Page 15 - Newsletter
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     ✓ The paper ‘Investigation of a PV Fed Improved Smart Home EV

          Battery Charging System using Multi Output Hybrid Converter’ was
          published in the ‘International Journal of Renewable Energy
          Research’ due to the appreciable efforts that were made by the

          professors, Arindam Mukherjee, Krithiga S., Partha, and Sarathi

     ✓ Professors, Ankita Paul, Krithiga Subramanian, Sujitha
          Nachinarkiniyan had their work published in the ‘Turkish Journal of

          Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences’. The paper was based
          on the research that had been done on, ‘PV-based off-board electric

          vehicle battery charger using BIDC’.

     ✓ Exclusive credits were given to the professors, K. T. M. U. Hemapala,
          H. M. J. N. Herath, O. V. Gnana Swathika, for their impressive work
          on the topic, ‘Benchmarking medium voltage feeders using data

          envelopment analysis: A case study’. It went on the be recognized
          internationally through the publications in the journal ‘ Telkomnika’.

     ✓ The professors, O. V. Gnana Swathika and K. T.M. U. Hemapala

          worked on the research paper, ‘IOT Based Energy Management
          System for Standalone PV Systems’, which later went on to be
          published in the well know international journal, ‘Journal of Electrical

          Engineering and Technology’.

     ✓ The ‘Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer
          Science’ commemorated the research work done by the VIT
          professors, Bhagyashri.S , Kanimozhi.G , and Umamaheswari, in

          their September edition owing to the commendable paper written
          on ‘Pre-scheduled load shutdown in microgrid utilizing

          computerized surveillance system’.
     ✓ N.Karthik , A.K.Parvathy, and R.Arul, S.Baskar were honoured by the

          ‘Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science’
          due to the immence work that was done on the completing the

          research on ‘A review of optimization techniques applied to solve
          unit commitment problem in microgrid’.
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