Page 3 - NAGC20 Reimagined! Daily Newsletter - Friday, November 13, 2020
P. 3

Friday, November 13, 2020


                10:45 AM – 5:00 PM EST (Live Chat Hours: 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM)

          Gifted Coordinator Lounge
                                                 Graduate Student Lounge                      Parent Lounge

        Invite your gifted coordinator          Join fellow graduate students        Parents of gifted children are
        colleagues to join you in the lounge    anytime between 10:45 AM-5:00 PM     encountering unique challenges
        between 10:45 AM-5:00 PM to             to discuss navigating studies during a   when it comes to keeping their
        exchange ideas, resources, and          pandemic, share ideas and            gifted child/children engaged, active,
        support during these unprecedented      resources, and build community       and curious during this pandemic
        times.                                  support.                             season. Stop by the parent lounge to
                                                                                     engage in supportive dialogue, share
                                                                                     resources, and ideas.
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