Page 18 - 2017 Annual Report Final
P. 18
FINANCIALS fiscal Year 2016-17
Meet chRistine stuto, DiRectoR of finance
Q: How long have you been with Berkshire?
A: I celebrate my one year anniversary on September 27, 2017
Q: Why do you work in the nonprofit world, specifically at Berkshire?
A: My career has been focused in the nonprofit industry because it gives a “numbers person”
a chance to indirectly make a difference. While we do not interact daily with the youth, we
are a direct support for those who do.
Q: What ways are you involved with the agency outside of your job
A: This year, I enjoyed volunteering at the Annual Plant Sale and attendeding the school
graduation ceremony along with several of my team members. This was one of the most
humbling experiences for me; to hear the difference we have made brought us all to tears. I
also work directly with alumni through The Mott Family Scholarship and they are always
respectful and a pleasure to work with.
Q: How do you encourage your team to get involved?
A: It is not hard to encourage my team to get involved. They are eager to be a part of our
Berkshire community. We participated as a team in our annual Holiday Angels Program.
After seeing the wish lists of the youth in care, we were driven to help make their holidays a
little brighter. “The people I work with everyday are caring and
compassionate and want to make a difference. I
am glad that I can be a part of that difference.”