Page 10 - The History of MSBC
P. 10

“ Pastor Watkins was one of the most kind and faithful pas- tors I’ve known who preached the gospel without shame.”
Rev. Dr. Henry Baker
   From Bush Shelter to Brick: The hisTory of MT. sinai BapTisT ChurCh
several religious boards, such as the Virginia Seminary board of directors and trustee board of the Baptist Children’s Home of Virginia. One of Rev. Watkins outstanding accomplishments which he quietly cher- ished was his role in coordinating the residents and successfully suing the county of Lunenburg because of unequal representation of African-Americans.
Rev. Watkins pastored six churches in Virginia for over 43 years, coupled with the thirteen spent at Mt. Sinai. When he arrived at Mt. Sinai, the church had a financial debt of $6,000.00. By mid-1968, over half of the debt had been paid and the balance
settled by the end of the year.
Improvements and updates were made to further beautify and modernize the church. The interior of the sanctuary, choir room and lounge were painted. A baptistery was finally installed in the reserved area, and the opening of the pool adorned with drap- eries. Wall to wall carpeting blanketed the choir room and lounge. Since all debts had been paid, it allowed the church to recover
and strengthen the treasury. In 1976, a pictorial directory was assembled by the Pastor’s Auxiliary Com- mittee, which illustrated the church’s members, officers, auxiliaries, and history.
As the membership grew and services at Mt. Sinai flourished, the second week in August became devot- ed to the annual revival, while the fourth Sunday in August was set aside for baptisms. This rural church became known for its distinguished orators in and out of state who conducted the revivals. Occasionally, the congregation was so pleased that some speakers were invited to come back. The Rev. Noel C. Taylor of the High Street Baptist Church in Roanoke led the revival services for two years in the late sixties. About ten years later in 1977, the renowned Rev. William Jones Jr. of Bethany Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York was the speaker.
Under Rev. Watkins’ leadership, Brothers James Flood, Masco Barrett, James O. Daye, Wilbur L. Walden, and Paul Bailey were ordained as deacons, and Henry G. Baker was licensed to preach. His ten- ure ended at Mt. Sinai in 1979, when he accepted an invitation to pastor the Mayflower Baptist Church in Kenbridge, Virginia where he lived with his family.
Rev. Watkins was married for fifty years to Mrs. Mary Frances Belle Watkins and to this union they had four children. When this faithful servant had finished his race, God quietly called him home on April 10, 1996. He lived his life according to his favorite quote by
Richard F. Wolfe, “One tiny thought in tiny word may give
a great one birth, and, if that thought was caused by me, I
have lived a life of worth.”
 In 1980, the congregation chose to extend their Sun- day morning worship services each Sunday. Previously they had only held services twice a month. Within the same time, the Reverend Roma Lee Colmore Jr. arrived. The son of Roma L. and Hannah Colmore was a native of Madison Heights, Virginia. Prior to accepting the role as pastor of Mt. Sinai, Rev. Colmore had pastored the Mount Lyle Baptist Church and Galilee Baptist Church, in Vir- ginia. Rev. Colmore was an alumnus of the Virginia Sem- inary in Lynchburg, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology.
Rev. Colmore’s tenure was brief, but productive. He saw the need for a few enhancements in an effort to uphold the beauty of the church. The initiative of the seventh leader brought about the installation of a handicapped ramp, renovation of the sidewalks, and interior and exte- rior painting throughout the church. Brother Wilbur L. Walden heeded his call to the ministry, and was licensed and ordained while under the leadership of Rev. Colmore.
Rev. Roma l. ColmoRe
16 | Mt. Sinai ~ Celebrating 145 Years

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