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MARCH 2019

                                                                                                                                               SU            MO            TU            WE            TH            FR           SA

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thank Golf it’s Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                                              11am          Junior Golf Clinic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sushi Saturday

                                                                                                                                               24            25           26            27            28                1            2

                                                                                                                                         Super Bowl Watch            Ladies’ Golf Clinic  T-Mobile: VGK vs.   Thank Golf it’s Friday   Sadie Hawkins – Mixed
                                                                                                                                         Party                       10am         Calgary Flames              11am          Couple Member-Guest,
                                                                                                                                         12:30pm                                  7:30pm                                    9-11am Tee Times
                                                                 GOLF LIFE                                                                                                                                    T-Mobile:     T-Mobile: VGK vs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vancouver Canucks,
                                                                 Ladies’ Golf Clinic                                                     Sunday Supper                                                        Justin Timberlake   1pm
                            Sadie Hawkins:                       March 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th, 10am                                                                                                                         Junior Golf Clinic, 3pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sushi Saturday, 5pm
                     Mixed Couple Member-Guest                   Lovely ladies of The Summit, please join us for our                                                                                                        Sadie Hawkins Dinner
                               March 9th $                       ladies only golf clinic. $                                                                                                                                 6:30pm
                           9-11am – Tee Times                    Thank Golf It’s Friday                                                           3             4             5            6              7            8             9
                     6:30pm – Sadie Hawkins Dinner               March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th, 11am
                                                                 Hey fellas, come and enjoy TGIF with the guys on                        Sunday Supper               Ladies’ Golf Clinic   T-Mobile: Pac-12 Men’s   T-Mobile: Pac-12 Men’s   Thank Golf it’s Friday   Junior Golf Clinic
                                                                 the green. Bring a friend for guest play on March                       5pm                         10am         Basketball Tournament   Basketball Tournament   11am  3pm
                                                                 8th.                                                                                                                                                       Sushi Saturday
              Sushi Saturday                                     Junior Golf Clinic                                                                                                                                         5pm
              March, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th, seating from 5pm  March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th, 3pm
                                                                 Welcome Summit junior squad! Come and enjoy a
              This is how we roll! Showcasing the finest fresh   whole lot of fun in our Junior Golf Clinic.
              fish from Tokyo, Japan, Chef Kaz will be featuring
              his latest Summit sushi rolls and sashimi at The   GO KNIGHTS GO!!                                                               10              11          12            13            14            15            16
              Summit Golf House. $                               Join  us  at  The  Summit  T-Mobile  Suite  or  the
              Sunday Suppers                                     Member’s Lounge at the Golf House to support the                        Shamrock Shuffle            Ladies’ Golf Clinic   Gourmet Culinary   Thank Golf it’s Friday   Junior Golf Clinic
              March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st, seating from 5pm $  Vegas Golden Knights on their path to victory!                     Irish Feast, 5pm                         2pm                                       Sushi Saturday
              St. Patrick’s Day – Shamrock Shuffle               Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights                              T-Mobile: VGK vs.
                                                                                                                                         Edmonton Oilers
              March 17th, 9am                                    March 9th, 1pm ($)                                                      7pm                                                                                T-Mobile: VGK vs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Detroit Red Wings
              Join us on the Golf House lawn to stretch before our   Calgary Flames vs. Vegas Golden Knights                                                                                                                7pm
              green run! Dress up for St. Patrick’s day and join us   March 6th, 7:30pm ($)
              as we Shamrock Shuffle around the club. $          Edmonton Oilers vs. Vegas Golden Knights
              St. Patrick’s Day – Irish Feast                    March 17th, 7pm ($)                                                            17           18            19           20             21           22            23
              March 17th, 5pm                                    Detroit Red Wings vs. Vegas Golden Knights                              Sunday Supper               Ladies’ Golf Clinic                      Thank Golf it’s Friday   Junior Golf Clinic
              “May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light. May good luck pursue you    March 23rd, 7pm ($)                        5pm                         10am                                     11am          3pm
              each morning and night.” – Traditional Irish Blessing   Minnesota Wild vs. Vegas Golden Knights                                                                                                 T-Mobile: VGK vs.   Sushi Saturday
              Gourmet Culinary Workshop                          March 29th, 7pm ($)                                                           24                                                             Minnesota Wild   5pm
              March 20th, 2pm
              Join Executive Chef Geno as he showcases his       T-MOBILE ARENA                                                          Sunday Supper
              premiere and inspirational culinary skills and     Justin Timberlake                                                       5pm
              techniques. Whether you are a novice in the kitchen   March 8th, 7:30pm $
              or a skilled foodie, Chef Geno shares his knowledge   Pac-12 Men’s Basketball Tournament                                          31           25           26            27            28            29            30
              and expertise to assist all levels of culinary skill. $  March 13th & 14th, 12 Noon / March 15 & 16th, 5pm $

               For additional event information, please contact Member Services at           $ Indicates Fee for Event                                                               MARCH 2019
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