
important for the inventory.
4 You can click on print if you want to obtain the information of the document in the
possible occurrences or solutions
1 if you choose to search in the code fields and if it does not give you information, it is
because you have not included numbers in the fields
2. If the product report does not allow you to include it in the record, it is due to the lack
of information that you have filled in.