Page 101 - Business Building Guide
P. 101

Personal   Prepare  Present  Development
          Learn To Be Your Best

          Join tens of thousands of Wellness Advocates to learn more about your unique strengths through Empowered You, a specialized
          training created in partnership with Gallup and dedicated to empowering dōTERRA business builders to live their strengths.
          Leverage the training by first taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment to identify your specific talent themes.
          Learn more at: > Empowered Success > Empowered You

                                                                 As you discover more through the Strengths movement, learn
                               The dōTERRA Strengths Guide       to discern the difference between principles and best practices.
                               is designed to encourage you to   Best practices are people doing things their way. Principles are
                               engage in each PIPES activities   proven, enduring, and unchanging and can be applied to any
                               using your unique strengths.      situation. They are the truths behind the practices.
                               In conjuction with the guide,     When observing what’s working in a situation, deconstruct
                               use the Empowered You videos      success by searching for the principles at play that made the
                               to individualize your personal    difference. Because people don’t duplicate but processes do,
                               development and take your PIPES   choose to be yourself, putting your talents and abilities to work
                               actions to a whole new level.     while following what’s necessary to create results.

             Grow Your Way

             Create a team culture focused on what’s right with you
             and those around you. The best culture motivates you
             to aim your strengths at actions designed to advance
             your business. Trusting in and claiming who you are is
             a critical component of leadership. Grow your team in
             a way that is authentically you.

             In what areas do you really shine?

             Which of those strengths do you want to have the
             biggest impact on your success?

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