Page 5 - 3CX Edition 1 ITEXPO EDITION 2015
P. 5

January 2015
3CX Drilldown 5

Four Reasons Why its Time 3CX Releases Phone 

To Switch to SIP Trunking
System 12.5

more widespread interest. WebRTC ELLIOT
To protect against having to susceptible to local power 
Gessentially allows users to use their scale up this way, businesses outages resulting from 
browsers as applications for real-time by Amy Elliot oten purchase enough lines weather events or equipment 
communications without the need for Marketing to handle peak capacity, failure. he technology also 
by Doug Green
any additional clients or plugins. A 2014 study by Disruptive Analysis projects that Executive
which means resources are wasted when traic is slower. allows calls to be routed to pre-determined locations
by 2019 there will be more than 2 billion As businesses look for ways Because SIP trunks are virtual if a primary oice location 
3CX was founded in 2005
people and 6 billion devices using and to increase collaboration
lines, the infrastructure goes oline for any reason. 
supporting WebRTC. Bearing all this in and decrease expenses, necessary to capacity when Considering even a few 
by entrepreneur Nick Galea mind it’s obvious that WebRTC is the way switching to SIP trunking
and where you need is already minutes of downtime can 
who saw the need for an open forward and any vendor that wants to
is becoming an increasingly in place. In other words, you cost a business thousands of 
standard software PBX for be around in a few years’ time will have
attractive option for business only pay for what you use.
dollars, business continuity 
to have WebRTC incorporated in their communications. Put simply, 2.
is a major advantage of SIP 
Microsoft Windows. They solution. hus, at 3CX we have integrated SIP trunk lines are a virtual trunking.
recently released version 12.5 WebRTC in 3CX Phone System to ofer our equivalent of physical T1 4.
of their 3CX Phone System.
users a complete UC solution.
lines ofered by an ‘old-style’ When you add SIP
To learn more about what this phone company. SIP trunks trunks to a high-quality PBX WITH IP-PBX
TR: At least one of the ofer a number of advantages service you can drastically PHONE SYSTEMS
new release contains we spoke enhancements within 3CX Phone for organizations, especially reduce expenses in several With SIP Telephony, a viable 
with CEO, Nick Galea.
System 12.5 is a direct result of when deployed alongside
ways. First, you eliminate alternative to traditional 
customer feedback via a sotware based IP-PBX monthly charges from a PBX has emerged. SIP 
ideas. Can you tell us more about your phone system. In fact, market service provider. Second, with telephone systems deliver 
use of customer feedback?
research irm Infonetics SIP trunks every call becomes features that enhance users’ 
TR: Please give us an overview of recently released a report that local, so your long distance mobility and productivity, 
what’s in this new version – the new features.
Galea: At 3CX we value customer feedback and we use it constructively. With projects the SIP trunking services market will reach $8 calling expenses are slashed as well.
while securing substantial cost- saving advantages.
the 3CX Ideas app our users and resellers billion by 2018. In 2014 alone, You can also save money his is making proprietary 
Galea: 3CX Phone System 12.5 is
can post feature requests and vote for the worldwide market is on by paying for one service
hardware based PBXs 
packed with cool new features, such as feature requests that other users may have track to grow to 35 percent
for communications, rather obsolete, while SIP trunks can 
website click-to-call and video calling by posted. he best ideas will rise to the top of to $4.4 billion. What follows than a separate voice and be seamlessly integrated with 
leveraging WebRTC, the ability to perform the list and be considered for inclusion in are four critical beneits your data plan. Finally, as was SIP based communications 
an attended transfer while in CTI mode, 3CX Phone System. By using the 3CX Ideas organization can reap from mentioned above, SIP trunks like 3CX Phone System for 
the updated 3CX Phone for Mac client, an app we can add features according to what this technology:
make it easy to scale your Windows.
improved chat feature for 3CXPhone for our users need, it’s a great way to listen
system without adding Our system—which 1.
Windows, the integration of Outlook 365 to our community. Also, to make it even physical phone lines, which includes a variety of
CRM as well as new supported hardware more accessible users can log in with their always come at a cost.
features like mobile clients, SCALABILITY
such as HTek IP Phones. Also, many new Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts.
uniied communications
With legacy telephony, 3.
VoIP Providers (SIP Trunks) have been and WebRTC-based web increasing capacity requires
added to this version and we are constantly TR: Is there anything else our conferencing—replaces an you to purchase additional RELIABILITY
adding new ones.
readers should know about 3CX entire legacy phone system, physical lines from the phone SIP trunks are 
Phone System v12.5?
with the SIP trunk taking the company, which is expensive extremely stable, because
TR: We understand that it includes place of old style phone lines.
and oten time-consuming.
as virtual lines they are not
clients for both Mac and Windows. Is Galea: 3CX Phone System v12.5 is 
that correct?
revolutionary. It’s one of the irst PBX’s with an integrated web conferencing solution 
Galea: Yes, that is correct. We have and also one of the irst, if not the irst, to 
included clients for Mac and Windows
leverage WebRTC technology. he previous 
in our previous versions too. With 12.5
versions of 3CX Phone System helped 3CXPhone 
we have added new features to them and businesses cut their telecommunications 
new functionalities. he Mac client now costs by up to 70%, now with WebRTC this clients to take 
includes the ability to schedule a web amount will increase and it will not only your ofice 
conference from within the client and so include telco costs but also commuting extension with 
does the Window client. Scheduling a web costs and so on.
you wherever you 
conference from within the 3CXPhone go, “one number 
clients is a matter of seconds - it only takes l Visit the 3CX website to ind out 
a few clicks. Note that 3CX Phone System is more about 3CX Phone System 12.5, concept”.
the only PBX with a Mac client.
including videos demonstrating the Work on the
new features.
go. Businesses 
TR: Tell us more about WebRTC and need to look
why you choose to incorporate it into l WebRTC video: http://youtu. 
this release.
for a software- 
l CTI mode video: based uniied 
Galea: WebRTC is a topic that the tech world has been talking about for quite Rd7QNXgr0kI
some time now and it is rapidly gaining
More at
solution which 
l includes secure 

and easy-to-use 
phone clients
CRM integration with Outlook, 
for all operating 
systems, so with Dynamics, Salesforce & Sage ACT!
whichever device 
Launch calls directly from your CRM package. 
your employees Inbound calls are matched to customers based 
choose they
on the caller ID and logged in your CRM 
can keep in touch
system. Accurate call journaling of inbound and 
outbound calls with call duration allows you to 
generate insightful reports on customer and 
agent activities

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