Page 3 - 3CX Edition 1 ITEXPO EDITION 2015
P. 3

January 2015 3CX Drilldown 3
Businesses on the Move - Boosting 

Mobility with Uniied Communications

OWith the need to create 
ver the past few years, mobility has when out of the oice. Today, most companies are ALLERY
allowed businesses to grow and develop beneiting from some form of mobility, whether it a more mobile workforce 
the way in which they work and to
increase productivity. Following the exponential be allowing employees to access their work email, or by implementing more sophisticated solutions being identiied as the by Bianca Allery, 
growth in the accessibility of mobile devices in to enable connectivity to the company’s phone Marketing Manager, 3CX
recent years, the potential for working ‘on the go’ system at all times.
second most popular 
and the beneits that accompany it can no longer mobility is proving to be a major priority for Even in it’s simplest form, mobility is allowing reason for adopting 
be ignored.
companies to improve the way they do business 
With the need to create a more mobile and most importantly, gain a competitive edge.
uniied communications 
workforce being identiied as the second STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION
(InformationWeek, 2014), 
most popular reason for adopting uniied With the increase in availability of public WiFi and TAKE YOUR OFFICE WHEREVER YOU GO
mobility is proving to be a 
communications (InformationWeek, 2014),
3G/4G, it has never been easier to stay connected
With 60% of employees carrying out work
major priority for business.

communications outside of oice hours (Ofcom, 
2014), enabling mobility is a key concern for the 
majority of businesses.
Perhaps the most attractive aspect of UC 
solutions therefore is the one number concept 
which allows employees to take their oice 
extension number with them wherever they 
go; important calls won’t be missed and it’s no longer necessary to give out multiple phone 
numbers or even worse, personal mobile 
numbers. Very simply, your oice is wherever 
you are, meaning that working from home has 
never been easier and time spent commuting 
need no longer be a drain on time and proits.

he beneits of mobility are noticeable for
both employer and employee. Companies can 
see impressive cost savings as mobile bills are 
reduced and productivity and time management 
is improved.
Meanwhile, employees can enjoy the beneits
of more lexibility and maintaining better 
customer relationships with the ability to be 
more responsive. With other features such as the 
ability to set your availability and to view your colleague’s presence, employees are also better 
able to utilise their time.
Employees now have the power to develop
a communication set-up that works for them;
in a study with CTrip by Stanford University, 
the travel website based in China found that 
productivity among teleworkers rose by
9.5% - 13% when they were allowed to work 
from home. A third of this increase could be 
attributed to the quieter working environment 
while the other two thirds was due to the 
employees having worked more hours. (Harvard 
Business Review, 2014).

In order to achieve the full beneits mobility 
can ofer, a carefully considered strategy is 
important. Firstly businesses need to look for
a sotware-based uniied communications 
solution which includes secure and easy-to-use phone clients for all operating systems, so with 
whichever device your employees choose they 
can keep in touch.
Additionally, investing in a solution which 
leverages WebRTC is a no-brainer, as this 
technology is set to revolutionize the uniied 
communications market. With WebRTC, there 
is no need for additional plugins or sotware
in order to take part in web meetings or video 
conferences; in just a few simple steps you’re all 
set and ready to go.
Moreover, a corporate UC solution is an 
investment for the future- a high quality vendor 
will provide a fully functional communications 
system which will increase productivity and 
ofer a professional experience. ■

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