Page 13 - 2017 Annual Report Final
P. 13


             After receiving a call that Saraha would be placed in foster care after being born if a family
             member did not come forward, Saraha’s great grandmother, Diane, knew what she had to do.
             Saraha’s mother was very young and her grandmother had health issues which left Saraha’s
             great-grandmother the only family member willing and able to care for her.

             Moving to Western New York from North Carolina was a big adjustment but Diane, fondly
             referred to as ‘Nana’, never hesitated to do what was best for her great-grandchild.

                            “I loved Saraha from the moment she was born and was committed
                                      to raising her and being her family,” said Nana.

             By first grade, Saraha was already struggling in school and she and Nana were facing challenging
             times at home, as well. Not having support from their extended family and not familiar with the
             resources of their community, Saraha and Nana struggled to stay above the poverty line.                           99.6%

             “I met Saraha and Nana in December 2015. Nana was struggling to make ends meet and could
             not afford food for a holiday meal,” said Ms Lori, Berkshire Sr. Family Specialist. “We were able            success rate in keeping
             to help Nana make the holiday special.                                                                           families together

                                It was then that we began working with Nana to provide the

                                      support she needed to keep her family together.”

             Over time, Ms. Lori was able to help Nana identify community resources and support for both
             Nana and Saraha and as home became more stable, Saraha was able to refocus on school. Once
             considered painfully shy and facing bullying on a daily basis, Saraha has now found her voice
             thanks to the support of Ms. Lori.
 Saraha & Jaeqwan, two children in our Niagara
 Home Run Program, enjoy a day at the Maid of
 the Mist tour thanks to a generous donor.  Saraha has developed confidence and has become an advocate for other children who face
             bullying. She has set her own goals and has a new love for dance, gymnastics and reading. She
             has also become a leader and a positive role model for her peers.

             “Ms. Lori has been a blessing on our family,” said Nana.  Saraha is a beautiful girl with a bright
             future and I now have the support I need to keep our family together. We are truly grateful for
             Ms. Lori and the Niagara Home Run Program.”
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