Page 18 - September October 2014
P. 18
1T8elecom RTeeselellceor m Reseller
continued from page 17
Inc. AP
sk A ro
Connect and Communicate
Just because CIOs want to play it safe doesn’t
Connect and Communicate
and budget signiicant costs for a new platform.
QCertiied Online Training
mean they don’t want to innovate. Value
comparable levels of service. The biggest
One example of an exciting evolution of a
Is an MDM solution required to support BYOD?
Save money by extending the life
Added Resellers and UC equipment providers business effect will be inancial. Incentives legacy Nortel deployment is GENBAND’s recent
needMtoDcrMeate(MevolbuitlieonaDreyvoifcersMthatndaegleivmerent) ptoromjecitgfroarteCtIoBCIP, osnerovficCeasnwadial’ls blaergoefsftebraendksb.y
at your Fingertips
compelling mobility and collaboration services
GcaErNriBeArsNaDndpaprtrniceeresdftoigrhltelygawciythsCeIrBvCic’ses will of your existing equipment.
software is not required to support
eixnicstrienagseretsoellenr,cBoeullraCgaenaedaar.lyhmeigr rteaatimons . % wBiYthOouDt;fohrociwngevwehro,ldesaatlaescehcaungriet.ytopsthelist
A1 Teletronics will take you out of the classroom
for convenient online training. Save time and
worked together on all phases of the project; ofTeimnteirsplriitseeralclyonmcoenrneysifnoirnmanocbiaileseurvseicress. A
everything from the response to CIBC’s RFP, to money by eliminating travel costs. With 30 days
svoatrhietsye oorgfanmizeatthiondsarfeoarggserecsusirvinelgy sdeeaktaingare
available,but thultimatedetermination
to complete each training, classes can be taken ofhowtosecuredatawithinaBYODpro-
strategy, engineering, pricing, and project roll waystodlivermoremoblecollaborationoLweLL
A1’s repair services will save you money by increasing
at your own pace.
services withfaster accesstoco-workersandthe life of your equipment. Our technicians are fully
gram is dependent upon speciic business
out and management.
he GENBAND/Bell Canada solution won the contract and deployed an evolutionary
Additional beneits include downloadable training
customers. he key is to make that ofer a
trained in the planning, coniguration, programming
rThe key to suc-
natural evolution of trusted communications
supplements and the ability to revisit past lessons.
solution that let the bank continue using
What does PSTN transitioning mean for busi-
and installation of telecom systems. In addition, all Unteislsreesc?ently, it didn’t seem like there was existing handsets, mcaeinstasinfiuntelgrtaetiolnewcitoh am
repairs are backed by a two-year warranty.
Aany ePvoSlTutNionatrayncshioticoensifnogr lewgaiclly Ndoerctoelmmis-
For details, visit
number of critical business processes, as well as
their contact center.
latfosrimons; tahney tdreasdirietifonraclhsawngietcmheadnterlieppahnodne
ISO 9001
rneeptlwacoe.rkFinanandcirael pselarvciecesitorwgaitnhizatnionIsPw-bitahsed 800.797.2983
By Timothy C. Colwell, Senior Vice President of Global
ISO 9001
CnSet1w0o00rks,.CMS 2e1a0s0usroers SaLr-e100bse–inagndetshtaerbeliasrheed Business Analytics AOTMP
A Seamless UC Evolution
AscdiNatd The global alliance of the it channel AscdiNatd As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not afiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted CIBC’s evolution started at the core with
ablyargtehneumFCbeCr oftotheemnsourtethetrhea-t--deuitrhienrghatdhe
usiness leaders deine success in
The global alliance of the it channel
oAthsearnwiIsned.eApneyndaenndtaDllitsrtaridbeumtoar,rkAr1igThetlseatrsosnoicsia, tIendc.wisithnothteamfilaiantuefdacwtuithretrhse’ nmamaneusfacntdurperrosdoufcthsearperodwuncetsd ibt ysethlles reexscpeepcttaivseemxapnreusfasclytunroetresd. otherwise. Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
technology transition all customers receive
to maintain the status quo or risk the transition
hared mtuelcehcofmitsmhaenriataggeemweitnht tihseniroNdoifrftelrent. s
eavren daselmivoebrielidty fsoervitchees amndosutnieifefdecmtievsesagcionsgt,
wthaesnadidneda.ncNiaewl sSuecsscieosnsBiosrdaecrhCieovnetdrolalenrds the
(tSeBleCcso)menamblaendatghembaenkt topreamcbtircaeceiSsIPsuccess-
Tfruul.nkTihneg, oelbimjeicntaivtiengisthseimexpleen,sebuoft geaxtewcuaytion
cphlaerxg.esT. echnology changes rapidly, carriers
reUcoltnimigatuerlye, tsherdveicsiegsn eanadbleradteCsIBfCretqouently,
daenpdlosyearvgiecoe-rcedounnsudamnpt tciaornrieirs-qinusaalitiyable. The fequencyofchangeinixedandmobile
architecture withtelatestsotware rchitectureatnedletchoemlateesnt venirdo-numserensetrsvicises.thEevenfothrceebanthka’st
IcPoCnsIPistreandtilnygc“htuarlrletnsg”ewserteheingteogaraltoedf ionptotimthael
osveerrvailcl eso-tlou-ticoons,taploenrgfowrmithaNncIeC.E call recording,
andCstoantdraorldso-vbearsecdhPaonlgyceomis ethnedpsoiingtsu,lar key
will be fully upgraded, including a very large
to manage effectively and eficiently. The
genesis of control is a telecom environment
campus, and several large bank branches. hat
Nick Davis is a VIP customer number will double to about 50,000 as CIBC
baseline. A baseline includes all services,
moves more users onto their own private
technology and vendors that comprise the
He prefers to use email
GENBAND UC cloud, once again reducing
telecom environment. A solid baseline that
And I’m his preferred agent cost.
has been evaluated and validated improves
At the same time the bank will continue to
the ability of telecom management practi-
His emails get routed to me
drive more mobile traic and more service
tioners to identify service waste, optimize
interactions to contact center staf, paving the
network services and drive unncessesary
I check his contact history way for adoption of web-based applications
cost out of the environment.
andEmsotabbilleisWheinbRgTCa sebravsiceelsin. eheofsolruetsionusrces
Respond to his question promptly will better connect teams inside CIBC, as well
managing the telecom environment and
as engage consumers, partners and others
the processes that guide worklow is also
necessary. Optimizing the methods of man-
Give him the VIP treatment By leveraging in-place investments and solid
aging the telecom environment and the
assets with the right “evolution solution,” CIBC
structure of the organization improves ser-
Makes him happy
is saving money in a number of ways (no rip
vice delivery ability, increases operational
- replace and retrain, SIP Trunk consolidation
eficiency, and improves the total cost of
Which makes my job easy
and phone handset re-use) and is able to
telecom ownership.
“reinvest” in the latest Web technologies.
The highest level of telecom manage-
he bank now has a platform to embrace
ment success is achieved when complete
the next communications evolution for a Web
control of the environment is gained. To
to telephony strategy. GENBAND provided a
gain complete control, focus on estab-
unique approach that leverages the customer’s
lishing a telecom environment baseline,
existing end-points and supports legacy Nortel
validating the baseline, and optimizing the
users with a graceful and more cost-efective
technical and operational elements of the
migration to UC.
environment to improve inancial perfor-
As the economy continues to improve
mance. %
and grow, it is only itting that inancial
For more visit
institutions improve and grow their real time
communications platforms, making them more
secure, more reliable, more lexible and more
productive than ever. To learn more about
GENBAND’s solutions for the inancial industry
visit Continued from page 3
a day, just to see how they were able to
slowly turn sand into a majestic castle was
For those that attended, the session
recordings will be available at: www.enter-
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an emCalill: 8w00it6h67l-o8g9-6i5n•cFraexd3e6n0ti2a6l0s-9t7o26access
We’ve already started planning for our
Enterprise CAonDnVecEtR2T0I1S5INpaGrticipation and
Call: 360 260-9708 • Toll Free: 800 667-8965 hope to see you at the event too. %
Fax: 360 260-9726
You cWanebke: ewpwthwe.tceolnevceormsartieosneglloeirn.cgowmit/havAalayaneoxntTrawitter
p1-28_TR_Sep/Oct_2014.indd 18
15/10/2014 17:04