Page 19 - Resource Booklet
P. 19
Mood Disorders: TORONTO Mood Disorders: NIAGARA REGION
Contact information: University Health Network Contact information: West Niagara Mental Health
Address: Toronto Western Address: 167A Main Street E.
Hospital, Main Pavilion, 9 floor, Room Grimsby, ON L3M 1P2
Phone: 905-309-3336
Phone: 416-603-5800 ext. 6508
Fax: 905-309-4446
Fax: 416-603-5368
Email: N/A
Email: Website:
Website: Services provided: CBT, early psychosis intervention, transition age-
based care and adult services
Services provided: assessment, medication recommendations and care for major
depressive and bipolar disorder Ages: 14-65
Ages: 18-65 Fees: Funded by the provincial government
Fees: OHIP Referral Process: A referral from a doctor is needed. WNMH does
comprehensive assessments, beyond the scope of what general
Referral Process: Referral from Doctor required
physicians can offer
Master level options: Yes
Master level options: A practicum is available