Page 14 - The History of MSBC
P. 14
From Bush Shelter to Brick: The hisTory of MT. sinai BapTisT ChurCh
Joyner, Prince Anderson, Rolland C. Hunt- er Sr., Vernon Cross, Willie L. Peterson Sr., Spencer Bailey, Eddie Saunders, Linwood U. Holland, Frank L. Walden, Obediah G. Baker Sr., Wilbur L. Walden, Paul A. Bai- ley, James O. Daye, Masco Barrett, James Flood, Jerone Robertson, Dorothy E. Hart, Doris F. Walden, Willis J. Wiggins, Robert L. Starks, Richard M. Malone, and Elvin T. Artis.
Trustees–Benjamin Howell, Peter
Darden, Titus L. G. Walden, J. H. Lew-
is, A. T. Holland, George W. Brown, Wil-
lis W. Walden, Daniel Holland, Axium
J. Holland, James T. Cross, Obediah
Walden, Willis J. Wiggins, Prince Cross,
Charles Dillard, Cornelius Milteer, Preston
Hunter, Matthew Bailey, Gerald M. Pow-
ell, Frank L. Walden, Vernon Cross, Robert
Lawrence Sr., Melton G. Walden Sr., Doug-
las Wiggins, Monte K. Walden Sr., R. Hugo
Hunter Jr., Willie Porter, Obediah G. Baker
Sr., Samuel L. Hunter, Benjamin H. Ashe, Masco Barrett, Arminta O. Rawls, Christopher Hunter Sr., Terry Majette, Robert Lawrence Jr., Donnie Adkins, Eldon L. Rawls, Carlton Stokes Sr., and William T. Hart.
Clerks–Nehemiah Porter, Annas N. Dillard, Enoch E. Baker, Willie B. Lewis, Bennie H. Ashe, Squire T. Walden, Ella L. Holland, Evelyn Hunter, Irene Rawls, Ruby H. Walden, Martha P. Hunter, Melzena A. Wig- gins, Olivia A. Williams and Mildred W. Daye. Lillian W.
Gaston is assistant clerk and financial secretary.
Treasurers–Benjamin Howell, Delaware T. Howell, Willis J. Wiggins, Willis W. Walden, Matthew Bailey, Paul E. Stephenson, Byron S. Boone, Thomas Carr, Obe- diah Walden, Melton G. Walden Sr., J. B. Howell, Squire T. Walden, Eldon L. Rawls, and P. Lloyd Artis.
Sextons–Louise Howell, Aben Goodman, Peter Darden, Ned Council, Henry G. Baker, Jodie B. Howell, Obediah G. Baker Sr., Bobby Johnson, Willie Manley, William E. Lawrence, Samuel L. Hunter, McCoy Holland, Walter T. Walden, W. T. Lewis, and Willie C. Flood.
For one hundred and forty-five years, Mount Sinai Baptist has been blessed to have outstanding, dedicat- ed, and God-inspired men to pastor the congregation. These leaders have faithfully worked to perpetuate the great heritage that the church, through the leadership of Cross, Ashburn, Alexander, Daughtrey, Reavis, Wat- kins, Colmore, Goode and now Lang, have built for the worship of God.
Rev. William L. Lang and First Lady Olivia Lang at the memo- rial erected for the founder of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, the Rev. Isreal Cross.
20 | Mt. Sinai ~ Celebrating 145 Years
Historical Marker Dedication service and ceremony at Mount Sinai Baptist Church June 28, 2013.