Page 16 - September October 2014
P. 16

16 Telecom Reseller
September/October 2014
Delivering the Omni-Channel Immersive 

Experience Your Customers Expect
in the workplace

Sometimes, what they want is to provide instant shy; they are all too willing to give you feedback, IRAUDIE
feedback about their experience with your and it is easier than ever for them to do so 
brand—especially if it was negative. According eiciently through their mobile device. However, by Stephane Giraudie, CEO by: Peter Oxley, VP Mar- 
to a recent research study by eDigitalResearch, your company must be operationally ready to Voxeet (
keting, ResponseTek (www. 
75 percent of consumers stated that they now absorb and process tremendous volumes of
Texpect to be able to provide feedback on their experiences “in the moment” beyond email, inbound data, garner actionable insight and
then disseminate it to the frontline where they s demand grows for communications solutions that can actually deliver 
oday’s connected consumers have non- and via both digital and analog channels such as are empowered to take corrective action with
decipherable sound (imagine that!),
HD voice has emerged as the new go-to feature. stop, everywhere access to your brand. social media, feedback surveys and live chat or the afected customer. With today’s socially 
Skype, which irst put HD voice on the map,
From visiting your brick-and-mortar
telephone support.
connected consumer, the backlash can be 
now has competition from the likes of Google store to using your mobile app to visiting your You will learn what experiences are most signiicant from being perceived as merely paying 
Voice and WhatsApp, which is set to introduce website, they expect a consistent experience at critical for you to change irst in your omni- lip service to customer feedback. Avoid this risk 
high-deinition voice calling any day now. Mobile every point of their buying decision. For instance, channel implementation path by listening to the by partnering with a reputable CEM platform 
carriers have jumped on the bandwagon as
they want the same features on your app that
voice of the customer at key transactional points provider with deep experience set in your 
well; T-Mobile introduced HD voice at the 2013 are available on your website. If you don’t ofer in each interaction channel. his is called an industry.
CES conference in Vegas, and Sprint followed this omni-channel consistency, consumers Omni-channel Listening Strategy, and it gives When it comes to omni-channel consistency, 
suit this June with a nationwide rollout and a can become frustrated and may move on to a you a strategic roadmap for where you should the answer is in the question, in a sense. It does 
30-day free trial. Ater decades in which sound competitor.
apply your investment to make the highest take planning and efort to create a consistent 
quality was cast aside as a nice-to-have rather his kind of consistency experience isn’t cheap, returns. Your customers are earnestly seeking consumer experience across all channels,
than an expectation, it’s good to see new apps easy or instant. Executives need to align with
ways to tell you the hot points that are causing but understanding how your customers and 
and old guard mobile carriers inally pushing the this mandate. Investments in technology must
them the most frustration.
prospects use each channel will help you know 
pendulum forward.
be made. Frontline training must take place.
How can you enable this at a practical level? where to start. Consumers expect interaction, so 
When it comes to the business world, however, It may seem like an insurmountable hurdle to Leading telecoms send quick SMS surveys to creating a Voice of the Customer Program is a 
we’re still stuck in the Dark Ages. Of the 100 ofer omni-channel consistency to current and subscribers, triggered in real time ater activating great way to get the feedback necessary to better 
billion minutes devoted to group calls each
would-be customers; where do you even start? a plan (either online or in-store), asking about serve them.
year, the vast majority of those are spent on audio bridges (dial-in), not even HD. As more However, the customers who demand it are also the primary resource to draw from to help guide the user friendliness of their online customer portal or the quality of support delivered by the Make use of the real-time nature of mobile
surveys to gather information immediately ater
companies embrace distributed workforces and you along the process of what to do irst.
ield or contact center. Customer feedback is consumer interactions, while the experience is
their employees migrate further away from their Modern consumers have grown up with or gathered in real time and immediately routed
still top of mind. Finally, use your CEM platform
desks, the importance of group conferencing become quickly accustomed to short bytes of to the frontline to take corrective action. to route this information to the frontline team so
solutions will only increase. So too will the need
entertainment and information, leading to Short Dashboards also highlight key pain points.
that it can be acted on. Don’t go to all the trouble
Attention Span Syndrome. Like the “Willie Instant customer feedback can be a double- of gathering customer intelligence if you don’t
Wonka” character Veruca Salt, they want it now!
edged sword. Connected consumers are not
plan to use it in a timely fashion. TR    JOGL continues on page 20 ››

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