Page 5 - SUM1623_Calendar_122018-F_Neat
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 Gourmet Culinary Workshop
 February 18th, 2pm  SU            MO           TU            WE            TH            FR            SA
 Join Executive Chef Geno as he showcases his
 premiere and inspirational culinary skills and                                     Thank Golf it’s Friday   Sushi Saturday
 techniques. Whether you are a novice in the kitchen
 or a skilled foodie, Chef Geno shares his knowledge                                T-Mobile: George Strait   T-Mobile: George Strait
 and expertise to assist all levels of culinary skill.  $
 Women’s Luncheon & Fashion Show
 February 23rd, 12–2pm  27        28            29            30             31               1            2
 Lovely ladies of The Summit, join us for an enticing
 afternoon at The Golf House. Eat, drink and show us   Super Bowl Watch             Thank Golf it’s Friday   Junior Golf Clinic
 what you’ve got! We will have the perfect dining and   12:30pm                                   Sushi Saturday
 shopping experience for your needs.  $                                                           6pm
              Sunday Supper
 GOLF LIFE    5pm                                                                                 T-Mobile: VGK vs.
                                                                                                  Columbus Blue
 Thank Golf It’s Friday                                                                           Jackets, 7pm
 February 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd, 11am                                               THE DUEL
 Hey fellas, come and enjoy TGIF with the guys on
 Super Bowl Watch Party  the green. Bring a friend for guest play on February   3  4  5  6  7  8          9
 February 3rd, 12.30pm  8th.
 Come to the Golf House to cheer on your   GO KNIGHTS GO!!  Sunday Supper   VGK vs. Toronto Maple   Thank Golf it’s Friday   Sushi Saturday
                                                                      Leafs, 7pm
 favorite team to victory. Get your winning   Join  us  at  The  Summit  T-Mobile  Suite  or  the
 squares ready as we will be honoring the   Member’s Lounge at the Golf House to support the   T-Mobile: KISS
 winners with a cash prize! $  Vegas Golden Knights on their path to victory!
 Columbus Blue Jackets vs. Vegas Golden Knights
 February 9th, 7pm ($)
 Sushi Saturday  Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Vegas Golden Knights  10  11  12  13  14          15           16
 February 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd, 6pm  February 14th, 7pm ($)
 This is how we roll! Showcasing the finest fresh   Boston Bruins vs. Vegas Golden Knights  Sunday Supper   Gourmet Culinary   T-Mobile: VGK vs.   Thank Golf it’s Friday   Women’s Luncheon &
 fish from Tokyo, Japan, Chef Kaz will be featuring   February 20th, 7pm ($)   5pm  Workshop    Boston Bruins   11am  Fashion Show
 his latest Summit sushi rolls and sashimi at The   Winnipeg Jets vs. Vegas Golden Knights  T-Mobile: VGK vs.   Sushi Saturday
 Summit Golf House. $   February 22nd, 7pm ($)                                      Winnipeg Jets   6pm
 Sunday Suppers  T-MOBILE ARENA
 February 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th, seating from 5pm  $   George Strait
 ‘The Duel’ The Madison Club vs. The Summit Club   February 1st & 2nd, 8pm ($)
 (at The Madison Club) $  17       18            19          20              21           22            23
 February 7th–9th  KISS
 February 15th, 7pm ($)
 Thursday, 7th  Sunday Supper
 Practice Round in the afternoon
 Captains Dinner
 Friday, 8th
 Rounds 1, 2 & 3 – 9 holes, 3 different formats
 Team Dinner
 Saturday, 9th
 Singles Matches    24            25            26            27            28                1            2
 Trophy Presentation

 For additional event information, please contact Member Services at    $ Indicates Fee for Event  FEBRUARY 2019
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