Page 15 - Mar Apr 2021-REV
P. 15

HARD TRUTH,                                                             Political Contacts

         conclusion                                                              The White House

                                                                                 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
                                                                                 Washington, DC 20500
         ing very high levels of contamination.”   However, the new Natural Resources   Comment Line: 202-456-1111
         Hubbard, retired doctor of environment   chair is Sen. Bruce Bostelman of District   202-456-1414; Fax 202-456-2993
         and health, is gravely concerned about   23—which includes Mead. To say the
         neonicotinoids, “the most prominent   least, Sen. Bostelman does not often   Sen. Deb Fischer
         pesticide found at the site, [which] are   prioritize environmental protection. But   454 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
         known to affect the neurologic system   he may be moved by his constituents   Washington, D.C. 20510
         of bees, neurologic and reproductive sys-  to conclude a statewide water study is   202-224-6551
         tems in deer and probably developmental   critical now,  beginning perhaps with   202-228-1325 (FAX)
         abnormalities in infants. Pipes broke in   the waters, above ground and below,   402-391-3411 (Omaha)
         February, releasing millions of gallons of   impacted by AltEn’s criminal scam. He   402-441-4600 (Lincoln)
         manure- and pesticide-laden water into   may schedule such a resolution so it can
         the adjacent stream.”             be debated and voted upon.
             The Guardian reported, “Some of   Sen. Bostelman can benefit one of   Sen. Ben Sasse
         the levels recorded are just off the charts,”   the state’s great economic drivers, even   107 Russell Senate Office Building
         said Dan Raichel, an attorney with the   through the pandemic—the ethanol in-  Washington, DC 20510
         Natural Resources Defense Council   dustry which doesn’t deserve the black   202-224-4224
                                                                                 402-476-1400 (Lincoln)
         (NRDC), which has been working with   eye. Mead is an outlier, not the norm.
         academics and other environmental pro-  Nebraska is the #2 ethanol producing
         tection groups to monitor the situation   state in the U.S. Increasing replacement   Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Dist. 1
         in Mead.                          of liquid fossil fuels with biofuels is   1517 Longworth HOB
             Clearly there is plenty of blame to   critical. Princeton’s Carbon Mitigation   Washington, D.C. 20515
         go around, all the way back to Reagan   Initiative promotes turnkey practices   202-225-4806
         and the delusion that deregulation cre-  available NOW and recommends in-  402-438-1598 (Lincoln)
         ates prosperity. Failure to study, foresee,   creasing ethanol use by a factor of ten, or
         legislate and prepare to act on clear and   even one hundred! Right now Nebraska   Rep. Don Bacon
         present dangers magnified by climate   produces plenty of ethanol to meet state   1024 Longworth HOB
         change may fairly be charged against   needs and export more. But obsolete   Washington, DC 20515
         federal and state governments alike.   pump infrastructure is a major barrier   Phone: (202) 225-4155
         Today’s EPA considers such matters best   against our state’s market for E-30.
         left to the states. Currently “the label is   Some friends disagree, but I applaud   Rep. Adrian Smith, District 3
         law.” Seed producers, wholesalers, retail-  the wisdom of our state’s Environmental   502 Cannon HOB
         ers and growers alike are charged with   Trust reaching out to rural Nebraska,   Washington, DC 20515
         making sure the end disposers of unsold/  funding upgraded pumps to dispense   Phone: (202) 225-6435
         unused seed have the correct certificates.   30% ethanol blend, preventing carbon   Fax: (202) 225-0207
         Say what?                         uptake into the atmosphere and growing
             Some of the blame here must go   the rural economy.                 Capitol Hill 202-224-3121
         to District 44 Sen. Dan Hughes, for-  As I go to press, NDEE has filed suit   State Capitol 402-471-2311
         mer chair of the Legislature’s Natural   against AtlEn. By contrast the governor   State Senator, District #
         Resources Committee, who agreed to   of Texas blamed renewables for the   State Capitol; PO Box 94604
         schedule LR. 4 first brought by District 3   collapse of that state’s energy grid. Not   Lincoln, NE 68509-4604
         Sen. Carol Blood in 2016, but he reneged.   unlike the Mead disaster, the greatest part
         Sen. Blood first proposed a statewide   of blame in Texas is down to lax law, lax   Governor Pete Ricketts
         water quality study over concern for can-  enforcement and deregulation.  P.O. Box 94848
         cer patients who lived along the state’s   Nebraska’s governor understands   Lincoln, NE 68509-4848
         waterways. Had the Unicameral had a   this matter is serious. He may be late to   402-471-2244; Fax 402-471-6031
         chance to see the results of such a study   the party, but a dear friend pointed out it’s
         earlier, law may well have been in place   neither helpful nor sporting to beat on a
         to prevent this disaster at Mead.  guy who just woke up.
                                                                          MARCH/APRIL 2021 NE REPORT, P. 15
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