Page 3 - Mar Apr 2021-REV
P. 3

Assessing the Environmental
              Assessing the Environmental

                   Risk of the Ground Based
                   Risk of the Ground Based

                            Strategic Deterrent
                             Strategic Deterrent

         Nebraskans for Peace recently submitted  ception provided by mobile sea- and air-  curity and resiliency of the global ecosys-
         the following statement to the Air Force  based systems. In the late 1970s and early  tem. As University of Nebraska-Lincoln
         Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Test  ’80s, the built-in vulnerability of land-  researchers have shown (“Nuclear Weap-
         Program: Environmental Assessment/  based missile deployment was openly  ons in a Changing Climate: Probability,
         Overseas  Environmental Assessment  acknowledged. Sometime later, however,  Increasing Risks, and Perception”, Adam
         in response to their request for public  that vulnerability got inverted by nuclear  Liska, et al., Environment Magazine,
         comment about the move to modernize  planners into a hideous ‘strategic advan-  2017,
         the U.S. nuclear arsenal.         tage’, who reasoned that enemies would  cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&conte
                                           need to ‘waste’ precious warheads from  xt=bseliska), even a limited nuclear strike
             There’s a grim irony in the timing   their limited WMD arsenals to destroy  could precipitate a worldwide “nuclear
         of this “Environmental Assessment” for                               autumn”: throwing up such a cloud of
         the “Ground Based Strategic Deterrent”                               dust, smoke and debris that the sun would
         that cuts to the core of the entire proposed  While the very existence   be dimmed and global temperatures and
         nuclear arsenal ‘modernization’ program.   of nuclear weapons poses   precipitation levels would drop, leading
         At the very moment our planetary eco-                                to global crop failure and the collapse of
         system is being uncontrollably assailed   an existential threat to   our food system.
         by a devastating global pandemic and                                    Instead of spending $100-200 bil-
         an escalating climate crisis, the U.S.  life on earth, land-based    lion on an imprudent and precarious
         Government (to the tune of $1 Trillion)                              modernization of the land-based leg
         is actively embarked on heightening the   ICBMs constitute the       of the nuclear triad, endangering the
         human-made peril of nuclear annihila-  most vulnerable leg of        planet’s ecosystem (and our global food
         tion.                                                                production and distribution system), and
              Given their respective biological   the U.S.’s deterrent triad.  compromising our national security (by
         and geophysical natures, the coronavi-                               flouting the United Nations just-enacted
         rus and the climate crisis may never be   these solitary silos (deployed in remote,  Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear
         fully subject to human management and   sparsely populated areas) before these  Weapons), the U.S. should be earnestly
         control. The threat of nuclear holocaust,   weapons could be launched in retaliation.  pursuing negotiations with the other
         however, is a problem strictly of our own   Essentially, in this contest of missile at-  nuclear states to abolish these Weapons
         making. It’s a peril we are inflicting on   trition, land-based ICBM targets would  of Mass Destruction. In the interest of
         ourselves—and on the natural world that   be intended to ‘draw fire’—depleting the  national, economic and environmental
         supports us. In terms of sheer harm to the   enemy’s stockpile while enhancing the  security, the Department of Defense
         environment, what more instantaneous   strategic dominance of the U.S.’s sea- and  should decommission—rather than
         cataclysm (short of an asteroid strike)   air-based legs.            ‘modernize’—the land-based ICBM leg
         can be imagined than that of nuclear    Apart from treating the Nebraska  of the nuclear triad.
         war? Any purported ‘environmental’ as-  Panhandle (and the rest of the Warren Air   Nebraska is already a nuclear ‘bulls-
         sessment of the Ground Based Strategic   Force Base area) as militarily ‘expend-  eye’ as the headquarters of U.S. Strategic
         Deterrent must, accordingly, take into   able’, such a war-fighting strategy—  Command at Offutt Air Force Base in
         account the program’s intended purpose   should a nuclear conflict erupt—does  Bellevue. Continuing to weaponize the
         and projected effects.            incalculable damage environmentally.  state’s Panhandle only further imperils
              While the very existence of nuclear   Our entire region of the country would  the people and environment of Ne-
         weapons poses an existential threat to life   become an uninhabitable wasteland. But  braska…
         on earth, land-based ICBMs constitute   the ‘fallout’ would reach far beyond the   And, as we’re now learning, the very
         the most vulnerable leg of the U.S.’s de-  U.S. heartland. A nuclear exchange of  Earth itself.
         terrent triad. As fixed-point targets easily   even modest scale would endanger the se-
         identifiable from Google Maps, ICBM
         silos are ‘sitting ducks’, lacking the de-                        MARCH/APRIL 2021 NE REPORT, P. 3
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