Page 12 - The History of MSBC
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From Bush Shelter to Brick: The hisTory of MT. sinai BapTisT ChurCh
posed of members’ cherished and beloved recipes. The introduction of a quarterly newsletter, “Eternally Through Christ” (E.T.C.) in June 1992, enhanced interaction amongst the members and the community. A few months later Rev. Goode had a vision of building a Family Life Center. The Educational Annex also was renovated, and both facilities were completed with new furnishings. New Bibles and hymnals were or- dered for the sanctuary, while furniture and encyclopedias were purchased for the newly coordinated Board of Christian Education. Portraits were made of the first eight pastors and hung in the hallway between the educational annex and sanctuary. In 1999, the Christian Women’s Fellowship Ministry was formed and later the Christian Men’s Fellowship Ministry was organized.
In 2000, an effort was made to rejuvenate Mt. Sinai’s missionary programs. As a result, the Mt. Sinai “Guild Girls” program was initiated. “The Guild” was made up of seven eligible young ladies, ages 12 to 17 who were trained to become future missionaries. They were: Brittany Boone, Courtney Boone, Rebecca Cotten, Melissa Flood, Ashley Hunter, Taynelle McCloud, and China Rawls. Missionary Ruby H. Walden served as their counselor. In 2006, a library was opened in the Family Life Center.
Heralded as a loving and caring Undershepherd, Rev. Goode labored tirelessly over the years as he faithfully guided the congregation into the twenty-first century. Through his ministry, Mt. Sinai was blessed spiritually, physically, and financially.
Rev. WIllIam l. lanG
Rev. Goode was married to the late Shirley Shands Goode for more than forty years and five children were born to this union. He later married the former Marvia Cherry Eubanks of Suffolk, Vir- ginia. Through this union he gained a daughter. After twenty-four and-a-half years of devoted service, Rev. Goode retired from Mt. Sinai in 2009. He now serves as Pastor Emeritus.
Finding themselves in a familiar place, the congregation once again extended an invitation to ministers to come and conduct the Sunday morning worship service. In 2011, they decided to make a permanent offer to the Reverend William L. Lang to become the ninth pastor.
Born in Ahoskie, North Carolina, Rev. Lang is the son of the late Hunter R. and Virginia Boone Lang. He is the proud father of two sons, and one granddaughter, and presently resides in Suffolk with his wife, the former Olivia Biggs.
Rev. Lang attended the Roanoke Theological Seminary in Eliza- beth City, North Carolina where he received a Bachelor of Divinity degree and a Masters of Theology. Additionally, he holds an Asso- ciate Degree in Business Administration from Paul D. Camp Com- munity College. Rev. Lang is employed with the Virginia Depart- ment of Transportation as a senior bridge safety inspector and also
Rev. Lang speaks to participants at a Senior Forum workshop in the church’s Family Life Center.
serves as an instructor at the Testament Bible Institute in Suffolk.
Prior to coming to Mt. Sinai, Rev. Lang served as Associate Pastor at Grove Bap- tist Church in Portsmouth, where he was licensed to preach the gospel in 1991. Lat- er, he returned to his home church at Mt. Ararat Christian Church in Suffolk and was ordained in 2008.
In the short time since his investiture, Rev. Lang has demonstrated that Mt. Sinai is on the move again with extensive prog- ress, which celebrates growth, unity and leadership. Rev. Lang’s vision for Mt. Sinai is “Fulfilling God’s Purpose Through Christ Jesus.” He believes that the preached word, Bible study and ongoing training through Christian education are the central points of the church’s spiritual growth. After ar-
18 | Mt. Sinai ~ Celebrating 145 Years