Page 20 - September October 2014
P. 20
Using analytics to detect application
performance anomalies
20 Telecom Reseller
By Charley Rich, VP Product Management, Nastel
problems arise, especially in today’s com-
September/October 2014
plex topologies the failure of a single appli-
IT organizations are under more pressure to
deliver exceptional business performance
cation is rarely the culprit. Performance
for what our ears deserve.
which can visually help to clarify speakers and GIRAUDIE the let. Someone to the right sounds like they’re
hat’s about to change. As more companies
eliminate over-talk.
continued from page 16 than ever. Further complicating the chal-
threats usually are the result of multiple
coming from the right. Wainhouse Research
embrace the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) he irst wave of these solutions has already lenge is the evolving nature of Information conducted an online survey of audio and web
issues—and many of these, if caught early
phenomenon, more employees will use mobile arrived. Just plug in “natural conferencing” in fToreclhanriotyloingtyo w(IhTo’)s.spTeahkeingriwseheonf. IfB1i0gpeDopaltea, in the process using real-time analytics,
conferencing users in April 2012 and found that
could prevent much larger failures from
devices with advanced audio functionality as a Google search bar and see what pops up (full amreoobnilae,caclo, iutd,oaensnd’tBmYatOteDr ifhtahveyealdl sdoeudncdom- two out of three people preferred this sort of rich,
occurring. Evading cascading failures is
their primary work devices. Likewise, the new disclosure: my company, Voxeet, is one of the hpilgehx-idteyf,crmysatkalinclgearit—evyoeur nmeeodreconctheaxltlaendging contextual sound.
essential. Ideally, IT Specialists should
avoid being in the position of putting out
waveofdigitalheadsetsandheadphones,even companiesinthisspace).Andthat’sjustthe dfiomreInTsiotonalictqyuaisrweetlhl.eJuvstisaisbkilaintyotnheewyhnoeheadsto
detect anomalies.
in the most basic form of white iPhone earbuds, beginning.
been furiously typing notes on a conference call
which immersive sound is the standard, not the
ires—they should be able to make sure the
makes it easy to harness this functionality In the future expect to see immersive Today, an organization’s application
only to interrupt the conversation to ask, “Who
infrastructure typically includes Web com-
ire never starts. But, without the necessary
comfortably and on-the-go.
communications as the new norm and embedded said that?” “Can you say your name before you
hink about the recent popularity of Sonos
ponents, messaging middleware and main-
visibility this is no simple task.
In turn, as more solutions arrive for group in all sorts of collaboration apps, from virtual talk?” “Was that you Martha? or Sue? or Sarah?”
speakers that wirelessly bring music from
frames. Application performance is impact-
To properly manage today’s application
conferencing — and believe me, with an brainstorming to instant communication with menovbilreodnemviecnest,inotrogyaonuizr ahtoiomnes. hmeus3tDbseouanbdle to What’s needed, therefore, is the clarity of HD
ed by many factors coming from multiple
estimated $5 billion market out there, the co-workers to sharing documents in the Cloud. iasninaclyrezdeibtleh.eOrencotinrseidaerppvildiceoatgioamn ecshthaaint offreorm endton,nderstandingthedependen- plus the context of 3-dimensional immersive
sources—application servers, messaging
solutions will keep on coming — companies will be able to choose conferencing solutions based It’ll make the HD revolution of today seem underwhelming by comparison — and will
richlylayeredaudioxperiences. Orcinmasandhcoiemsebthetewateresn.Athneytlimnkeswienwtahnetgcohoadins.ouItnmd,ust
sound akin to what you would experience if you
protocols, virtualized systems, capacity
were sitting around a conference table listening
not just on the price of a service but also on the usher in a whole new era of collaboration and
issues and many more. Inevitably, failures
also be able to focus on early detection
to a group of people talk in person. Someone to
we get it. Except when it comes to the workplace,
quality of sound delivered and the user interface,
in one or more of these systems occur—and
of abnormalities, differentiating symptom
innovation in the process.
the let of you sounds like they’re coming from
that is, where somehow we set diferent standards
IT is left to deal with the result.
from cause rather than simply reacting to
Such situations are why Application
Performance Management (APM) solu-
an outage. The combination of these two
with leading sotware vendors such as Microsot, AUDIN grown to the number two spot ater Cisco at the
l AudioCodes’ ESBCs are designed into
tions exist. To be effective, APM must
factors provides the level of assurance IT
Genesys, and BroadSot is driving demand for the continued from page 17 deliver three major beneits: it must gain
the reference architectures of leading uniied needs in its key mission: to reduce the fre-
expense of Cisco’s and Oracle’s market share.
communications and contact centers solutions enough visibility to see an entire system; quency and duration of outages.
AudioCodes now accounts for 12.2% of the total
End-to-end performance monitoring and
“We are pleased to have been recognized by from Microsot, Genesys, BroadSot and others
2t0ra18c.kByatchteinv,ithiesmatrhkreotuwgilhl tothale$1i.6nfbrilalisotnruUcStDur.e market. Last year AudioCodes was 6.4% of the
analysis must embrace the entire IT envi-
Infonetics as a dominant player in the ESBC l ESBCs are part of AudioCodes chain as they occur; and correlate events— ESBC market. he AudioCodes growth from
ronment, from .NET to mainframes. It must
market,” said Nimrod Borovsky, AudioCodes’ comprehensive end-to-end voice networking hmaenyMoafrkweht iPclhaymeirgshCt hseaenmgeuPnoresilatitoedn—s in
cover a wide range of components from 1Q14 to 2Q14 was at a signiicant rate of 35%.
VP Marketing. “he company has been investing solutions for enterprises
order to spot developing trends before
J2EE application servers, Web Services to
l here has been a shit in the market penetration
signiicant eforts in its SBC ofering over the l AudioCodes ofers unique and price-efective users are impacted. Surprisingly, a number
AudioCodes Position
for the ESBC vendor’s.
middleware messaging, brokers and even
of APM platforms miss on one or more of
past few years and the consistent growth in SBC high availability options (redundancy, survivability l he primary vendors in 2014 are Cisco, these key functions.
In a recent press release issued by AudioCodes,
legacy applications. It must also be elastic,
revenues and market recognition demonstrates and resiliency) across its entire ofering of SBC AudioCodes Oracle, and Sonus. Alcatel Lucent
To be sure, most APM solutions do a
having the ability to transparently scale to
Infonetics stated, “AudioCodes ofers the market
our success.”
was added to the report for 2014 but was not listed
amweiedte uponretxfoplieocotef dunsiuforrgmesESinBCdse,”mcoamndm. ented
good job of monitoring individual applica-
AudioCodes ESBC Ofering
For more information on AudioCodes ESBC Diane Myers, Principal Analyst, VoIP, UC, and
in the 2013 report.
tions. But, monitoring is not enough. When
See RICH, page 21
products, visit TR
Market shares have shited, AudioCodes has
IMS for Infonetics Research. ”heir integration
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