Page 11 - The History of MSBC
P. 11

 From Bush Shelter to Brick: The hisTory of MT. sinai BapTisT ChurCh
Rev. Colmore was active in the Amherst County, Virginia community. His departure in 1983 left the flock without a pastor for two years. Despite the fact that the church was without ministerial leadership, the congregation was far from dormant. As the parishioners persevered, they invited other clergy to come and conduct the services.
 In June 1985, after much thought and consideration, the con- gregation chose Rev. Joseph Henry Goode to be their eighth pas- tor. The son of Henry L. and Ruth C. Goode resided in Ettrick, Virginia. Prior to accepting the invitation to serve at Mt. Sinai, Rev. Goode pastored the First Baptist Church in Jarrett and Lit- tle Zion Baptist Church in Carson, Virginia. He studied at Vir- ginia Union University, Virginia State University, and the Vir- ginia University of Lynchburg. On May 7, 2005, Dr. Ralph Reavis, president of the Virginia University of Lynchburg, conferred the degree of Honorary Doctor of Divinity upon Rev. Goode.
Rev. Goode served in various organizations including the Na- tional Baptist Association, the Hampton Ministers Conference, the Executive Board of Lott Carey, the Holland Ministerial Alli- ance, and moderator for the Bethany Association.
The church was renovated and improvements were made over the next twenty-four years, under the leadership of Rev. Goode. The church purchased three acres of land for expansion and as- sumed the responsibility for the upkeep of the cemetery across the street. Recognizing that the grounds needed attention, a beauti- fication committee was appointed. In addition, the parking area was paved, security system and lights installed, handicapped
signs posted, and a new well excavated.
Rev. DR. Joseph h. GooDe
  To upgrade the church’s interior, the pews in the sanctuary were varnished and covered, new carpet was installed, and the church interior and exterior painted. To preserve the stained glass windows in the sanctuary, they were covered with plexi- glass. New draperies for the baptismal pool were hung. An au- dio system was installed along with the purchase of office and
Top: Mt. Sinai’s pulpit showing new draperies in the baptismal pool.
Bottom: The sanctuary with newly reupholstered pews.
media equipment.
To improve the financial op- erations of the church, an annu- al budget system was instituted. Rev. Goode selected and ordained the following as deacons: Rolland C. Hunter Sr., Meredith Rawls,
  Vernon Cross, Willie Lee Peterson Sr., Dorothy E. Hart, Jerone Robertson, Robert L. Starks, and Doris F. Walden. In 1988, he declared the appointment of R. Hugo Hunter Jr., Monte K. Walden Sr., Terry Majette, Douglas Wiggins, Christopher Hunter Sr., Robert Law- rence Jr., Arminta O. Rawls, Eldon L. Rawls, and Carlton Stokes Sr. as trust- ees. When the Rev. Melvin Wright an- swered his call to preach to the gospel, he was licensed by Dr. Goode.
In 1991, Rev. Goode saw the need to update the church’s pictorial direc- tory, so another was printed. A cook- book, “Heavenly Recipes,” was com-
Mt. Sinai ~ Celebrating 145 Years | 17

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